UW 1 Flashcards
Evaluation of dysphagia
History of diffic initiating swallowing with cough, chocking or nasal regurg?
YES –> likely oropharyngeal –> Videofluor modiefied barium swallow
NO –> Likely esoph dysphag:
- solid + liquids –> Motility disorder –> Barium swallow followed by pssible manometry
- solid progressing to liquids –> if history of prior radiatio, caustic injury, complex stricure, surgery then barium swallow followed by possible endoscopy, if no: upper endoscopy
oropharyngeal dysphagia
difficulty initiating swallowing de to inabiity to properly transfer food from mount to pharynx (due to stroke, dementia, maligancy, neuromuscular disorders etc)
due to narrowing of the distal esophagus 2ry to causes other than denervation (eg. cancer) –> can mimic achalasia
- cluses: significant weight loss, rapid onset of symptoms, older than 60
- endoscopy
endoscopy (+) esophag ca –> next step
CT for staging
if endoscopy nonrevealing and there is still concern for esoph ca
HCV chronic infection - manifestation
elevated liver functio n test, mild hepatomegaly, increased liver echogenicity, (+) HCV antibodies)), elevated HCV RNA
HCV management - generaly
antivaral agents (sofosbuvir-valpatasvir) - prevent liver damage: avoid alcool, HAV, + HBV vaccination
treatment for HIV and chronic HBV co-infection
severe alcoholic hepatitis treatment
diarrhea in celiac disease vs lactose def
celiac –> foul-smelling and greasy
lactose –> water
factors that increase the risk for complications in diverticulosis
- heavy meat consumption
- aspirirn or NSAID use
- obesity
- smoking
- alcohol is associated with the formation but no with the complications
alcohol - diverticula
associated in the formation
not associated with complications
caffeine - diverticula
no association
Wilson - pathogenesis
AR mutation of ATP7B –> hepatic copper accumulation –> leak from damaged hepatocytes –> deposits in tissues (eg. basal ganglia, cornea)
wilson disease - clinical findings
- hepatic (acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis, corrhosis)
- neurologic (parkinsonism, gait disturbance, dysarthria)
- psychiatic (depression, personality changes, psychosis)
Wilson - diagnosis
- low ceruloplasmin
- increased urinary cpper
- Kayser Fleisher rings
- Increased copper content on liver biopsy
Wilosn treatment
chelators (eg. D. penicillamine, trientine)
zing: interferes with copper abortion
GI bleeding causes increased BUN/cr ratio - mechanism
- urea production (from intestinal breakdown of Hb)
2. increased urea reabsorption (hypovolemia)
staging of gastric adenocarcinoma - steps
initial endoscopy/biopsy (+_
- -> CT of the abdomen –> PET/CT, endoscopic U/S laparoscopy, CT chest +/- paracentesis/peritoneal lavage)
- limited stage –> surgical resenction
2. advancedchemo +/- palliative surgery
the most appropriate diagnostic tests for acute HBV infection
HBsAg and anti-HBc : both elevatd intiial infection and anti HBc remain (+) during window
cocaine causes gastritis - mechanism
vasoconstriction –> reducing gastric blood flow
another RF for Mallory Weiss tear
hiatal hernia
Mallory Weiss treatment
- spontaneously
- endoscopic therapy if persistent bleeding (electrocoagulation or locan injection of epinephrine)
clue that suggests biliary pancreatitis
ALP more than 150
illicit drug that can cause acute pancreatitis
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - definition
hepatic steatosis on imaging or biopsy
- exclusion of significant alcohol use
- exclusion of other causes of fatty liver
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - U/S
hyperechoic tecture on U/S
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - treatment
- diet + exercise - consider bariatric surgery if BMI 35 or greater
Crohn disease - extrainestinal findings
musculoskeletal (arthritis), eye (uveitis, scleritis, episcleritis), skin (erythema nodosum, puoderam gangrenosum)
Crohn - diagnosis
- elevated WBC, iron def anemia, elevated inlf markers
- endoscopy: focal ulcerations adjacent to normal mucosa (cobblestoning) skin areas of disease
- radiography: strictures, bowel wall thickening
Crohn - treatment
5-ASA drugs, corticosteroids, antibiotics
- azathioprine
- Anti-TNF
suspected gastrinoma –>
endoscopy shows multiple stomach ulcers + thickened gastric folds –> check gastrin levels off PPI threapy for 1 week
- less than 110 –> no gastrinoma
- more than 1000 –> check gastric ph: more than 4 it is no gastrinoma, 4 or less to further test to localize it
- 100-1000 –> secretin stimulation test
hepatic encephalopahty - diuretics
low intravascular volume with:
hypokelamia –> exacerbate HE
2. metab alkalosis –> exacerbate HE
protein restriction to avoid hepatic encephalopaty
no because chirrotic patients need protein
- only if TIPS
manifestation of high estrogen in chirrosis
- testicular atrophy
- gynecomastia
- decreased body hair
- spider angiomas
- plamar erythema
1st step in evaluating asymptomatic elevation of aminotransferases
take a thorough history to rule out the more common hepattis RFs (eg. alcohol, drugs, travels, bood transfusion, sex, etc) –> life modification –> repeat –> if still high –> tests
Hamman sign
crushing sounds on chest ausculation (esophageal perforation)
esophageal perforation - diagnosis
- CXR or CT scan: wide mediastinum, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, air around paraspinal muscles, pleural effusion (late)
2 .CT: esophageal wall thickening, mediastinal air fluid level - water soluble contrast esophagogram: leak at perforation site
esophageal perforation - management
- antibiotcs + supportive care for all patients
2. surgical repair for significant leakage with systemic infl response