UV therapy Flashcards
What are the wavelength ranges for UVA and UVB?
UVA = 320-400nm UVB= 280-320nm
How is the dose of UV determined for UV therapy?
Varies by skin type, usually 70% of minimum erythema dose (minimal dose needed to induce erythema) and increased as tolerated with each visit to maximum dose
Why are psoralen’s used with UVA (mechanism of PUVA)?
DNA doesn’t absorb UVA much. Psoralens are absorbed and intercalated into the DNA prior to the UV exposure. Photoactivated psoralen molecules –> 3,4 or 4’,5’ cyclobutane monofunctional adducts to pyrimidines in DNA–> interstrand DNA cross-link and decreased DNA synthesis/cell cycle arrest –> selective immunosuppression, selective cytotoxicity (via the production of ROS and free radicals) and melanocyte stimulation
Uses in dermatology for PUVA?
Psoriasis, vitiligo, CTCL, dermatitis, photodermatoses (desensitization protocols), GVHD, and LP
Where are psoralens metabolized?
By the liver
How should psoralens be taken?
Ideally fasting, if there is nausea/upset stomach can try taking with food
Side effects of PUVA?
Nausea/vomiting, phototoxic reactions (symptomatic erythema, if widespread hold treatment), pruritus, hepatic toxicity, bronchoconstriction, HSV recurrences, cardiovascular stress CNS disturbances, photoaging melanoma NMSC (usually if >250 tx; skin exam q 6-12 months), ocular issues (cataracts)
Contraindications to PUVA?
Lactation, lupus erythematosus, pemphigus/pemphigoid, albinism, porphyria, and XP
Dosing strategy of PUVA?
Usually 2-3x per week until the dz is mostly clear, then maintenance schedule where radiation dose is kept the same and visit frequency is decreased and then stopped
What wavelengths of UV light are used for UVA-1 therapy?
340-400 (UVA1)
How does dosing work for UVA-1 therapy?
Can be low, medium, or high dosing –> sensitivity to UVA can vary significantly, so dose is based on minimum erythema dose
What disorders can be treated with UVA-1?
Not many centers have this, so not often used and not superior to PUVA or NB-UVB
- Can be used for SLE (low dose), scleroderma/other sclerodermoid skin conditions (at least 30 tx’s), AD, MF
What is the mechanism of action for UVB therapies?
Decrease DNA synthesis (important in psoriatic epidermis), increase p53 leading to cell cycle arrest and keratinocyte apoptosis, decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines, decrease Langerhans cells in the skin
What wavelength is used for narrowband UVB?
How is dosing controlled for NB-UVB?
Based on skin type or 70% minimal erythema dose. Treatments start at 3x/week and then the dose is increased by 10-15% with each visit (with adjustments depending on reaction).
UV opaque goggles and protection on genitals are warn