UV Flashcards
UVA wavelength
400-315 nm
UVB wavelength
315-280 nm
UVC wavelength
280-100 nm
Thermal Daily Limit
E = 10,000 J/m^2 over any 8 hour period
315-400 nm eye
Photochemical Daily Limit
E eff = 30 J/m^2 over any 8 hour period
weighted, 180-400 nm eye and skin
Typical spectral irradiances for UVA
4 mW/cm^2
Typical spectral irradiances for UVB
0.2 mW/cm^2
Uses of UV radiation
room lighting
curing resin
germicidal irradiation (UVC)
black light
Properties of vacuum thermopile detectors
bare detector
converts optical energy to heat enregy
broad range of wavelengths
flat response
Properties of photon detectors
photoelectric or solid state
use with diffuser or filter
restricted range of wavelengths
match detector to lamp type
non uniform spectral response
What is UV spectrometry used for?
intergrated counts at each wavelength step
Range of UV in tissue
0.1 mm
Which wavelength range is most damaging?
(280 - 100 nm)
Which wavelength range is most effective at causing erythema?
(315 - 280 nm)
What are the bio-effects of UV exposure?
vitamin D production
skin cancer