utterly Flashcards
completely and without qualification; absolutely
“he looked ——- ridiculous”
- całkowicie, zupełnie, kompletnie, absolutnie
“I have walked on the Thelemic ——- for a couple of years o try it out..”
- prąd, natężenie prądu, nurt, kierunek, bieg
obrzęd, rytuał, ryt
a religious or other solemn ceremony or act
mieszkać, zamieszkać, rezydować, tkwić
have one’s permanent home in a particular place
“people who work in the city actually reside in neighboring towns”
residing ; reside
powinno się coś
“We —– to support the Chinese in solving their problems.”
“I believe we —– to be discussing this.”
“I believe, however, that we —– to be pragmatic, and avoid succumbing to hypocrisy.”
ought to
dążyć do czegoś
strive after something
oddział, gałaź, odgałęzienie, filia, dyscyplina, odnoga dziedzina
dotyczyć, odnosić się, należeć, wchodzić w zakres
istota, sedno, esencja, treść, ekstrakt
konstytucja, skład, ukonstytuowanie, organizm, natura, dekret, układ psychiczny
evade or escape from ( a danger, enemy, pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.
uchylać się, omijać, wymknąć się, wymijać, wymigać się, wykręcać się
a firm hold or grip
chwyt, uchwyt, władza
chwycić, zrozumieć, pojąć, ująć, schwytać
otchłan, przepaść, czeluść
oczyścić, wyklarować, rafinować
clean, cleanse, filter, refine
something regarded as worthless; rubbish
żużel, śmieci, świństwo
wyżej wymieniony
denoting a thing or person previously mentioned
a risky or daring journey or undertaking
make(information) known, communicate
podzielić, udzielać, dodawać, zakomunikować, podzielić się
“teachers had a duty to —— strong morals to their students”
discourage (someone) from doing something, typically by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences
powstrzymać, odstraszać, odstręczać, hamować od czegoś, odtrącać
“only a health problem would —– him from seeking re-election”
“I will not —– people in their path, but i will try to warn them the dangers of it, so that they too can come out, hopefully, unscathed.”
without suffering any injury, damage, or harm.
“I came through all those perils ———”
intentionally, on purpose, carefully, cautiously
celowo, rozmyślnie, z premedytacją, rozważnie, nieśpiesznie
consciously and intentionally; on purpose.
“the fire was started ————”
“She would never have ———— taken her own life.”
“He ———— tried not to think about the telegram any more.”
“are you deliberately trying to annoy me?”
in a careful and unhurried way.
“slowly and ———— he rose from the armchair”
“she walked ———— to the desk”
dać sobie z czymś spokój, obyć się bez czegoś, darować sobie coś ,
“One could even 00000000 with morality and decency.”
dispense with something
behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
, obyczajność, skromność
“she had the 0000000 to come and confess”
“I am not conventionally religious, but I do have a very strong faith in the essential decency of humanity.”
a flower or a mass of flowers on a tree or bush.
“tiny white blossoms”
(of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers.
kwitnąć, rozkwitać
“the mango trees have shed their fruit and 0000000ed again”
przyzwoity, skromny, ludzki, obyczajny
conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.
the good name of such a 000000 and innocent person
of an acceptable standard; satisfactory.
“find me a 000000 cup of coffee”
a person who claims or is believed to have magic powers; a wizard.
czarodziej, czarnoksiężnik, mag
zawalać się (np. budynek), gruchnąć, runąć
“Be careful, the garage is about to 000000 0000. “(Uważaj, garaż za chwilę się zawali.)
tumble down
karkołomnie, na złamanie karku, głową naprzód, na oślep
She fell 00000000 down the stairs after catching him in bed with a barmaid.”
“Completely taken by surprise, Vincent tripped over the foot and stumbled, falling 0000000 for the floor.”
wnikliwość, roztropność, bystrość
bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
“the report reveals racism and right-wing bigotry”
“Intolerance and racial bigotry is a destructive force that can create tensions in local communities.”
“Religion too often wore a mask of bigotry and cruelty”
bigoteria [fr.], dewocja, powierzchowna, manifestacyjna pobożność, nadgorliwość w spełnianiu rel. praktyk zewn. bez zrozumienia ich sensu.
przykład, przypadek, wypadek
| czasownik |
cite (a fact, case, etc.) as an instance or example
synonimy: cite, quote, refer to, mention
“here he instances in particular the work of Bach”
rzeczownik |
an example or single occurrence of something.
synonimy: example, exemplar, occasion, occurence, case
“a serious instance of corruption”
“On the 2 instances when I was regressed during hypnosis training,..”
uroczysty, świąteczny, biesiadny, odświętny
of or relating to a festival.
“parties are held and 0000000 food is served”
“Local pubs and clubs are doing their bit to keep their people safe on the roads during the festive season.”
a personal follower of Jesus during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles
“At the level of the heart connection, mututal passion links the teacher and 00000000”
cemetery, graveyard, necropolis
| czasownik |
make (someone) troubled or nervous.
“the thought of questioning Toby agitated him extremely”
synonimy: upset, perturb, fluster, ruffle, disconcert
mieszać, wzburzyć, agitować, podniecać, skotłować, zbulwersować
przymiotnik |
feeling or appearing troubles or nervous
“there’s no point getting agitated”
synonimy: upset, perturbed, flustered, ruffled, disconcerted
poruszony, podniecony, wstrząśnięty, zmieszany, skotłowany
agitated ; agitate
say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone.
“he understood her feelings and tried to 00000000 her”
“he then breaks into a big smile, as if to 00000000 me he is only teasing.”
“Alex 00000000d him with a smile, and then lifted the laughing child into his arms”
synonimy: put/set someone’s mind at rest, put someone at ease, encourage, cheer up, comfort, hearten
covering or affecting a large area.
rozległy, obszerny, ekstensywny, rozłożysty, rozlewny
synonimy: large, large-scale, sizable, considerable, great, vast
“an 00000000 garden”
“After a walk round the 000000000 gardens and lake the group adjourned to Lullingstone for lunch.”
“They carried out an 000000000 search of the area but nothing was found.”
“After a look at his 00000000 collection of trophies, it es easier to understand the decision.”
istota fragmentu
gist of the passage
imadło, występek, nałóg, wada
immoral or wicked behavior
“Beyond all his 0000s and faults” ( o Aleisterze Crowleyu )
“In the Muslim world materialism is rampant but is considered a 0000 “
“hypocrisy is a particularly sinister 0000”
“cigars happen to be my father’s vice”
faktem jest
the fact of the matter is
niedorzeczny, nieudany, nieważny
having or showing no skill; clumsy
synonimy: incompetent, unskillful, unskilled, inexpert, amateurish, clumsy
“the 00000 handling of the threat”
“… or the similar selfish desires of the 00000 and misguided dabbler in the occult.”
“If the robbers hadn’t been so 00000 they might have got away with it.”
próżny, daremny, zarozumiały, marny, czczy, bezcelowy,, bezowocny, płonny
synonimy: concelted, narcissistic, self-loving, in love with oneself, self-admiring, self-obsessed, egocentric, arrogant, cocky, big-headed
having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth.
producing no result; useless.
“a 0000 attempt to tidy up the room”
“I took several deep breaths in a very 0000 attempt to calm myself”
“When you’re young you just cannot imagine a universe without yourself because you are so 0000.”
“he was so 0000, he would change his clothes three times a day.”
“Many even stayed in the 0000 hope of catching a glimpse of their idol.”
rozdarty przez
torn by
| czasownik |
make (a place) bleakly and depressingly empty or bare.
synonimy: devastate, ravage, ruin, lay waste to, wipe out
“the droughts that 00000000d the dry plains”
przymiotnik |
opuszczony, opustoszały, zdewastowany, bezludny
(of a place) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.
“He or she is driven out into the wild and 00000000 spaces of life by an insistent unrest they cannot quell.”
“We can’t begin to imagine how the geologists survived so long in this wild and 00000000 place.”
“It doesn’t leave you feeling 00000000 and destitute - it does give you hope.”
desolate ; desolate
a secret reason for doing something;
drugie dno, ukryty fel
hidden agenda
a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that follows the doing of something bad.
skrupuły, skrucha, żal
“Compare and contrast this wise policy to that of modern scientists, who have no 00000000000 in communicating their knowledge to anyone who wishes to profit from it under…”
“spend the money without 00000000000”
“he has no shame and no 00000000000 about throwing around baseless, false accusations such as liar, theft and fraud.”
treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.
bezstronny, obiektywny, neutralny
synonimy: unbiased, unprejudiced, neutral, nondiscriminatory, objective, fair, open-minded
“independent and 000000000 advice”
“Can one hold such strong views and yet remain 000000000 and objective ?”
wzniosły, podniosły, idealny, majestatyczny
of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
“Another reason for secrecy is that second-hand knowledge, however 0000000 and whatever its source, is no substitute for first hand experience”
“Mozart’s 0000000 piano concertos”
“composers of outstanding 00000”
“I worked hard on my college resume so I could get in basen on 00000”
“For me, he is a good player and deserves the European player of the year on merit.”
| czasownik |
deserve or be worthy of (something, especially reward, punishment, or attention)
synonimy: deserve, earn, be worthy of, be entitled to
“the results have been encouraging enough to 00000 further investigation”
rzeczownik |
zasługa, zaleta
the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.
synonimy: excellece, quality, caliber, worth, value, distinction
refuse to give (something that is due to or is desired by another)
wstrzymać, potrącać, odmawiać, ukryć
synonimy: hold back, keep back, refuse to give, hide, keep secret
“Having said this, there are some occult secrets that have been withheld for no good reasons.”
“the name of the dead man is being withheld”
| przymiotnik |
most important
synonimy: head, main, master
naczelny, główny, najważniejszy, pierwszoplanowy
“Although it was necessary to preserve the 00000 interpretations from the profane and…”
“the 00000 reason for the spending cuts”
rzeczownik |
a leader or ruler of a people or clan
szef, dyrektor, wódz, pryncypał
“the 00000 of the village”
“Although it was necessary to preserve the chief interpretations from the profane and 0000 them in the greatest secrecy, yet the more simple laws should never have been hidden”
wrap in
annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
synonimy: annoyed, cross, angry, infuriated, displeased
“I’m very 12345 with you!”
| czasownik |
make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.
“the memory of the conversation still 12345 him”
przymiotnik |
(of a problem or issue) difficult and m uch debated, problematic.
synonimy: disputed, contested, debated, at issue, problematic, tense
“Among these we would mention the misunderstandings and errors which surround the 00000 subject of ‘Karma’, also the laws governing Reincarnation, Evolution and Intelligence.”
“the 12345 question of exactly how much money the government is going to spend”
vexed ; vex
| czasownik |
keep from sight; hide
ukryć, maskować, taić, przemilczać
“None of these occult scientific doctrines should ever have been 0000000ed from humanity”
“They may also want all information about the disease to be 0000000ed from others outside the family”
przymiotnik |
kept secret; hidden
“a 0000000ed weapon”
“he spoke with barely 0000000ed anger”
concealed ; conceal
without enthusiasm or energy
bez entuzjazmu; bez przekonania
“All you will gain (assuming you do not give up after a few 00000000000 attempts), is contact with evil men and women who will use YOU until you are of no further use to them.”
“After two years of 00000000000 effort, he dropped out of school”
a large number.
“Jesus himself withheld ‘hidden’ or occult knowledge from the 000000000s, as anyone can read in the Bible.”
“a 000000000 of medical conditions are due to being overweight”
“I was astonished to see 000000000s of people in the streets and a score of new buildings”
“In autocratic states, one has to flatter only one person; in democratic states, one has to flatter the 000000000s.”
(of a boat of its passengers) floating without being either moored or steered.
“The ego… is violenty ejected out of the earth’s atmosphere and carried 000000”
“Australian authorities have found no signs of foul play aboard a Taiwanese fishing boat found 000000 and abandonen off western Australia”
“We are helplessly adrift and our current location is unknown.”
szczery, serdeczny
free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.
synonimy: heartfelt, wholehearted, deep, genuine, real, honest
“We have published a FREE online occult studies course to introduce all 0000000 seekers after Truth to the Sublime Occult Mysteries.”
“They offer their 0000000 thanks to Paul”
“Let’s have a real, 0000000 dialogue on that issue and then try to move forward together”
“This suggests to us that journalists are indeed 0000000 in their belief that they are free and independent.”
wytrwałość, ciągliwość, przyczepność
the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip
“Her 00000000, her fight for life, surprised even the doctors.”
“the 00000000 of the gay community paid off in a huge way”
np “blind tenacity”
za jednym zamachem
“This may come as a shock to those who imagine there is a secret ‘Da Vinci’ code which 00-0-000000 will magically ‘unlock’ the..”
at a stroke
worth the time, money, or effort spent’ of value or importance
“Moreover, with very few exceptions, the information imparted by them is so trivial and ordinary that it tells us nothing 0000000000 about Atlantis”
“extra lighting would make a 0000000000 contribution to road safety”
add fictitious or exaggerated details to (an account) to make it more interesting.
“she 000000000ed her stories with colorful details”
“The problem is that so many psychics and mediumistic persons will 000000000 what they have seen, heard or experienceded…”
decorate(cloth) by sewing patterns on it with thread
haftować, wyhaftowywać, szyć, dziergać
“she had already embroidered a dozen little nighties for the babies”
unable to be denied or disputed
“it is an 0000000000 fact that some dogs are easier to train than others”
make an attack or assault in return for a smiliar attack
“00-0000000, I would merely point out that this is not a unique case.”
in passing
powierzchowny, pobieżny, niegłęboki