It means that we have our own thoughts, charactertistics, personality. We ate indipendent, though we exist.
Self Contained
5 Communication senses
Speaking, Listening, Writing, Visualizing, Reaping
We have our own experience, and it is the center of all experience. The self has its own command
The self is isolated from outside world, we kept our thoughts, traits, and emotions. Ourselves is ever changing dynamic.
Qualities, characteristics, beliefs and etc. That make the person unique from one another
5 Concept of Self
Self-Knowledge, Self-Activity, Self- Indipendent, Self-Identity, Self-Image.
Refers to one’s knowledge and understanding of one’s own learning characters, motivations, and capabilities, To have these one must known their particular experiences, sensation, attitudes and beliefs.
Defined as indipendent and self-determined action of one person. It is the quality or state of being self-active or self action. It infers motion or the power of moving one self without the help or aid of the external. Person becomes active and directed from action. The basis of all learnings.
It is refers to the inner self. It is maintaning a person as separate or self-contained individual. Focuses on internal attributes like our abilities, natural intelligence not acquired one. Related to a person’s sense of worth and self-esteem and help us to strive to achieve our goal in life.
Particular characteristics of the self that determines individual uniqueness among other. It is the recognition pf one’s potentials and qualities as an individual.