UTS CHAPTER 3 Flashcards
Derived from Greek, the word anthropos means “human” and “logy” refers to the “study of.”
is the study of humanity
study the similarities and differences among living societies and cultural groups. Through immersive fieldwork, living and working with the people one is studying
Cultural anthropologists
suspend their own sense of what is “normal” in order to understand other people’s perspectives. Beyond describing another way of life, anthropologists ask broader questions about humankind.
Cultural anthropologists
is a powerful defining characteristic of human groups that shapes our perceptions, behaviors, and relationships.
is the “air we breathe:” it sustains and comprises us, yet we largely take it for granted. We are not always consciously aware of our own.
is the study of human origins, evolution, and variation
Biological anthropologists
focus on our closest living relatives, monkeys and apes. They examine the biological and behavioral similarities and differences between nonhuman primates and human primates (us!).
Biological anthropologists
focus on the material past: the tools, food, pottery, art, shelters, seeds, and other objects left behind by people.
recover and analyze these materials to reconstruct the lifeways of past societies that lacked writing.
Prehistoric archeologists
Language is a defining trait of human beings. While other animals have communication systems, only humans have complex, symbolic languages—over 6,000 of them! Human language makes it possible to teach and learn, to plan and think abstractly, to coordinate our efforts, and even to contemplate our own demise.
Linguistic antropologists
In all cultures, people can be observed to project multiple, inconsistent self-representations that are context-dependent and may shift rapidly. At any particular moment, a person usually experiences his or her articulated self as a symbolic, timeless whole but this self may be quickly displaced by another quite different self, which is based on a different definition of the situation.
Katherine ewing