utility maximization problem Flashcards
how we make sure that the utility maximization problem is well-behaved?
To ensure the problem is well behaved (= has a unique solution), we will assume that preferences are:
- Rational, meaning the consumer makes consistent choices
- Continuous, meaning small changes in options lead to small changes in preferences
- Strictly monotonic (or locally nonsatiated), meaning more is always better
- Strictly convex, meaning the consumer prefers balanced combinations of goods rather than extremes
what does the fact that the problem is well-behaved imply?
- The consumer having a utility function that is continuous, always increasing, and strictly quasi-concave
- The consumer spends all their wealth
what do we assume about prices in this market economy?
We assume that prices are:
- Strictly positive, meaning all prices are greater than zero
- Taken as fixed by the consumer, meaning the consumer takes the prices as they are and can’t change them.
what is the budget set?
- The consumer has a fixed amount of wealth , which is also strictly positive, and they can’t spend more than this amount.
- The set of possible bundles the consumer can afford is described by the budget set, this means the consumer can only choose bundles of goods that cost less than or equal to their wealth)
what is the UMP?
The consumer’s problem of choosing his most preferred bundle, given prices p≫0 and wealth level w>0.
max u(x) (x≥0)
s.t. p*x≤w
In this utility maximization problem, the consumer aims to choose a consumption bundle, in their budget set with the goal to achieve the highest possible utility level.
if p ≫0, how can you describe the budget set?
The budget set is closed and bounded.
- Bounded: For any good l=1,…,L we have x≤w/p this means that the quantity of each good cannot exceed the maximum amount that the consumer can afford given their wealth and the prices
- Closed: The budget set includes all the bundles that meet the budget constraint, which makes it closed in the commodity space
Compactness: since is bounded and closed, it is a compact subset of R^L
Do the perfect choice for the consumer actually exists given the budget constraint?
According to the Weierstrass theorem, a continuous function defined on a compact set reaches its maximum value. Therefore, we can conclude that there exists a maximum of u(*) over the budget set B_{p,w}
(because the utility function is continuous and the budget set is compact, the Weierstrass theorem guarantees that there is a consumption bundle X within the budget set that maximizes the consumer’s utility. In other words, there is a best possible consumption choice for the consumer)
We also know that since the budget set is compact and the objective function is strictly quasi-concave, the solution is unique (strict quasi-concavity ensures that there are no flat areas at the top of the utility function. The function only has one peak)
what is the MRS?
Rate at which the consumer is willing to give up one good in exchange for another good, keeping utility constant. (= Marginal Rate of Substitution)
At an interior optimum, the absolute value of the MRS between any two goods must equal the ratio of the goods’ prices.
what is the interior optimum?
This is a point where you’re getting the best possible mix of goods to maximize satisfaction, given your budget.
what does the utility function u(x1,x2) tell us?
The utility function describes satisfaction (utility) from consuming quantities of good 1 and good 2 .
what do the partial derivatives tell us?
for example the partial derivative of L with respect to x1 represents how utility changes when you change the amount of good 1 while holding good 2 constant. MU1 (marginal utility)
At the optimum, the marginal utility is proportional to the price for all goods.
what is the total differential?
shows how a small change in x1 and x2 affects the total utility du.
The formula is:
when do we have du=0?
An indifference curve represents all combinations of x1 and x2 that provide the same level of utility, meaning du=0 along the curve
du= total utility change represents a small change in total utility when you change the amounts of the two goods. So:
- if du is positive, utility increases
- if du is negative, utility decreases
- if du=0, there is no change in utility → MU_{1}dx_{1}+MU_{2}dx_{2}=0 →. MU_{1}dx_{1}=-MU_{2}dx_{2}
What are the optimally conditions and how do we recognize the optimal point?
In the two-good case, the optimality conditions require:
1. The slope of the indifference curve at the optimal point x* must match the slope of the budget line.
2. The optimal point x* should lie on the budget line itself, not inside it.
The indifference curve must be tangent to the budget line at an interior optimum.
- x* is at the point of tangency
- preferences are strictly convex → we got only one optimal point
what x* actually represents?
Because the utility-maximizing point x* will be unique for a given set of prices and wealth, we can think of the solution to the UMP as a function that maps the set of prices and wealth to the set of quantities.
We call x*=(p,w) walrasian (marshallian) demand function