Utilitiarianism Relativism Flashcards
What is the ethical domain
- Right, wrong, and okay • Distinguishing wrong and harm • Separating goals from constraints • Personal preference and ethics • Law and ethics`
When does a moral dilema
A moral dilemma occurs whenever we must make a decision and none of the possible courses of action open to us is entirely satisfactory because each violates a value we think important.
What is utilitarianism
• The consequence of an action, not the motivation
behind the action, makes an action good or bad
What does the phrase ‘humans are hedonist’ mean?
Humans naturally seek avoid pain and seek to increase pleasure.
What is The Greatest Happiness Principle
“actions are right in proportion as they tend to
promote happiness, wrong as they tend to
promote the reverse of happiness.”
What do Utilitarians focus on?
They focus on discovering which actions and policies will maximize the well-begin of the relevant group - the group that is affected by the action
What is good
- to be desired of approved of
- that which is morally right
Actual consequences vs foreseeable consequences
- we don’t have certaintainty about future events
- short term consequences can be very different from long term consequences.
- actual consequences maybe be different from the foreseeable consequences.
- you save a drowing baby but then 20 years later, the baby turns out to be adolf hitler.
- the theory is decision making procedure.
- the action with the highest expected utility is both rhe best thing to do based on the current eviedence and the right action.
- the theory is a criterion of right and wrong
- the option with the highest expected utility is the best thing to do, but they claim that it could still turn out to be the wrong action.
What is act utilitarianism
The principle of utility - do whatever will produce the best overall results - should be applied on a case by case basis.
- looks at the consequences of each individual act and calc the utility each time the act is performed.
Arguments against act utilitarianism
- the ‘wrong answers’ objection: if a doctor can kill one healthy person to use their organs and save the lives on 5 unhealthy people, the according to act utilitarianism the doctor should go ahead and do it.
- the ‘undermining trust’ objection: rigidity in rules create trust for people.
- the ‘partiality’ objection: the interest of people closest to us cannot receive more consideration than strangers.
What is good;
According to hedonism: the only thing is good in itself is pleasure or happiness. These are ‘intrinsic’ goods meaning that they are good in themselves not because they are producing some further valuable thing.
Whose well being:
- individual self interest
- groups
- everyone affected
What is the difference between act util. and rule util.
the key difference between act and rule util is that act util apples the util principle to the evaluation of individual actions while rule util apple the util principle directly to the evaluation of rules and then evaluate individual actions by seeing if the obey or disobey those rules.