Utilitarianism Flashcards
What is utilitarianism in criminology? Beccaria 1764
Within criminology utilitarianism is a classical criminological theory based on ideas produced by beccaria 1764
What is the argument of your essay?
That utilitarianism has developed into the 21st century, holds its place within classical criminology however the classical version has several misconceptions
What literature are you relying on
Beccaria, Bentham, Marx, mill, and hate
What was crime and punishment like prior to utilitarianism?
Crime and punishment prior to utilitarianism was brutal and ineffective according to beccaria 1764
What is known from beccarias books and essays?
The goal of his work was to mak decisions on the basis it would maximise happiness and minimise punishment
Who is thought to be the founder of if utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham 1774 is thought of as the founder of utilitarianism
Both beccaria and Bentham disapproved of what?
The death penalty
What did beccaria and Bentham contribute to
Criminological policy and law
What did beccaria and Bentham idealise?
Idealised harsher punishments in order to deter crime
What did Bentham define utility as
He defined utility as the aggregate pleasure after deducting suffering. In relation to criminology ifs the pleasur exceeded the consequence then the crime is committed
Who has rejected that pleasure has positive value? Popper 1945
Others have rejected that pleasure has positive value and have advocated negative utilitarianism - popper 1945
As opposed to the hedonistic view of utilitarianism what do some people define utility with? Fieser 2012
As opposed to the hedonistic view, some define utility with preference satisfaction, while others believe that a range of values can be included in its definition- Fieser 2012
What did Bentham introduce?
He introduced a method of calculating the value of pleasure and pain which is now known as the hedonic calculus
Hudson 1726 - eventually removed what for calculating greatest happiness and why?
Hudson 1726 eventually removed Bentham algorithms for calculating greatest happiness as they appeared useless however this has been argued against
What did Rosen 2003 warn about descriptions of utilitarianism and what it can be a crude version of?
Rosen 2003 warns that descriptions of act utilitarianism can bear little resemblance to utilitarians like Bentham and mill and can be a crude version of act utilitarianism
What did cote 2002 state about what classical utilitarianism did and crime rates?
Cote 2002 stated that although classical theories of Bentham and beccaria shaped criminal policy they did little to affect the ever rising crime rates
What does mill 1998 reject? What quote does he include? What does he argue about intellect and other pleasures?
Mill 1998 rejected purely quantitative measurements of utility by stating that no known theory of life does note assign pleasures of he mind as higher value than those of mere sensation. He also states that although intellect is more advantageous, some other pleasures are intrinsically better than others
Moore 1912 rejected what? What did he argue about a range of values? What did he wish to show about measures of what is good?
Moore 1912 rejected purely hedonistic utilitarianism and argued that there is a range of values that may be maximised, he wished to show it is implausible that pleasure is the sole measure of what is good
As of 21st century what several branches of utilitarianism have been suggested?
As of 21st century there have been several branches of utilitarianism suggested including act and rule, two level (hare 1972), preference and negative
How was act and rule utilitarianism reasoned for? (Mill, 1998)
It was reasoned for as simply calculating the consequences of each action would result in choosing something less than the best course of action, without use of ruling (mill, 1998)
What did hare 1981 illustrate about two level utilitarianism?
Hare 1981 illustrated 2 extremes named two level in which there are two sides to a person
Why can critique be made for multiple reasons?
Utilitarianism is not now a single theory but a cluster of related theories therefore critique can be made for many reasons
Rosen 2003 claims that act and classical are what?
Rosen 2003 claims that act and classical are not concerned about having rules is to set up a straw man
What did hare 1981 state about act utilitarianism and its caricature?
Hare 1981 stated that the crude caricature depicted of act utilitarianism is the only version people seem to know
Given what Bentham states about second order evils?
Given what Bentham state about second order evils, it would be a misinterpretation to state that act would punish an innocent person for the greater good
Nevertheless of whether utilitarians agree or not, what do critics of it claim is entailed by the theory?
Nevertheless regardless of whether they agree or not, critics of utilitarianism claim that it is entailed by the theory that they would punish innocence for greater good
However what does Bentham and beccarias “greater good for greatest people” suggest?
The statement suggests that it does not directly aim to punish the innocent in this way
What does carritt 1950 address with the same statement?
Carritt 1950 addresses with the same statement that most utilitarians realise there is some injustice however wish to produce happiness for the greatest number, but not for all.
What does Moore 1912 state about pinpointing one quality as definitive? What else does he argue about goodness?
Moore 1912 states that we should not pinpoint one quality as being definitive which is what Bentham and mill did by using pleasure. He also argues that it us impossible for us to constitute all qualities that make up goodness
Who was Karl Marx and what did he criticise utilitarianism on?
Karl Marx was Forman of Marxism, and criticised utilitarianism on the following points; 1) utility is true by definition so does not really add much meaning 2) Bentham and other utilitarians Fail to account for people’s changing characters therefore their changing character for what is good 3) he argues hat human nature is a dynamic and diverse so the concept of a single utility for all is one dimensional and not helpful 4) he stated that it is conservatively used to reinforce institutions that were reactionary rather than deterrent to crime
What did carritt 1950 criticise?
On an individual differences level, it would be hard to predict or deter people from crime as everyone holds pleasures on different levels (carritt, 1950)
Fieser 2012 stated that mill acknowledged what? What does he state about these higher pleasures and crime?
Fieser 2012 stated that mill himself acknowledged that mere pleasure isn’t the only thing that counts, that’s higher pleasures can counter balance the pain and woes of criminality