UTI Flashcards
urinary tract infection: lower vs upper
Lower urinary tract- urethritis and cystitis
-typically a superficial infection limited to mucosal surfaces
-localized symptoms- dysuria, urgency, frequency
Upper urinary tract:
-prostatitis**- is lower but presents as upper (tissue invasion)
-intrarenal abscess
-perinephric abscess
-tissue invasion by bacteria -> systemic
-fever, visceral pain (ache)
-acute community acquired:
-Between 7-8 million office visits/yr
-Prior to sexual activity 1-3% girls/yr
-Sexually active females 0.5 to 0.7 UTIs/year
-1-2 UTI for females its normal -> if more -> work up
-MC- gram neg bacteria
-uncomplicated UTI- escherichia coli seen in 80% cases**
-proteus, klebsiella, and enterobacter less common
most common isolates from renal calculi**
-Proteus spp.- Urease production
-Klebsiella spp.- Produce extracellular slime and polysaccarides
gram positive cocci
-Staphylococcus saprophyticus
10-15% of uncomplicated UTI in young women
-Enterococci and S. aureus
Typically seen post procedure (ie. Cystoscopy)
-S. aureus in other patients should raise concern of bacteremia
urine found to be sterile: rule out STI
-Chlamydia trachomatis
-Neisseria gonorrhoeae
-Herpes simplex virus
normal physiology
Bladder environment:
-Dilutional effect of urine
-Antibacterial properties- High UREA concentration and OSMOLARITY
-Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
-Vaginal flora: Diphtheroids, streptococcal and staphylcoccal species, and lactobacilli
-Prostatic secretions
-Physical distance- to anus, urethra length
All these have protective effects against UTIs, changes in any of these increase risk for UTI
pathogenesis: issues regarding female gender
anatomy issues:
-Length of the female urethra ~ 4cm
-Proximity to the anus
-Termination under the labia
Sexual intercourse: Causes bacteria to be introduced; Temporal association with UTI
-> Voiding post-coitus decreases incidence
-Alters normal flora
-Increases incidence of E. coli colonization
pathogenesis: issues regarding male gender
-Prostatic hypertrophy- Urethral obstruction leading to stagnation
Rectal intercourse
Circumcision status
pathogenesis: pregnancy
-2-8% of pregnant women will have a UTI
-20-30% with asymptomatic bacteriuria develop pyelonephritis
Physiologically caused by:
-Decreased ureteral tone and peristalsis
-Incompetence of vesicoureteral valve
UTI in pregnancy leads to increased risk:
-Low-birth weight baby
-Premature delivery
-Newborn mortality
-ALL UTIs (symptomatic and asymptomatic MUST be treated during pregnancy!
pathogenesis: iatrogenic
-catheter induced
-Bacterial biofilm ascends the intraluminal surface of catheter
-Biofilm ascends extraluminal surface periurethral mucus
-Bacterial aggregate attach to intravesicular portion
-Free-floating present in urine
-Bacteria adhere to bladder wall, which causes symptomatic bladder-associated infection
-Bacteria wash down the catheter
causes of UTI: urinary stasis
-obstructive causes
-neurogenic bladder
causes of UTI: vesicoureteral reflex
-Reflux of urine from bladder up through the ureters
-Most common in children
work up: US, then cystourethrogram
primary VUR: congenital short ureter
secondary VUR: caused by high pressure in the bladder (obstruction vs neurologic)
symptoms comparison of urinary infections
-Suprapubic pain
Acute pyelonephritis:
-Rapid onset
-+/- symptoms of cystitis
- fever
- chills
- dysuria
- tense/boggy prostate
- purulent dischange on massage
- positive culture or sterile
-Dysuria or no symptoms
-No level suprapubic tenderness
Low bacterial count or sterile urine on cx
-Evaluate for STI
-E. coli UTI favored if:
-Gross hematuria
-Abrupt onset
-Duration < 3 days
-Hx of previous UTI
+ suprapubic pain
+ WBCs and bacteria on microscopy
E. coli UTI favored if: (urethritis)
-Gross hematuria
-Abrupt onset
-Duration < 3 days
-Hx of previous UTI
Findings include:
-Cloudy, malodorous urine
-WBC and bacteria on microscopy
-Suprapubic tenderness and frequency typically present
May also see:
-Genital lesions – r/o STI
acute pyelonephritis sx
-Rapid onset
-Fever > 101F
-Shaking chills
-Septic appearance
-Abdominal/Flank pain
-CVA tenderness
acute pyelonephritis lab findings
-Leukocyte casts
Gram staining
Acute disease usually affects young men
Signs & Symptoms
-Tense/boggy prostate
-Purulent discharge on prostate massage
-Culture positive- Most commonly gram-negative organism (E. coli or Klebsiella)
symptoms of different age groups
-Fever or Hypothermia
-Decreased feeding
-Vomiting / Diarrhea
-Decreased feeding or failure to thrive
-Change in urinary habits
-Poor appetite
-Fever or Hypothermia
-Poor appetite
-“Change in Mental Status”
diagnostic testing
-Urine Culture
-Complete Blood Cell Count
-Basic Metabolic Profile
-Imaging Studies
basic guidelines: tx of UTI
-tx is directly related to level of infection
-In most females, treatment may be started without testing
-Any other case, Urine culture must be done. Use empirical antibiotics while waiting
-In male and children, follow-up investigation must be done after first UTI
-Differential diagnosis always includes STI
-Confirmation by urine culture for eradication must be done 3-7 days after treatment is finished for:
-Pregnant women
-Dx of pyelonephritis
-Obstruction must be identified and treated
asymptomatic bacteriuria: prevalence and who to screen
-0.5 % men
-1-4% girls
-5-10% women
-Only screen for and treat during pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!
acute cystitis duration of tx
-Gauge treatment duration on duration of symptoms
-3-5 days: short duration of symptoms
- 5 days: pregnant
-5-7 days: anomaly of urinary tract
-7 days: male patient
-Antibiotic should be chosen based on local resistance status
-Healthy young females may be treated empirically