UTI Flashcards
What is Asymptomatic Bacteriuria(ASB)?
isolation of significant colony counts of bacteria in the urine(bacteriuria) from a person WITHOUT symptoms of UTI
Screening and treatment of ASB is only indicated for ______ populations
1) Pregnant women [2-7%]
2) Patients going for urological procedure in which mucosal trauma/bleeding is expected [eg. TURP, cystoscopy with biopsy]
When and Why do pregnant women screen and treat ASB?
To prevent pyelonephritis, preterm labor and infant low birth weight
Screen at one of the first visits(12-16 weeks gestation)
- Do urine culture
- If bacteriuria, treat with active antibiotics(based on AST) for 4-7 days
When and Why do screen and treat ASB?
To prevent postoperative bacteremia and urosepsis
Screen prior to procedure — 2-3 days before
- If bacteriuria, use active antibiotics as surgical antibiotic prophylaxis(SAP)(based on AST)
Does not include placement of a urinary catheter
Epidemiology of UTI
Increasing from young to old
* 0-6 mths: males > females
* 1-adult: females > males
* Elderly(age>65): equal
What are the 2 routes of infection of UTI
- Ascending [most common]
* colonic/fecal flora colonise periurethral area/urethra → ascend to bladder & kidney
* Gram-negative bacilli (E.coli/Klebsiella/Proteus) - Hematogenous(descending)
* Organism at distant primary site(heart/bone) → bloodstream(bacteremia) → urinary tract → UTI
* S.aureus, TB
What are the factors determining the development of UTI?
1) Competency of the natural host defense mechanisms
- bacteria stimulate micturition(increase urge of emptying bladder)
- antibacterial properties of urine and prostate secretions
- anti-adherence mechanism of bladder(prevent bacteria attachment)
- Inflammatory response by leukocytes → phagocytosis
2) Size of the inoculums(load of bacteria that is present at the site of infection)
3) Virulence/pathogenicity of the microorganism
What are the risk factors of UTI?
- Gender(Female > male)
- Sexual intercourse
- Abnormalities of the urinary tract (prostatic hypertrophy, kidney stones, urethral strictures, vesicoureteral reflux)
- Neurological dysfunctions (stroke, DM, spinal cord injuries)
- Anticholinergic drugs (SE: urinary retention)
- Catheterization and other mechanical instrumentation
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy
- Use of diaphragms & spermicides
- Genetic association(positive family history)
- Previous UTI
1) Drink lots of fluid to flush bacteria
2) Urinate frequently
3) Urinate shortly after sex
4) Wipe from front to back
5) Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes so that air can keep the area dry
6) Those on diaphragm/spermicide as birth control: consider modifying your birth control method
* Unlubricated condoms or spermicidal condoms increase irritation(grow bacteria)
What are considered complicated UTI?
- UTI in men, children and pregnant women
- Presence of complicating factors:
1) Functional/structural abnormalities or urinary tract
2) genitourinary instrumentation
3) DM
4) immunocompromised host
Symptoms of cystitis(LUTI)
- Dysuria(pain on urination)
- Urgency
- Frequency
- Nocturia
- Suprapubic heaviness or pain
- Gross hematuria
Symptoms of pyelonephritis(UUTI)
- Fever, malaise
- Rigors
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Flank pain
- Costovertebral tenderness(renal punch)
- Abdominal pain
Microscopic urinalysis(UFEME: urine formed elements and microscopic examination) tests for?
White blood cells(WBC)
* >10 WBCs/mm3 = pyuria
* Signifies presence of inflammation(may or may not be due to infection. If symptomatic, pyuria correlates with significant bacteriuria
* Absence of pyuria = unlikely UTI
Red blood cells(RBC)
* Presence(microscopic >5/HPF or gross) = hematuria
* Frequently occurs in UTI but non-specific
* Identify bacteria or yeast using gram-stain
WBC casts
* Masses of cells and proteins that form in renal tubules(kidneys)
* Indicates upper tract infection/disease
if there is presence of squamous epithelial, urine might have been contaminated
What are the 2 Chemical urinalysis(dipstick) tests?
What do they test for?
1. Nitrate
- Positive test detects presence of gram-negative bacteria
- Only gram negative bacteria reduces nitrate to nitrite
- Requires at least 10^5 bacteria/ml
- False-negative results due to presence of gram-positive organisms and P.aeruginosa, low urinary pH, frequent voiding and dilute urine
2. Leukocyte esterase(LE)
- Positive tests detects esterase activity of leukocytes in urine
- Correlates with significant pyuria(>10 WBCs/mm3)
When is urine culture(pre-treatment culture) required?
- Pregnant women
- Recurrent UTI(relapse within 2 weeks or frequent)
- Pyelonephritis
- Catheter-associated UTI
- All men with UTI
Not need for urine culture in uncomplicated cystitis
What are the likely pathogens for uncomplicated/community-acquired UTI?
- Escherichia coli(>85%)
- Staphylococcus saprophyticus(5-15%)
- Enterococcus faecalis
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Proteus spp
What are the likely pathogens for complicated/healthcare-associated UTI?
- Escherichia coli(~50%)
- Enterococci
- Proteus spp
- Klebsiella spp
- Enterobacter spp
- P.aeruginosa
HA risk factors: recent/frequent exposure to healthcare settings
(last 90 days, current>/=2days, nursing home)
____ commonly causes UTI from bacteremia
____ causes UTI by acting as a possible contaminant
When do you treat UTI positive culture with antibiotics?
NO if ____
YES if ____
- NO if patient does not have symptoms of UTI but positive culture(ASB) except for Pregnant women & patients going for urologic procedure in which mucosal trauma/bleeding is expected
- YES if patients is symptomatic(urinary symptoms) or any of the 2 exceptions above
What are the first line empiric abx for cystitis in women?
- PO Co-trimoxazole 800/160 mg bid x 3d (2 tablets)
- PO Nitrofurantoin 50mg qid x 5d
- PO Fosfomycin 3g single dose
- PO beta-lactams x 5-7 days
- PO cefuroxime 250 mg bid
- PO amoxicillin-clavulanate 635 mg bid
- PO cephalexin 250-500mg qid(rising resistance)
- PO fluroquinolones x 3 days
- PO ciprofloxacin 250 mg bid
- PO levofloxacin 250 ng daily
Collateral damage is high, ONLY oral for pseudo
What are the first line empiric abx for Complicated Cystitis in women?
- Same as uncomplicated cytitis in women BUT
- Treat for longer duration (7-14 days)
- Fosfomycin PO 3g EOD x 3 doses
What are the first line empiric abx for Community-acquired pyelonephritis(kidney) in women?
- PO fluoroquinolones
- PO ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily x 7 days
- PO levofloxacin 750mg daily x 5 days
What are the 2nd and 3rd line empiric abx for Community-acquired pyelonephritis(kidney) in women?
2nd line: PO co-trimoxazole 160/800mg twice daily x 10-14 days
3rd line: PO beta-lactam x 10-14 days
- PO cefuroxime 250-500 mg bid
- PO amoxicillin-clavulanate 625mg tds
- PO cephalexin 500mg qid
What are the empiric abxs for Community-acquired pyelonephritis(kidney) in women?
that are severely ill;require hospitalization[AG not good if bacteremia]
unable to take oral drugs
- Initial intravenous(IV) therapy
- IV ciprofloxacin 400mg bid
- IV cefazolin 1g q8h
- IV amoxi-clav 1.2g q8h
**AND/OR ** - IV/IM gentamicin 5mg/kg
- To cover low % of ESBL ecoli/klebsiella in the community
Switch to oral when patient improved or able to take orally
- Initial empiric therapy should be modified when result of urine culture and susceptibility becomes available(->definitive/culture-directed therapy)
What are the first line empiric abx for Community-acquired UTI in men?
More specifically:
1. For cystitis, NO concern for prostatitis
2. For cystitis + concern for prostatitis/pyelonephritis
- Same as women
- Treat for longer duration (7-14 days)
- Fosfomycin PO 3g EOD x 3 doses
- PO ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily
- PO co-trimoxazole 160-800mg twice daily
- Treat for 10-14 days, will need longer duration if prostatitis is confirmed(6 weeks)
- PO ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily
What defines Nosocomial/Healthcare-associated
- Nosocomial - onset of UTI >48hr post admission
- **Healthcare associated **- patients who have been hospitalized or underwent invasive urological procedures in the last 6 months, has an indwelling urine catheter
What are the empiric abx for Nosocomial/Healthcare-associated pyelonephritis?
Possibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and other resistant bacteria:
- Broad spectrum B-lactam may be used
- IV cefepime 2 g q12h +/- IV amikacin/gentamicin 15mg/kg/d
- IV imipenem 500mg q6h
- IV meropenem 1g q8h
duration of treatment: 7-14 days
Less sick patients(oral therapy)
- PO levofloxacin 750mg
- PO ciprofloxacin 500mg bid
duration of treatment: 7-14 days
What is Catheter-associated UTI
- most common cause of nosocomial UTI
- Presence of symptoms or signs compatible with UTI with no other identified source of infection along with 10^3 cfu/mL of >/= 1 bacterial species in a single catheter urine specimen in patients with indwelling urethral, indwelling suprapubic, or intermittent catheterization or in a midstream voided urine specimen from a patient whose catheter has been removed within the previous 48 hours
What are the risk factors for Catheter-associated UTI
- Duration of catheterization
- Colonization of drainage bag, catheter and periurethral segment
- DM
- Female
- Renal function impairment
- Poor quality of catheter care, including insertion
How do you manage Catheter-associated UTI?
- Consider removal of catheter
- Abx only for symptomatic infection
- If stable and fever is low grade, observation rather than immediate Abx therapy
- Urine(+/- blood) culture must be taken before antibiotics is given
Abx treatment for Catheter-associated UTI
- IV imipenem 500mg q6h
- IV meropenem 1g q8h
- IV cefepime 2g q12h +/- IV amikacin 15mg/kg(1 dose)
- PO/IV levofloxacin 750mg x 5d (for mild CA-UTI)
- PO co-trimoxazole 960mg bid x 3d
- for women </= 65 years with CA-UTI without upper urinary tract symptoms after an indwelling catheter has been removed
- Prompt resolution of symptoms: 7 days
- Delayed responses: 10-14 days
- Chronic suppressive therapy is not recommended
- Do not give prophylaxis long term, only give if patient has deadly infection
Prevention of Catheter-associated UTI
- Avoid unnecessary catheter use
- Use for minimal duration
- Long-term indwelling catheters changed before blockage is likely to occur
- Use of closed system
- Ensure aseptic insertion technique
- Topical antiseptic or antibiotics not recommended
- Prophylactic antibiotics and antiseptic not recommended
- Chronic suppressive antibiotics is not recommended
What Abx to avoid for UTI tx in pregnant women?
- Avoid ciprofloxacin
- Avoid co-trimoxazole in 1st and 3rd trimester
- Nitrofurantoin avoided at term(38-42 weeks)
- Aminoglycosides are used with caution
Treatment of UTI in pregnant women
- Beta-lactams are safe options in pregnancy(1st line in pregnant UTI)
- Treat for 4-7 days for ASB/cystitis
- Treat for 14 days for pyelonephritis
Adjunctive therapy for UTI
- Pain and fever - Paracetamol, NSAIDs
- Vomiting - Rehydration
- Urinary symptoms - Phenazopyridine(Urogesic®), Urine alkalization
100-200mg tds, Do not use if G6PD
N/V,orange-red discoloration of urine
What to monitor for UTI?
- Resolution of signs & symptoms
- Improvement or resolution by 24 to 72 hrs after initiation of effective antibiotics
- If pt fails to respond clinically within 2-3 days or has persistently positive blood/urine cultures, further investigation is needed to exclude bacterial resistance, possible obstruction, renal abscess, or some other disease process - Bacteriological clearance
- Repeat culture is not required for patients who responded - Absence of adverse drug reactions and allergies