Uterine Variants Flashcards
What structure forms the uterus?
Mullerian ducts
What should you first look at when scanning the uterus for a variant?
outer surface of the uterus
How many main uterine variants are there?
- 6 main variants but anything in between can occur
- many more variants
What structures do the uterine variants impact?
cavity or fundus
How does the uterus form?
- starts as 2 mullerian ducts that come together & fuse
- fusion pulls upward to create 1 cavity
- wall disappears to create 1 outer cervix & 1 canal
How can uterine variants cause fertility issues?
usually can get pregnant, variant can make it difficult to keep the pregnancy
Which variant has the best fertility chances?
- variant w/ highest septum b/c it is closest to a “normal” uterus
- can surgically remove septum for better chance at pregnancy, but risk of scar tissue
Are uterine variants genetic?
embryological development, not really genetic
Can variants cause someone to have more than 1 period?
still just 1 period & 1 hormonal cycle
6 main uterine variants
- uterus unicornis (unicornuate)
- uterus subseptus
- uterus septus
- uterus bicornis unicorn
- uterus duplex bicornis
- uterus didelphys (uterus duplex separatus)
Uterus unicornis (unicornuate)
- 1 cornua (1 half uterus)
- coronal to body but transverse to uterus
- fudus should be wider towards the top, if it stays round = unicornuate
- endo cavity will be round
Uterus subseptus
- not complete separation, below complete
- subtle shortening of endo cavity in sagittal
- single cavity divides only at most superior aspect
Uterus septus
- 1 uterus, 2 endo cavities (possibly 2 cervical canals)
- separates entire cavity (most common)
- inferior: single cavity inferiorly
- superior: singular myometrium
- deep division w/single myometrium
- 3D reconstruction much easier to obtain w/single myometrium
Uterus bicornis unicorn
- 2 corners, 1 cervix
- 2 half uterine bodies
- cervical anatomy nor demonstrated well due to separated uterine bodies
- look transversely at cervix to confirm
Uterus duplex bicornis
- 2 corners, 2 cervix
- 2 half uterine bodies
- cervical anatomy not demonstrated well due to separated uterine bodies
- look transversely at cervix to confirm
Uterus didelphys (uterus duplex separatus)
- completely separate, 2 half uteri
- note disconnect of the cavity
- 2 cervices shown in inferior, 2 uterine bodies shown in superior
- can only differentiate from duplex bicornis if 2 sides are really far away
- best confirmed in surgery
- difficult to do 3D reconstruction
What type of variant would the uterus be if there are 2 cavities?
- 2 cavities doesn’t mean it’s bicornuate
- pay attention to myometrium
What is 3D surface rendering used for?
- variable depth fields
- can’t see baby’s face if no fluid around it, or if face is pressed against wall/placenta
What is multiplanar reconstuction used for?
looking at cavity of uterus
Arcuate uterine variant
- small indentation of fundal endometrium
- heart-shaped uterus
- fundal cleft <1cm w/in single myometrium
- babies can be born early
Uterine variant imaging
- multiple images/planes required
- distinction btwn. bicorn/sept is imperative
- 3D/multiplanar reconstruction required