uterine pathologies Flashcards
leiomyoma vs adenomyosis
asymmetric vs symmetric
firm non tender vs soft and tender and boggy
menorrhagia and infertility vs dysmenorrhea
HMB, dysmenorrhea, symmetrically enlarged uterus
endometrial polyp symptoms
AUB, subfertiliy
endometrial polyp risk factors
late menopause
partial estrogen agonist (tamoxifen)
endometrial polyp investigations
outpt hysterscopy
saline infusion sonography
asherman treatment
adhesiolysis in outpt hysterscopy
endometrial hyperplasia types
simple (1%)
complex 3.5%
risk factors for endometrial cancer
unopposed estrogen (HRT, early menarche late menopause, nulliparity, PCOS, breast cancer)
obesity (DM, HTN)
hereditary ( Lynch 2)
endometrial cancer presentation
premenopausal- AUB
PV discharge and pyometra
endometrial biopsy
endometrial thickness more than or equal to 4 mm
postmenopausal- any bleeding/ spotting
premenopausal- aub/ amenorrhea in setting of unopposed estrogen
adjuvant radiotherapy
reduce risk of recurrence but no survival advantage to women with stage 1b and intermediate risk