Uterine Fibroids Flashcards
What is Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop in and around the uterus. They can be as tiny as a seed, as large as a melon or any size in between. Fibroids are very common, and some studies suggest that as many as 3 out of 4 women will have fibroids at some point in their lives. They become more prevalent as women age, especially during the 30s and 40s through menopause. Uterine fibroids are a common cause of changes in menstrual flow and the woman’s period pattern overall.
Uterine fibroids often do not receive the attention they deserve from women who suffer from extreme discomfort month after month. Uterine fibroid symptoms can be debilitating, yet many women don’t seek treatment and are unaware that there are minimally invasive options available. Studies show that on average women wait more than 4 years before seeking treatment for their symptoms of fibroids.
What Are the Most Common Fibroid Symptoms?
The most common symptoms may include:
Heavy bleeding Unexplained weight gain Mild to severe pain An enlarged uterus Pain during intercourse Infertility issues Severe menstrual cramps Hard lump or mass in your uterus
Causes and Risks for Uterine Fibroids
Nobody knows for sure what causes fibroids. Researchers also don’t know what causes them to grow or shrink; we do know that their growth is hormone-related. They grow rapidly during pregnancy, when hormone levels are high. They shrink when anti-hormone medication is used, and they also stop growing or shrink once a woman reaches menopause. Below are some possible rick factors that may increase your chances of developing fibroids:
- Heredity
A woman whose mother had uterine fibroids is three times more likely to develop them herself. - Diet and Obesity
Obesity (and the diet that leads to being overweight) can be a factor in the growth of uterine fibroids and the resulting presence of fibroid pain. In particular, eating red meat (especially ham and beef) has been linked by some studies to the development of uterine fibroids. - Genetics
African American women are three times more likely to suffer from uterine fibroids than other demographics. - Alcohol consumption
The consumption of alcohol may lead to the growth of uterine fibroids in African American women, based on data gleaned from a Black Women’s Health Study. - Hair relaxer usage
Hair relaxers may encourage the growth of uterine fibroids and related symptoms because they contain phthalates. - Lack of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is found in dairy products and is naturally produced by the body in response to sunlight exposure. Proper amounts of Vitamin D can strengthen the immune system and prevent the production of tissues that lead to fibroid development. As a result, obtaining enough Vitamin D through diet and sunshine can help lower your risk of developing fibroids and related fibroid symptoms.
Visit a Fibroid Doctor
In the end, the key to choosing the right treatment for large fibroids in the uterus is to get the right diagnosis and familiarize yourself with your treatment options. In addition, knowing and speaking up for your own desires regarding treatment can help you to find the approach that will work best for you.
The best fibroid doctors who are a part of the VIVA EVE fibroid center team are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat your symptomatic uterine fibroids and adenomyosis. And when you search for a fibroid specialist near me, our medical office will almost certainly be one of the first results you will see.
Treatment Options by a Fibroid Specialist
VIVA EVE fibroid clinic offers numerous fibroid treatment options, including minimally invasive alternatives. Your fibroid surgeon will provide a full overview, leaving fibroid surgery in NYC as the final option, yet acknowledging that fibroid surgery may be recommended if other treatments don’t work.
The fibroid treatment option depends on several factors:
Location of your fibroids The number of tumors you have The size of the growths in your uterus The severity of your menstrual symptoms Based on these key factors, your fibroid tumor treatment is individualized to suit your specific needs and goals.
Uterine fibroid embolization Myomectomy Hysterectomy Focused ultrasound Hormone balancing Removal