USM4 Flashcards
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What must good Managers be able to do well?
- make good decisions
- communicate well one-on-one and with groups of all sizes
- motivate and train Supervisors and non-Supervisors when the Supervisor is out
- Delegate work to Supervisors and employees (in absence of Supervisor)
- plan projects and programs well
- appraise Supervisor performance
- deal with various specialists in other departments
- Understand budgeting well
- Be a creative program designer
Tell us about a situation that you had to address conflict between people; how did you resolve the issue?
(2) employees not getting along. Worked through differences, improved their working relationship.
- friendly disagreements
- separately, together
- common
- Continue then oral warning & discipline
- suspension, discharge
- must respect each other
- getting along working well together
How do you make the decision on disiplinary actions?
Must consider the following:
- Department policies, general standards of conduct.
- Uniformity disiplinary actions.
- Guide disciplinary Standards
- appropriate MOU
How do you overcome resistance from employees and others and implement change?
respond employees’ feelings
employees informed changes, realistic emphasizing benefits
employees opportunities ask questions about change
Implement changebuildingsuccesses
reasonable deadlines
employees firstnot likelyenthusiastic
Example: substantial changes (2) in-house
- s administration duties outside contractor.
- more financial support MWD
- less money per rebate
- taking their work away
- let them know the reasonschangesgive them freedom work other projects
- unenthusiastic employees take over transition responsibilities
How do you assign work to your employees?
- Examine existing work situation
- What restrictions interfere with task
- How soon must the task be completed
- What are the budget and available resources
- What is a specific or measurable goal
- What skills and knowledge are required
- Who in staff, has those skills and knowledge
- Can I use this opportunity to develop an employee
- What other kinds of support will be necessary
- What are the progress checkpoints
- What responsibilities will be transferred
- What level of authority will I be giving employee
- Maintain successful ongoing communication
- Feedback sessions
Anything you would like to add?
I am the only USM candidate with a proven track record for initiating and implementing the most complicated Water Conservation programs & projects for the DWP in the last 10 years.
Thank you for the opportunity to interview today.
What factors should you consider before you discipline an employee?
Goal is for employee to overcome the behavior for which discipline is indicated and to develop a pathway to satisfactory performances.
Two-way street – requires involvement/engagement/willingness of employee and not progressive discipline is important for employee and organization.
Contact ERO
performance standard most employees could meet?
employee have ample training?
As a manager how would you handle a Sexual Harassment complaint?
- prompt action
- neutral fact finder
- Check personnel
- Document
- good faith determination
- not withhold information/make false representations
Department’s Policy
- Prohibit all forms harassment
- Protect retaliation
- Explain avenues of complaints
- confidentiality
- prompt appropriate corrective action
Deliberate or unwanted sexual advances, request sexual favorsverbal or physical contactsexual nature when made :
- Condition employment or employment decisions
- Interferes work performance
Implementing the disciplinary action.
Oral warning
* private
Written Notice
- expected consequences
- NTCD to business unit office and ERO - goes in employee’s personel file
- Suspension or Discharge-
- Obtain approval
- personally
- reasons further disciplinary
- certify return to Personnel
Describe what you know about the purpose and definitions of the Emergency Water Conservation Plan of the City of Los Angeles?
Purpose mandatory water conservation plan minimize effect of shortage water
- significantly reduce consumption extended time
- drip irrigation4 gph
- Even 0,2,4,6,8 or 1/2
- odd1,3,5,7,9 and 1/3
- Gray WaterCustomer’s secondusepremises, laundry or bathing water
- Lg landsc:3 acres bus necessity public benefit parks, golf courses, schools cemeteries.
- Recycled water: treatment of wastewater, suitable approved CPDH
- Sports field public private facility business
Describe ur most relevant work experience best demonstrating ur ability to effectively manage major project & direct team while addressing opposing views from internal and/or external sources.
developed new com landscape incentive program while addressing opposing views from internal and external sources 3 ½ months.
- lower Commercial rebates,
- Strong opposition vendors, commercial customers
- more water is used on coxdm turf than res. justify new program.
- staff “Commercial/Industrial Drought Resistant Landscape Incentive Program” Board-approved fully implemented 3 ½ mnths
- opposing forces seemed satisfied quickly took advantage
- 1st FY of the program over 1.2M sq ft of turf replacement
When will the Emergency Water Conservation Plan terminate a phase?
LADWP April 1 Owens Valley Mono Basin Runoff >=110% and MWDSC sum Colorado State Water exceeds 100% - Mayor recommend City Council .
Describe Phase 3 of the Emergency Water Plan for the City of Los Angeles.
- Monday or Friday for odd-numbered Sunday or Thursday even-numbered addresses.
- Non-conserving nozzles - eight (8) minutes per watering day per station
- Conserving nozzles (15) mins/(2) cycles/day
- Recommend pool covers
- vehicles at commercial car wash
- Sports Fields deviate non-watering days play areas accommodate event schedules;
Lg landscape areas deviate non-watering dys by:
- shortage percentage plus addt 5%
What are the seven tests of Just Cause for discipline?
- Did immed super give notice
- reasonably expect this performance
- was investigation done?
- Fair investigation
- proof: substantial evidence gathered
- equal treatment with other employees
- penalty equal to the unsatisfactory behavior?
What is the Department’s ADA Policy?
- Examine existing work situation
- Done this: After return to wk.: Reasonable accomodation mtg - Interactive process
- restrictions interfere task
- How soon task completed
- budget available resources
- specific or measurable goal
- skills knowledge required
- use opportunity develop employee
- specific responsibilitiestransferred
- successful ongoing communication
- Feedback sessions
Describe Phase 2 of the Emergency Water Plan for the L.A.
- Uses applicable to Phase 1 of this section should continue
- Odd Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Even Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday.
- - 8 minutes
- - 15 mins 2 cycles
3. Sports Fields and Large Landscapes non-watering days
- reduce 5% Dept Board adoped degree shortage
- must use recycled water
exempt: drip water; hand-held hose watering-shut-off device
Name the following projects you worked on:
- Required you to understand the DWP inner workings
- Demonstrated your ability to effectively manage a major project and direct a team while addressing opposing views from internal and/or external sources.
- Most challenging
- TAP by 5Xs in 3 FYs
DWP Organization Question – tell us about an instance in which you used your interpersonal skills to cause a policy change.
Used my interpersonal skills by working with a large institutional customer, with vendors, management and the Board to make a policy change in-house program to allow a large project to be rebated. Took 3.5 months. 2.5 years later we rebated over 24,000 Premium High efficiency toilets a savings 300 MGPY
- Large institutional customer. Worked with them to see exactly what they expected from the DWP. Worked with the Facilities Director and asked patience. Tried understand their concerns.
- worked with vendor personally to make sure they could really install 4,000 high efficiency toilets and receive payment from us.
- immediate response.
- existing in-house program: convinced boss that it would be expeditious to run from existing prog
Cost effectiveness barrier: worked with vendor and customer to make sure that the most efficient toilet could be installed
- 0.8 gpf /1.28
Bureacratic barrier
- WC Board Hierarchy
Budget barrier:
- budget underachieving move
- Leads, boss write resolution
- Board’s calendar approved.
- 4,415 Premium High Efficiency toilets installed 20,000 more
Cost effectiveness barrier: worked with vendor and customer to make sure that the most efficient toilet could be installed
What supervisory methods do you use to ensure that staff meets deadlines?
determine tasks delegate to employees, based on their skill.
ownership vested interest
What I would provide
- equip & training
- recognition for job well done
chronic problems achieving deadlines:
- important of deadlines
- not able to measure performance
- monitor
- accountable
Example: Leads –
- in charge
- working what is not
- When all in place , employees will do incredible things
What should your goals be when you are interviewing others for a position?
Selection Interviews goals:
- equal employment opportunities job-related skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal qualifications.
- comply City, State, and Federal regulations Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
- Maintain documentation supports selection decision.
As a manager how would you handle a Sexual Harassment complaint?
- prompt action
- neutral fact finder
- Check personnel
- Document
- good faith determination
- not withhold information/make false representations
Department’s Policy
- Prohibit all forms harassment
- Protect retaliation
- Explain avenues of complaints
- Train law
- confidentiality
- prompt appropriate corrective action
Deliberate or unwanted sexual advances, request sexual favorsverbal or physical contactsexual nature when made :
- Condition employment or employment decisions
- Interferes work performance
Describe Phase 1 of the Emergency Water Plan for the City of Los Angeles.
Phase I
- must have recirculating decorative fountains, ponds, lakes
- drinking water expressly request
- No leaks premises.
- self-closing nozzle
- No irrigating 48 hrs
- Golf greenstees,prof Sports Fieldmaintain
- 10 mins ; (2) cycles 15 mins dayrotorsmulti-streams. Exempt <=4 gph14 gphmicro-
- no single pass cooling systems
- non-recirculating conveyor car wash
- Hotels, motels towels linens daily.
What is the M-M-B act and what does it do?
What ocurred to strenthen Union/Management bond?
Meyers-Milas-Brown Act - Granted municipal employees right to have Labor Unions and bargain contracts.
1995 LADWP had FSP (Focused Separation Program)
As result stronger relationship with IBEW ensued. Formed JLMC Joint Labor Management Committees-identify common problems, joint efforts to resolve them.
Name the successful work habits for a manager.
- Listen management, employees customers.
- role model
- Blow Team’s Horn, Own
- Focus Team’s Strengths
- Accentuating positive attributes
- passion for self-improvement.
- Lead
- Be yourself - management must be satisfied with who you are
- Delegate work Supervisors
- Appraise Supervisor performance
- Understand budgeting
- creative program designer
A new program needs to be marketed. What would you do to market it?
The Marketing Tactics are the 4 P’s: Product, Price, Promotion, and Placement.
Product: an item that a customer demands
water conservation equipment we are rebating/free
Price: price a customer pays for a product
rebate level that optimizes the participation
Promotion how to market the rebate
use internet, social media, big-box store advertising
Placement (Distribution): customer convenient.
What is the most challenging project you have worked on?
Increase 5X’s from average of 6 projects to 30. met goal increased projects to 53 in 3 years and savings went from 33 MGY to over 100 MGY.
objectives threefold:
- satisfy internal external concerns;
- increase customer acceptance of the program;
- increase 5xs
Found more training
- First, I developed immediately implemented
- Second staff and PA start a TAP marketing program.
- Third, I directed staff aggressively pursue projects personal outreach
- Premier Account Execs offer free audits
- Vendors great resource
- my staff greater responsibility increased job satisfaction.
- EEO Question - how do you ensure that your staff understands EEO; race, ethnicity, gender?
ensure supers, managers, employees do the following:
- Good knowl EEO policies, procedures, resources
- Use Job-related skills & exper employ decisions
- Maintain work environment free of discrimination
- demonstrate sensitivity/respect for individual difs
- no derogatory remarks or engage in hazing
- Disseminate information
- assist in employee’s career development
- Document personnel actions
- The LADWP has a Zero Tolerance Policy
- EEO violations include any type of descrimination: sexual harassment, hazing. Equal Employment Opportunity equally and fairly, advance ability and potential – discrimination on the basis of race, sexual origin, ancestry, religion, gender, age marital status, medical condition or disability limitations
- Responsibility to notify immediate supervisor if you are victim, or witness wkplace discrimination
- WC had very diverse employ pool yet respected 1 another, apprec different sk sets diversity brings.
What is the Department’s ADA Policy?
LADWP Policy for Disability Discrimination
- not discriminate against employee on basis disability
- not refuse to reasonably accommodate the disability, without engaging documented interactive process
- Prompt action must be taken
Some of the applicable laws are below:
• Title I of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Involved in this
employee out on disability: had interactive meeting where we discussed each work restriction, it was determined that the job employee could perform the essential functions of the current job. Agreed by Administrative Support Group, Union rep., Supervisor, and Manager. Sent to work directly after meeting ended.
Describe the steps for constructive discipline.
- Responsibility immediate supervisor.
- ensure uniformity of discipline
- private conference w/employee. opportunity correct discipline
- Recognition received discipline corrected. important employee does a job exceptionally well.
objective investigation
- get all available facts including/employee’s story
<u>Making the Investigation-Non-emergency circumstances.</u>
- Initiated employee’s supervisor advice of ERO rep
- Management : Iconfidential memorandum higher management,
- Review written documentation
- Interviw other employees
- review performance standards
Discuss findings and conclusions with employee
- private & informal
- rep
- avoid arguments
- objective
- memo
How does a manager delegate responsibility to others?
- Effective managers practice ownership
- Focus on results, not methods.
- These are the results we want, how are we going to get there?
- Delegate tasks which will build on employee’s current capabilities.
- Major tasks, team members write understanding of the task and results.
- Must follow-up with team members.
Tell us how your background and experience best qualifies you for the USM position.
Currently manage the F.S.U, with 8 Supersivors and Assistant Supervisors and 75 Com Field Reps.
In my brief time as the USM for Field Services, I have:
- Conducted 16 worker safety tours and worked on a employee disciplinary package
- Been directly responsible for the Field Operations Fleet to determine resources for additional staff & ensure all vehicles have GPS
- Attended and participated in monthly Safety Meetings in all four districts
- Worked w/IBEW to successfully negotiate an extension for employees on Article 33
- Interviewed dozens of potential CFRs
Before field services I managed all of the WC programs & services budget of $40M/Yr. During that time the pop of L.A. had increased by 200,000 people but L.A.’s overall usage went down by 20%. My group was responsible for the installation of 1.5M WC devices and projects for CIIMF SF customers which decreased L.A. water usage by over 50 bpy allowing us to meet all of the goals set forth by the Mayor & Governor
As water conservation supervisor for 8 years
- Dozens of presentations to
- I gained extensive Budget experience
- Developed pilot prgrams on irrigation, recycling, & CT water eff systems.
- LADWP WC group was one of the 1st utilities to monitor & verify savings in CT water treatment conservation projects.
- Worked Emergency WC Ordinance & the WC Potential Study
USS Lead overseeing the ULF toilet distrib & rebate programs W/$18M/yr.
Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences
I have several certifications that will benefit me for this position which include:
- Supervisorial certification
- Water Use Efficiency Practitioner I certification
- Water Distribution D1/D2 license.
- Certified Water Efficiency Professional from Assn of Energy Engineers
DWP Organization Question – tell us about a project you worked on that required you to understand the DWP inner workings.
made major changes to in-house program with management and LADWP Board approval, to accommodate customers . took 3.5 months. 2.5 years later we rebated over 24,000 Premium High efficiency toilets for a savings of close to 300 million gpy.
- Large institutional customer
- vendor install 4,000 high efficiency toilets and get paid directly.
- not allow
- immediate response.
- existing in-house program
Cost effectiveness barrier
- 0.8 gpf /1.28
Bureacratic barrier
- WC Board Hierarchy
Budget barrier:
- budget underachieving move
- Leads, boss write resolution
- Board’s calendar approved.
- 4,415 Premium High Efficiency toilets installed 20,000
Cost effectiveness barrier
How do you judge the success of a project?
Measured by:
Level of customer satisfaction
- aware Customer concernsphone, emails, referrals
- satisfaction surveys
- Meeting goals
- Providing feedback management
- Within project budget
- Completing on-time
- Continual monitoring
What is the procedure for discharges or suspension?
Skelly (predisicipline)
- documents disciplinary action is based.
- Employee orally or writing
- written Dept letterhead
- not adversary
- right representation
- appointing authority or designee
Letter of Authorization: How do you work with employees that are on a LOA?
- Make sure they are clear on when it ends and what their job position is
- good for resume
- good experience
- increased chances possibly when the job gets bid
- Article 33 is similar
Setting priorities for new water conservation organization. How do this?
- Set priorities: goals to be met
- make sure what boss wants
- see what skill sets employees have to meet and train
What does OEDS stand for?
Office of Employee Development and Support.
HOW do you communicate the IIPP?
- Orientation of new employees
- Supervisors, responsible adequate training employees
- Supervisors will conduct safety meetings regularly
- A safety bulletin board will be located on site
- SAFETY RULES BOOK-all employees
- SAFETY SUGGESTIONS- Employees encouraged make
Tell me about IIPP record keeping?
- Documentation safety mtgs
- Safety Inspections document on forms.
- Medical orders issued employees
- Documentation of first aid incidents
- Accident documentation
- CAL/OSHA Form 5020
- Accident Analysis
- Statement of Accident
- Contractors/Consultants – record keeping w/CAL/OSHA
- Records training, safety infractions&safety recognition awards
What is the employee compliance system for safety?
- Recognition/awards presented to qualifying employees
- Adminis Manual, section 50-04, outlines displine for safety violations
- Failure to promptly report
Who enforces the Injury and Illness Prevention Program?
- responsibility site manager implement & maintain Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
- Supervisors responsibility for employees comply w/safety rules & practices
- Duty/responsibility every employee comply w/safety rules–non-compliance leads to discipline
Whom does the training responsibility of the IIPP fall on?
Each supervisor must have all new employees & existing employees given new job assignments be provided with training & instruction on job-related hazards.
What is safety manager responsible for?
- Developing programs and procedures to mitigate safety hazards in the workplace
- Developing safety recognition programs
- Attending safety meetings.
- Distributing safety-related information.
- Maintaining accident/injury records
- Conducting safety training classes.
- Assisting in the investigation of accidents.