Using Gene Sequencing Flashcards
What is the purpose of PCR?
To amplify a section of DNA (make more copies) to carry out gene sequencing
How do you carry out PCR?
You mix the sample with everything it needs to replicate and put it in a PCR machine
Heated to 95c for the hydrogen bonds to break
Cooled to 55c so primers can bind
Heated to 72c which is the optimum tempreture for DNA polymerase
Steps repeated around 30 times
What is put in the PCR machine with the sample?
DNA polymerase from a bacteria
Free nucleotides
What kind of DNA polymerase is used in PCR and why?
Enzymes from a bacteria that lives in hot springs as it won’t denature when the sample is heated
Why must the DNA sample be heated to 95c in PCR?
So the hydrogen bonds holding the strands of DNA together break
Why must the DNA sample be colled to 55c in PCR?
So that primers are able to bind to the DNA
Why must the DNA sample be heated to 72c in PCR?
This is the tempreture that the DNA polymerase works best at and helps free nucleotides to bind to the single strands of DNA
What are introns?
Large, non-coding sections of DNA that are removed before mRNA is translated into proteins
What are exons?
Coding sections of DNA
What is DNA sequencing?
Where you find the order of the bases in the sequence of DNA
What is the process of DNA sequencing?
DNA strands are chopped into smaller peices and go through PCR
Labelled terminator bases are added where synthesis stopps after that base
We can use the length of the chains to determine what order they come in, the shortest coming first
What are satellites?
DNA sequences in the introns that are repeating. The number of repeats is unique to each person
How is a DNA profile produced?
The satellites are cut from DNA using restriction endonucleases and then seperated with gel electrophoresis
Southern Blotting is then carried out
How is gel electrophoresis used to make a DNA profile?
DNA put in the gel and then a current is passed through it. DNA fragments move towards the positive anode at different rates depending on size
During electrophoresis, does DNA move towards the anode or the cathode?
How is southern blotting carried out to produce a DNA profile?
An alkeline solution is placed in the gel and a nylon filter put on top. This draws up the gel and leaves the DNA fragments in place
Complimentry gene probes are then added to highlight the target genes