Using data to improve fertility on farms Flashcards
What fertility data do we need to run an analysis?
At a basic level:
* Aggregated” data, e.g…
◦ Total numbers of ewes bred, lambs born live
◦ Total number of piglets produced per year
Fairly crude measures, hard to judge data quality/accuracy, may be all you have!
More detailed:
* Animal ID data
* Event records, e.g…
◦ Inseminations
◦ PDs
◦ Parturition events
What data would you use to moitor fertility in sheep? How can you collect current data?
A lot of sheep repro performance relies on analysing last years data:
Last season’s performance:
* Lambing %age (lambs born alive / ewes put to ram) x 100
* Target 120-200% (lowland>upland>hill)
* Weaning %age
* (lambs weaned / ewes put to ram) x 100
* Length of lambing period
* 95% should be within 2 cycles (ie 35 day period)
* Barren ewes
* (1-(ewes lambing / ewes put to ram)) x 100
* Target <2-3%
This season’s performance:
* Use of raddle
* Identifies ewes returning to serve
* Identifies ewes not served
* Use of scanning
* Identifies empty ewes at end breeding season
* Estimates lambing %age
What data would you use to monitor fertility in beef? Why is it difficult to get lots of data?
- calving distribution
- Vast majority of herds run bull(s) with cows
◦ No need for stockpeople to detect oestrus
◦ Usually no recording of serves/heats - Often have PD session after end of breeding season (+/- at/during)
What goes wrong with heat detection in dairy cows?
* lameness
* environment - slippery floor
* nutrition
* use of bull
* genetics
* time observing
* timing of observation
* training
* use of bull
* technology
* heat detection aids
Why is the conception rate target not always reached in diary cows?
- Nutrition
◦ Energy balance
◦ Micronutrients
◦ ?Excess protein - AI related
◦ Technique
◦ Semen quality
◦ Semen storage
◦ Thawing & handling
◦ Timing of AI - Disease
◦ Lameness
◦ Herd level infectious disease (IBR/BVD/lepto)
◦ Uterine bacterial disease
◦ Venereal (e.g. campylobacter) - Bull
◦ True infertility
◦ Lameness
◦ Lack of libido
What are the limitations in managing and monitoring fertility?
- Lack of any data!
- Poor data quality
- Lack of skill/time
- No access to software