User Authentication Flashcards
What are the authentication factors?
Vi har fire ulike faktorer:
- knowledge-based, noe du vet, som f.eks. passord.
- Ownership-based, noe du har, som f.eks. tokens.
- Inherence-based, noe du har /gjør, som f.eks. biometrics. Vi har to ulike biometrics: Physiological og behavioural biometric characteristics.
- Secondary channel, en kanal du kontrollerer, som f.eks. SMS, Email osv.
Kombinasjoner av disse er kalt multi-factor authentication
What is hashing and salting?
Hashing er når man bruker en algortime til å kartlegge data i hvilken som helst størrelse til en fiksert lengde. Dette blir ofte kalt for hash value, hash sums , hash code, eller hash digest. Hashing er One-way funksjon.
Salting er et konsept som typisk blir brukt til passord hashing.Det er en unik verdi som kan bli legget inn i enden av passordet for å skape en annen hash verdi.
What are the types of atuhentication tokens?
Synchronised, Challenge, Challenge-respons, clock -based, og counter-based tokens.
Explain Clock-based, atuthentication tokens.
Clock-based OTP Tokens:
• Token displays time-dependent code on display
– User copies code from token to terminal to log in
• Possession of the token is necessary to know the
correct value for the current time
• Each code computed for specific time window
• Codes from adjacent time windows are accepted
• Clocks must be synchronised
• Example: BankID and SecurID
What is the biometric system?
En teknologisk system som bruker informasjon om en person til å identifisere denne personen. Systemet er avhengig av spesifikke data om unike biologiske trekk for å kunne fungere effektivt.
What is the criteria for biometric characteristics?
Hver person burde ha karakteristikkene.
Hvilken som helst to personer burde være tilstrekkelig annerledes forskjellige vilkår av karakteristiskene.
Permanence: Karakteristikkene bør ikke være varierende over tid (feks. ansiktet eller fingeravtrykk)
collectability: Karakteristikkene bør være kvantitativt målbare.
What is the E-Government user authentication frameworks?
Trust in identity is a requirement for e-Government
• Authentication assurance produces identity trust.
• Authentication depends on technology, policy,
standards, practice, awareness and regulation.
• Common e-authentication frameworks allow crossnational and cross-organisational solutions that
give convenience, cost savings and security.
NB! se tabell på s.54 i forelesningen om dette authentication.
What is authentication assurance levels?
Er forskringsnivå. Forkortet til AAL og er bestemt av det svakeste av tre lenker:
- User identity Registration Assuarnce requriments(UIRA).
Requirements for correct registration:
• Pre-authentication credentials, e.g.
- birth certificate
- biometrics
2.User Credential
Management Assurance
(UCMA) requirements.
Requirements for secure handling of credentials: • Creation • Distribution • Storage
3.User Authentication
Method Strength
(UAMS) requirements.
Requirements for mechanism strength: • Password length and quality • Cryptographic algorithm strength • Tamper resistance of token • Multiple-factor methods
Explain counter-based atuthentication tokens.
Counter-based OTP Tokens:
• Counter-based tokens generate a ‘password’
result value as a function of an internal counter
and other internal data, without external inputs.
• HOTP is a HMAC-Based One-Time Password
Algorithm described in RFC 4226 (Dec 2005)
– Tokens that do not support any numeric input
– The value displayed on the token is designed to be
easily read and entered by the user.
Explain challenge-response atuthentication tokens.
Challenge Response Based Tokens
for User Authentication:
• A challenge is sent in response to access request
– A legitimate user can respond to the challenge by
performing a task which requires use of information
only available to the user (and possibly the host)
• User sends the response to the host
– Access is approved if response is as expected by host.
• Advantage: Since the challenge will be different
each time, the response will be too – the dialogue
can not be captured and used at a later time
• Could use symmetric or asymmetric crypto