Useful Things to Memorize (Midterm) Flashcards
What is the mass of a proton, relative to an electron?
What’s the maximum angle of scattering for a large projectile relative to small target?
0.03 degrees
Maximum angle of scattering for two equal masses?
90 degrees
Maximum angle of scattering for a projectile much smaller than target.
180 degrees
What is the maximum energy lost to an electron by a proton
0.22% (4/1836)
Is the energy deposit of an electron with a large target big or small?
Very small
What make up the vast majority of interactions? Hard or Soft?
Angle between scatterings of two equal masses?
90 degrees
When is the only time that a charged particle has a magnetic field strength comparable to its electric field strength?
At relativistic speeds
Maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron
hf - W
Total energy of a particle in special relativity
(gamma)mc^2 E = T + RestEnergy
Approximate rest energy of an Electron, Proton and Neutron
Electron - 0.511 MeV Proton - 938.3 MeV (say 1000) Neutron - 939.6 MeV (say 1000)
What is binding energy proportional to
Proportional to Z^2 Inversely proportional to n^2
How does an Auger electron form
A vacancy exists in a low shell An electron from an upper shell drops down to fill vacancy This releases energy, which excites an upper shell electron and ejects it
Low Z atoms fill K-shell vacancies primarily by ________ High Z atoms fill K-shell vacancies primarily by ___________
Auger Electron Emission Characteristic Radiation
What is the fluorescent yield for vacacnies higher than the L-Shell
Practically zero
Relation between hard angle of a sphere to area
= dA/r^2
For a flat faced detector, the hard angle is equal to what?
Area of detector/r^2
Equation for beam fluence of parallel beam
N/A where N is average number of particles
Fluence relation by the inverse square law
F1/F2 = r2^2/r1^2
What is the interaction cross section of the coulomb force
What does the Probability of an interaction depend on?
number of tar/cc Interaction cross section dx or, (cross section)(N)/dA or Nint/N
What does the number of interactions rely on?
(n_targets/cc)(cross section)(Fluence)(dA)(dx)
What are the 3 types of interactions of a charged particle with an atomic electron?
Inelastic Scattering Inelastic Radiative scattering Electron capture
What is the approximate radius of an atom?
Bohr radius, 0.53 * 10^-8 cm
What is the differential cross section proportional to?
Z1^2 and Z2^2
What is the approximate total cross section for elastic p-p scattering
10^-19 cm^2
What is the approximate magnitude of the proton scattering by a heavy nucleus?
10^-19 cm^2
What is the primary mechanism by which projectile charged particles lose radiative energy?
Brensstrahlung Radiation
What approximation is made when a fast moving charged particle interacts with a charged target
Straight trajectory approximation
What is the classical interaction cross section with an electron proportional to?
Proportional to Z1^2 Inversley proportional to (beta)^2
At relativistic speeds, what is the approximate cross section of interactions with an electron? What about at non relativistic speeds?
10^-19 cm^2/e for relativistic 10^-16 cm^2/e for non relativistic
Why are small energy losses much more dominant?
Because they occur for large impact parameters. Large impact parameters have correspondingly large cross sections.
About how much smaller is collision stopping power with a nucleus relative than with an electron?
About 1000x smaller. So normally it is negligible, especially for heavy projectiles