Useful textbook sentences Flashcards
- [차가] 너무 많다.
There are too many [cars]. {problem}
- [겨울에는 비가] 너무 많이 [온다].
There is too much [rain in winter]. {problem}
- [밤에는 갈 곳이] 부족하다.
There aren’t enough [places to go at night].
- 내가 어렸을 때,…
When I was young,…
- 나는 [아버지와 낚시를] 자주 했었다.
I used to [go fishing with my father] {regular, not true now}
- 영화는 너무 실망스러웠다.
The movie was so disappointing. {Something makes a feeling}
- 나는 연기에 깊은 인상을 받았다.
I was very impressed with the acting. {My feeling}
- 특별한 점은 [우리 학교는 남녀공학 이었다는] 것이다.
One interesting thing was that [my school was co-educational]
- [학교]에 대한 가장 좋아하는 점은 [스포츠]였습니다.
My favorite thing about [the school] was [the sport].
- 내가 제일 싫어하는 것은 [학교가 매우 추웠다는] 것입니다.
My least favorite thing was that [the school was very cold].
- 통틀어서, [우리 학교는 그렇게 나쁘지 않았습니다.]
Overall, [my school wasn’t too bad].
- I ____ (come) home. He ____ (run) straight past the car.
I was coming home. He ran straight past the car.
- He ____ (have) a gun. I think maybe he _____ (rob) a bank.
He had a gun. I think maybe he had robbed a bank.
- As I ____ (drive) past, the bank alarm ______ (go off), and people ______ (run) out.
As I drove past, the bank alarm was going off, and people were running out.