Useful Phrases Flashcards
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior
Jezus Kristus je Boz^ji Sin in nas^ Odrešenik
Our Father in Heaven
Nas^ Oc^e v nebesih
I am grateful for my family
Hvalez^en sem za druz^ino
We ask thee to bless us with thy spirit
Prosimo te, da nas blagoslovis^ z Duhom
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen
V imenu Jezusa Kristusa, amen
I am thankful for the gospel
Hzalez^en sem za evangelij
I love Jesus Christ
Rad imam Juzusa Kristusa
I know that the Book of Mormon is true
Vem, da Mormonova knjiga je resnica
God restored His gospel through Joseph Smith
Bog je prekoJosepha Smitha obnovil evangelij
Jesus Christ is our Redeemer
Juzus Kristus je nas^ Odkupitelj
Jezus Kristus je naš odrešenik
Where can I get (find)
Kje lahko kupim
How much does that cost
How much is
Koliko stane
Koliko je
Do you speak English?
Govoris^ angles^ko
I don’t understand
Ne razumem
Where is
Kje je
How are you
Kako ste
Where is the restroom
kje je stranišče
I like
Rad imam
I love you
Ljubim Te
I would like
Rad bi
I am
Jaz sem
You are
Ti si
We are
Mi smo
I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and restored the true gospel
Vem, da je bil Joseph Smith prerok in obnovil pravi evangelij
I want help
Želim _____. (ZHEH-leem____)
Hočem pomoč
Na pomoc^
My wife and I are very happy to be in Ljubljana
moja žena in jaz smo zelo veseli, da smo v Ljubljani
I want to share my testimony.
God is our Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and my Savior. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and restored the true gospel and the Lord’s church. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen
Želim deliti svoje pričanje.
Bog je naš nebeški Oče. Jezus Kristus je Božji Sin in moj Odre šENik. Vem, da MorMONova knjiga je resnica. Vem, da Joseph Smith je bil Boz^ji prerok in obNOvil pravi evangelij in GosPODova cerkev. v imenu Jezusa Kristusa, amen.
Želim deliti svoje pričanje.
Bog je naš nebeški Oče. Jezus Kristus je Božji Sin in moj Odre šENik. Vem, da MorMONova knjiga je resnica. Vem, da Joseph Smith je bil Boz^ji prerok in obNOvil pravi evangelij in GosPODova cerkev. v imenu Jezusa Kristusa, amen.
How do you say
kako rečeš *****
We are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I am a missionary………
I am a representative from the church…..
We are representatives from the church……
Mi smo misijonarji iz Cerkve Jezusa Kristusa svetih iz poslednjih dni
Jaz sem misijonar Cerkve Jezusa Kristusa svetih iz poslednjih dni
Jaz sem predstavnik cerkve….
Mi smo predstavniki cerkve….
Where is the restroom
kje je stranišče
Kye imate…..
Excuse me
Pleased to meet you
Me veseli
Our dear Heavenly Father
We thank thee for the gospel
We are grateful for the Book of Mormon and for a living prophet
We thank thee for good friends and neighbors.
We ask thee to help us keep the commandments.
Please bless us to be kind to each other.
Please Bless our leaders with health and wisdom.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Naš dragi nebeški Oče
Zahvaljujemo se vam za evangelij
Hvaležni smo za Mormonovo knjigo in za živega preroka
Zahvaljujemo se vam za dobre prijatelje in sosede.
Prosimo vas, da nam pomagate obdržati zapovedi.
Prosim, blagoslovi nas, da smo prijazni drug do drugega.
Prosim blagoslovi naše voditelje z zdravjem in modrostjo.
V imenu Jezusa Kristusa, amen.