Useful Phrases Flashcards
Immisa jir baad tahay?
How old are you?
Sannadkee baad dhalatey?
In what year were you born?
Waa immisa?
How many/much?
Waxaan ahey…(sano) jir.
I am … (years) old.
Waxaan dhashey sannadkii…
I was born in the year…
waa imisadii?
what time is it? (northern dialect)
waa meeqa saac?
meeqa saac waaye?
what time is it? (southern dialect)
Xaggee bay musqushu ku taal?
Where is the bathroom located?
Musqushu waa xaggee?
Where is the bathroom? (lit. “Bathroom is where?”)
Adigaa mudan / Idinkaa mudan
You’re welcome / You’re all welcome
fadlan ku soo celi
please repeat it
Ma fahamtay/fahamteen?
Do you/(all) understand?
laga yaabee
tartiib u hadal
speak slowly
nusa saace
break(lit. half an hour)
“praise be to God”
“God give you grace”
waan ka xumahay
I’m sorry.
Ma qaadan karnaa nusa saace?
Can we take a break?(lit. “to have can we a break”)
sidee loo dhahaa…?
how do you say…?
Magaciisu waa…
His name is …
Waxaan ka imi…
Waxay ka timi…
Wuxuu ka yimi…
I am from…
She is from…
He is from…
Xaggee baa deggentahay?
Where do you live?
Thank you
Maxaad haysaa?
What’s up?
mushkilad ma aha
no problem
Maxaan dhaha
What should I say?
(common filler phrase)
Yaa ku xigga?
Who’s next?
Aad baad u mahadsantahay.
Thank you very much.
mar kale
again, another time
Ok, Aye
…sow ma aha?
isn’t it, isn’t that so?
echo tagged on the end of questions, as in English
calaacasha oo tin ka soo baxdo
(lit: “when the palm grows hair”)
refers to something that can’t happen; equivalent of “when pigs fly” in English.
Waxaan kuu rajaynayaa caafimaad.
I hope you feel better. (lit. “I wish health for you.”)