Useful Phrases 2 Flashcards
As soon as possible
Čím skôr
Don’t be mad
Nehnevaj sa
I’m too busy
I’ve got my hands full.
Mám plné zuby.
I still haven’t decided.
Ešte som sa nerozhodol.
There’s nothing you can do about it.
Nedá sa nič robiť
Why are we wasting time?
Prečo strácame čas?
You can do it.
Ty to zvládneš
How much does it weigh?
Koľko váži?
How do I get…?
Ako sa dostanem…?
What is there in Bratislava?
Čo sa nachádza v Bratislave?
Can I pay in cash?
Možem platiť v hotovosti?
How do you want to pay?
Čim platíš?
Which payment method are you using?
Akým spôsobom platíš?
You must tell me about everything.
Musíš mi o všetkom porozprávať
I haven’t seen you in a while.
Dlho som ťa nevidela.
I’ve never heard of it.
Nikdy som o tom nepočula.
It seems that…
Zdá sa, že…
It just seems that way to you.
To sa ti len zdá.
Dream on!
Snívaj ďalej!
I’m so-so.
Ujde to.
In a row.
Do radu.
What are you afraid of?
Čoho sa bojíš?
Step by step.
Krok za krokom.
It’s unbelievable.
To je neuveriteľne.
See you later.
Uvidíme sa neskôr.
Bon voyage!
Šťastnú cestu!
Can you give me…?
Môžete mi dať…?
I am happy to meet you.
Rada tá spoznávam.
I am calling from…
Volám z…
Do you sell…?
Some more, please.
Trochu viac, prosím.
Please, hurry up.
Prosím, ponáhľajte sa.
It’s up to you.
Záleží na tebe.
Simply said
Jednoducho povedané
It was worth it
Stalo to zato
It occurred to me
Napadlo ma
It fits me
Sedí mi to
It suits me
Hodí sa mi to
Will you join us?
Pridáte sa?
I’ve had enough of it.
Už ma to nebaví
What do you mean by that?
Čo tým chceš povedať?
Don’t mention it again!
To mi ani nespomínaj
You’d better stop talking
Už radšej nepokračuj
You’ve convinced me
Prehovorila si ma
The reality was different
Realita bola iná
It cost me nothing
Nestalo ma to nič