Useful phrases Flashcards
thank you
फेरि भन्नुस
please say that again
बिस्तारै भन्नुस
please say that slowly
फेरि भेटौला
see you again
तपाइलाइ कस्तो छ?
how are you?
मलाइ सन्चै छ
I am fine
मलाइ सन्चो छैन.
I am not well.
आरामै हुनुहुन्छा?
are you well? (same as “sanchai chha?”)
____ भनेको के हो?
what does _____ mean?
एक छिन.
just a moment.
कति पर्छ?
how much does it cost?
महँगो भयो
it is expensive
अलि कम गर्नुस न
please make it less
मिलाएर दिनुस न
please sort out the price
जम्मा कति भयो?
how much is it altogether?
it is enough
तपाइँ कहा बस्नुहुन्छा?
where do you live/stay?
तपाइँ नेपालमा कति बस्नुहुन्छा?
how long will you stay in Nepal?
तपाइँ के काम गर्नुहुन्छा?
what (work) do you do?
म अलिअलि नेपाली बोल्छु.
I speak a little Nepali.
गाइको मासु पाइञ्छ?
Do you have beef?
do not have
need (is needed)
do not need
मलाइ पानि चाहिन्छा
I need water
मेरो पानि छ.
I have water.
तपाइलाइ कस्तो छ?
how are you?
तपाइँ कस्तो हुनुहुन्छा?
how are you? (more polite)
महँगो छ
it is expensive (in general)
महँगो भयो
it is expensive (in this case; you raised price)
सस्तो गर्नुस
please make it cheaper.
अलि कम गर्नुस
please make it a little less.
(मलाइ) एक सयेमा दिनुस.
please give it to me for 100
जम्मा कति?
कुन किसिमको
(what) which kind of? (no space in 2nd word)
यो कुन किसिमको कलाम हो?
what kind of pen is this?
यो किसिमको कलम छ?
Do you have this kind of pen?
आप पाइञ्छ?
do you have mangos?
आप छ?
(short form) do you have mangos?
पाइञ्छ. (or) पाइन्दैन
have (or) do not have
कहा पाइञ्छ?
where are they available?
मलाइ थाहा छैन.
I don’t know.
कति पर्छ?
How much is it?
अर्को हप्ता
next week
मलाइ अर्को कलम दिनुस.
Please give me another pen.
अरु के चाहिन्छा?
What (other things) do you need? What else do you need?
अरु (मान्छेहरु) कहा छन्?
Where are the others?
पानि पर्छ.
it will rain / it rains
ल लिनुस.
Here you are, please take it.
त्यो देखाउनुस त.
Please show that to me.
दुइजना मान्छे
two men
एकजना साथि
a friend
“ke”, “ko”, “kahaa”, etc. have no separate plural forms. Plurality is indicated by repeating the pronoun. “ke ke”
see examples
तपाइको परिवारमा को को हुनुहुन्छा?
Who (what people) are in your family?
तपाइको झोलामा के के छ?
What things are in your bag?
मेरो बा दोच्तोर हुनुहुन्छा.
My father is a doctor.
मेरो आमा घरमा हुनुहुन्छा.
My mother is in the house.
म Marilynको श्रीमान हु.
I am Marilyn’s husband.
अहिले म busy छु.
Now, I am busy
हामीलाई पोखरा धेरै मन पर्छ.
We like Pokhara very much.
वहालाई Beer मन पर्दैन.
She does not like Beer.
को बोल्नुभएको? (on the phone)
Who is speaking?
म वहालाई भन्छु.
I will tell him.
a little (for quantity of things)
मलाइ अलिकति भात दिनुस.
Please give me a little rice.
यो मेरो आफ्नो घर हो.
This is my own house.
is used with a verb to mean doing something oneself
म आफै गर्छु.
I’ll do it myself.
(eklai) means “alone”, but sometimes means on my/his/her own
म एक्लै जान्छु.
I will go on my own (alone).
मेरो बिचारमा
in my opinion; I think
thinking, thought, idea, opinion
तपाइँ नेपालमा कति बस्नुहुन्छा ?
How long are you staying in Nepal?
तपाइँ नेपालमा कहिले सम्म बस्नुहुन्छा ?
How long are you staying in Nepal?
म December सम्म नेपालमा बस्छु.
I am staying in Nepal until December.
कहिले फर्कनुहुन्छा?
When will you return?
मेरो हात खालि छ
My hand is empty.
तपाइको केहि पनि छैन .
You have nothing. (Lit.: You do not have nothing.)
to walk
by foot, on foot
after some days; after sometime
घर नजिक को पसल
the store nearby the house
भोलि म तपाइलाइ भेट्छु
Tomorrow I will meet/see you.