Useful new verbs Flashcards
To deliver
To talk about
Hablar de
To search for something
Buscar algo
To ask for something
Pedir algo
To be at (a location)
Estar en
To look like something
Paracerse a algo
You look like your brother
Tu te pareces a tu hermano
To stop doing something
Dejar de hacer algo
To attend something
Asistir a algo
To reach, to catch up with
To recall something
Acordarse de algo
To pick up, to tidy
To stop
To stop doing something
Parar de hacer algo
I said goodbye to my brother
Me despedí a mi hermano
To help with something
Ayudar a algo
To learn something
Aprender a algo
To finish something
Terminar de hacer algo
To start (commence) something
Comenzar a algo
To try, attempt something
Tratar de hacer algo
To enter something
Entrar en algo
To dream of something
Soñar con alguien
She married her boyfriend
Ella se casó con su novio
He fell in love with her
Él se enamoró de ella
He forgot his backpack
Él se olvidó de su mochila
I’m glad to see you
Me alegro de verte
We laughed at his ugly face
Nos reímos de su cara fea
I always get angry at the traffic
Siempre me enfado con el tráfico
I promised to tidy my room
Prometí arreglar mi dormitorio
To hope, to expect something
Pretender algo
To lend
To deserve something
Merecer algo
You deny that it’s the truth
Niegas que es la verdad
He threatened to leave
Él amenazó irse
She waited for the bus
Ella esperó el autobus
He took advantage of the delay
Él aprovechó el retraso
They managed to agree the sale
Ellos lograron acordar la venta
To earn
To rent
To kick out, to fire
To use, take advantage of
To indicate, point to
To sign up for something (coll)
Apuntarse en algo
To combine, to balance
To think about something
Pensar en algo
To toast, to give
Brindar algo
To stand out, to highlight
Destacar algo
He notices / realizes something
Él se percata de algo
To link/bind something
Vincular algo
To belong to/form part of something
Pertenecer a algo
It’s his responsibility/role to finish the job
Le pertenece a él acabar el trabajo
To include/take up/encompass OR to take on (e.g. a task)
To gather information
recabarar información
To convey, to imply, to involve
To achieve, to obtain something
Conseguir algo
To manage to tidy the flat
Conseguir arreglar el departamento
To influence something
Influir en algo
To cause damage to something
Causar daño a algo OR dañar algo
To grant, to award, to confer X to Y
ortorgar X a Y
to demand
to blame
to defeat
to uncover
to advocate
abogar algo
to disdain, to do down
to humiliate
to take advantage
tomar ventaja de algo
to dis-/encourage
to pass, to elapse
to convey, to imply
to date back to, to go back to
remontarse a
to limit, to restrict
to assert
to be wrong about something
equivocarse de algo
to provide, to supply with X for Y
proveer de X para Y
detener algo (4 meanings)
to stop, to delay, to keep, to arrest
the book tackles controversial topics
el libro aborda temas controvertidos
to concentrate on something
fijarse en algo
to check something
comprobar algo
he checks his tickets before flying
él comprueba sus boletos antes de ir en avión
To apply for a job
Presentarse a un puesto