Useful Geography Key Words 1 Flashcards
Growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil
Appropriate (or intermediate) technology
Technology suited to the needs, skills, knowledge and wealth of local people and their environment
A wave-eroded passage through a small headland. This begins as a cave which is gradually widened and deepened until it cuts through.
When a spit grows across a bay, a bay bar can eventually enclose the bay tho create a lagoon
Beach nourishment
Adding new material to a beach artificially, through the dumping of large amounts of sand or shingle
Beach re-profiling
Changing the profile or shape of the beach
The variety of life in the world or a particular ecosystem
Brownfield site
Land that has been used, abandoned and now awaits reuse; often found in urban areas
Business park
An area of land occupied by a number of businesses
Carbon footprint
Measurement of the greenhouse gases individuals produce, through burning fossil fuels
A large hole in a cliff caused by waves forcing their way into cracks in the cliff face
Channel straightening
Removing meanders from a river to make it straighter
Chemical weathering
The decomposition (rotting) of rock caused by a chemical change within that rock
Managing the environment in order to preserve, protect or restore it
Conservative plate margin
Two plates sliding along each other, in the same or different directions