Useful Expressions Flashcards
There there has been unanimous view that we need to keep the document short and sharp
For consideration by
To seize the moment
To take this opportunity
To be intrinsic to
To be ….. by nature
To come out
To be published
It does not work like this
To be consistant with
To be aligned to or with
To be in line with
Deep concern or Anxiety
What else?
Happen to do sth.
I happened to be on the bus, There happened to be a ticket.
Doing sth by chance or coincidence.
Listening to the discussion
Needless to say
Build on
Build up
To set out
تاسیس کردن بنیان نهادن
To take account of sth
To put forward
To propose
To offer
We need to address that beforhand
A few days beforehand
In my own country
To avert the risk of being
To prevent
To avoid
The proponents
The opponents
To harness the potential
To leverage
To consolidate
To combine
To consolidate
As long as I’m alive
I’m a bit hesitant about
I’m not sure that
In a separate session we need to address that
At the moment
To pay tribute
To pay homage
Purchasing power
To be open to
To welcome….
To be receptive to
Means of achieving
To take into account,
To take into consideration
Symmetry, asymmetry
with those introductory comments from me
Among others
Or to name but a few اگر بخواهم فقط چند مورد رو نام ببرم
I leave this to group decision
To receive wide support
We need to be mindful of…
To give advantage to
To work through
To make compromise
To reach agreement
To lose the train of thought
I lost my train of thought
With some exceptions
To leverage
A very tight timeline
To contain
To entail
Used widely
There are signs that
To underlie
The principle underlies the law.
Underlying principle
Before handing over to…
The question that has raised earlier about
Zoom in and out
To take the responsibility or burden of
Sharp focus
With urgency
As a matter of urgency
In particular
A key entry point
To convey condolences
I’m not sure that it is the right place to put it
The law acknowledge that
Commensurate with
From now on
To be particular to
To be a unique feature of
be firmly rooted in ..
To be grounded in
To be imbedded in
To be stemmed from
Low-hanging fruit
One difficulty lays in the fact that
Root causes
To put that on record
به صورت مستدل
To give way to
To be replaced
To be superseded
It may need to give way to a more….
Ever since,
از زمانی که
1. اگر آخر جمله بیاید معنای “ از آن موقع” می دهد. مثلا:
They’ve been keeping us busy ever since
2. اگر وسط جمله بیاید معنای “از وقتی که” می دهد. مثلا:
I have had a backache ever since i fell down of the tree
To reword
To rephrase
To rewrite
Legal terms
In terms of
Candid discussions
بحث رک و بی پرده
To prescribe
مقرر داشتن
To explain
To elaborate
To seek guidance
To lay down obligations
To establish
To set up
To interfere
To single out
To reiterate
To matter
To count
To creat a climate of …
To tighten our resolve for
Our commitment
Our promise
This has obvious relevance to
On the spot
Linguistic corrections
As a necessity
By way of necessaity
By necessity
Bottom of ….
Top of
Middle of
| Bottom of the page
To try our best
To do our utmost
Prior to
Ahead of
Corresponding implication
Against this backdrop
Against this background
In this framework
در چنین شرایطی
Policy advice
In ILO words
We should not lose the sight of fact that
Lose track of
Fail to take in to account
Forward-looking skills
It is early yet to
In conjunction with
Combining with
To be pressed for time
I apologize, I’m a bit pressed for time،
This should be bring or remain to the fore
To be empasize
To be stressed
In my humble view,
With regards to
As regards to
In that connection
To deal with
To address
In light of….
Taking account of …
Then I would like to hear back from you …
To give priority to
To foreground
Turbulent years of pandemy
To have big implications
To put …. to test
By close of business today COB
Qualifying period
To append
By far
To be reluctant, unwilling, disinclined
An issue well worth mentioning is
Matters rising out of the work of the conference
It’s not appropriate to
Compounded by
I trust and do hope
Opp of Written
In that sense
In that respect
In this context
In itself
It is clear enough in itself
This notion is a controversial one in itself and then I propose an alternate less conflictual concept
We would get into trouble if
Means of action
To a greater or lesser extent
Current session
To put policies into practice
Thank you for taking our suggestions onboard
As evidenced by
May I take it that
A simple truth is that
Mainstream idea
To creep up
To apportion (the blame)
Concordance, correspondence, similarity
برداشتن مثلا مانع
Financial, regulatory, media literacy
To rectifie
To mirror
this issue should be reflected/pointsd out somewhere in the document preferably in the chapu
In so doing
در این راستا، در اجرای این کار یا برنامه یا هدف
We are open to continue discussion
We welcome further discussion on that
To exchange idea
Later on
Make comments
make remarks
استفاده کردن از چیزی برای مواجهه با یک موقعیت سخت
To bring …. to bear …
Divergent views
Heterogenous views
پایش (حرف اضافه)
Follow up to
Vis a Vis
Stemming from
ایجاد کردن (تغییر)
To bring about (change)
چگونه با این پیشنهاد مواجه می شویم
How would we deal with this suggestion
ریسک کردن
To take risk
در شرایط فعلی, فعلا
For now
It is enough for now
به نظر می رسد مسایلی در مورد … وجود دارد
There seems to be issues with…
هدایت کردن
To drive
تقویت کردن
To amplify
پیشنهاد اصلاحات یا تغییرات
To sponsor amendments
سهم داشتن در چیزی، کمک کردن به چیزی
نابرابریها در انتقال بین نسلی فقر و طرد اجتماعی سهم دارند کمک می کنند
To help
To assist
To contribute
To play a role in
تجربه نشان داده است
Experience documented that
جبران کردن
To provide remedies for
Fruitful, beneficial,
دفعات زیادی
Many times
بسط دادن
To elaborate
وجه مشترک داشتن یا مخرج مشترک چیزهایی
To have common denominator
حمایت کردن
To support
To stand for
درک کردن
To realize
بهتر این هست که
It is preferable to
بدون ابهام به صورت قید
اعمال حق، استفاده از حق
To exercise the right
مسئول یا کسی که بار بر دوش دارد
برقرار کردن (ضرب الاجل)
To establish deadlines
اجازه بفرمایید در همین ابتدا عذرخواهی کنم اگر صحبتهایم یک یا دو دقیقه بیشتر شد
Let me already and in advance apologise if it turns out I need one or two more minutes
اشاره به عدم نیاز به توضیح داشتن
To speak for itself
رها کردن،
To give up
به صورت آزمایشی
on a trial basis
هنوز برقرار و پابرجا بودن در مورد مقررات
To remain in force
محیط مناسب
Enabling environment
Conducive environment
تشکیل دادن ( گروه یا کمیته) یا تنظیم (جلسه)
To set up
متن به همان شکلی که پیشنهاد شده بود
The text as it is originally introduced
نمی خواهم از نوبتم جلو بزنم
I don’t like to go before my turn
با توجه به آنچه گفته شد
Saying that…
Having said that….
تبعیت از قانون یا مقررات
To comply with
Compliance with
For the time being
For the moment
برعهده گرفتن مسئولیت
To preside over
معکوس و برعکس کردن (روند حرکت)
To reverse
در نظر گرفتن
پرداختن به
توجه کردن به
To give some thoughts to
To consider or give consideration to
این سند مبنای خوبی برای شروع بحث است
The document is a good basis for the discussion
از اینکه دیر رسیدم عذرخواهی می کنم
Apologies for late arrival
بسیار خوشحال بودن
To be more than happy
I’m more than happy to see the progress we are making toward reaching a consensus.
اضافه کردن و حذف کردن
Addition or deletion
فشار محدودیت زمان
Time pressure
قبل از شروع بحث
Before we get into discussion
اشکار کردن
To expose
To reveal
مرور کردن مثلا یادداشت
To look through
To go through
To go over
عواقب یا نتایج ناخواسته
سهم عادلانه
Fare share
دانش فنی
Technical expertise
پیاپی، روز ماه یا سالها
توجه کافی کردن به چیزی
To give due consideration to
بسیار متاسفم که
I deeply regret that
برجسته کردن
To flag, to highlight, to bring up
داده ها و شواهد
Facts and figures
در طول
Over instead of during
نکته اصلی، روح و محور اصلی (در مورد سند یا قانون )
Thrust, gist,
بببخشید، متوجه زمان نشدم و انجام کاری دیر شد
To lose the track of time
اجازه بدهید بگوییم
Let’s say
Educated- uneducated,
دستمزد معیشتی یا برای حداقل معیشت
Living wages
محتوای سند
Substance of the document
چگونه با این موضوع برخورد کنیم
How we gonna deal with that
How we gonna proceed with that
احتمال چیزی را کم یا زیاد کردن
Likelihood of
کشورهای پیشرو
Pathfinder countriss
ازدیاد، زیاد شدن، تکثیر
، برجسته و قابل توجه بودن اهمیت بیشتر داشتن
To stand out
Three of them stand out
Outstanding ….
To be prounounced
وقت نداشتم که سخنرانیم رو به اندازه وقت تعیین شده کوتاه کنم
Ididn’t have the time to cut my speech to the exact length
عمل به تعهدات
To deliver the commitment
در دوره ی
In the era of
چیزی که می خواهم بگویم این است که
What I’m trying to say is that
اجرایی کردن یک سند یا تصمیم یا سیاست
To give effect to
To enter into force
To come into force
بسیار اولویت دار و ضروری ( در مورد نیاز یا کارها)
Most pressing , topic, needs or actions
در همان سال
The same year
هر چی شما بگید، من در خدمت شما هستم
I’m in your hand
یک سند واضح و روشن
A direct and succinct document
توضیح دادن
To set out
بسیار شدید مثلا در مورد تغییرات
دور خود چرخیدن
To go around in circle
لحظه و زمان خطیر
Pivotal time
دست نخورده
من پیشنهاد را می خوانم
I’m gonna read the suggestions
تا جایی که عملی است
As much as practicable
راضی بودن از
To be pleased with
قصد پشت پیشنهاد
The intention behind the suggestion
با این برداشت که، با فرض اینکه،
With the understanding that, Providing that Given that Assuming that On the assumption that
به شیوه مناسب به موضوعی پرداختن
To approach accordingly
ارزش و فایده تولید کردن مثلا یک پیشنهاد
To have added value
To have value to add
ورود پیدا کردن در بحث
To interrupt
To step in
دیرپا و از قدیم
منطق پشت این پیشنهاد
The logic before the suggestion
زمان جلسه را افزایش دادن به مدت ..یا تا. …
To extend meeting for …. or by…..
زمان بر
تشکر عمیق ابراز کردن
To express gratitude
We express our deep gratitude to
عبور از یک وضعیت سخت
To get through the
بماند در بقیه موارد وضعیت چگونه است
Let alone how the situation is with other cases
رهبری شجاعانه
Bold leadership
شکی نیست که
No doubt that
این نشانه ای است
This is an indication of
تعهدات عملی
Action pledges
خاتمه دادن (جلسه یا کار)
To wrap up
با فروتنی و صادقانه گفتن
حالا ما باید به کارمون بپردازم
We shall now proceed with our business
به عنوان یک اصل ساده
As a rule of thumb
به وظیفه عمل کردن
To discharge its mandate
بنیان نهادن
To lay the foundation
نباید تغییر کند
It must be remained as it is
در جریان موضوع بودن
To be on the track
ارتباط (بین) چیزها
The linkages
The connections
تخطی کردن از یک قانون یا مقاوله نامه
To contravene the convention
بعد از این مباحث …
After having this discussion
تاکید نهادن بر
To place emphasize on
جامعه عمل پوشاندن
To realize
To give effect
To put in place
عمل کردن به عنوان
To serve as a …
فقدان یا توجه ناکافی به
Lack or insufficient attention to
قابل دفاع، قابل قبول، منطقی بودن
To make sense, It makes perfect sense if…
To be reasonable, It seems reasonable that
To be logical, It seems logical
To be convincing
مهم نیست که چقدر ….(صفت) باشد
هر قدر هم که ….. (صفت) باشد
However ….(adjective) it is
However minor it is, problems need to be discussed
However late it is, you should not lose hope.
Synonym. No matter how late it is, No matter how minor it is.
این نگرانی ها باید به درستی مورد توجه قرار گیرند
These concerns need to be duly addressed
Issues, problems are addressed
He will addressed the meeting.
مضمون این پاراگراف باید
The essence of the paragraph
با کمال تاسف
Very sadly, unfortunately
ارجاع دادن یا اشاره کردن
To refer
To make reference to
This para is making reference to
دورنمای آینده
Future outlook
تهدید کردن
To pose a threat to
To threat
عمق و گستره (در مورد اطلاعات و دانش)
Depth and breadth
ما …. را انجام دادیم
We are done with the para 9
در خطر یا در ریسک
At risk
At stake
مقام ذیصلاح
Competent Authority
محتمل است
It is likely that
هماهنگ بودن با
To be consistant with
واکنش آنی و اولیه در مقابل یک واکنش بررسی شده و اندیشیده
Immediate feedback
Initial feedback
تشکیل دادن بنیان نهادن
To set up
این کار تقریبا تمام شده
این کار قبلا تمام شده انجام شده
It is already done
It is almost done
کارهای آماده سازی
Preparatory work
در معرض چیزی بودن
to be subject to
تحت نظارت قرار دادن
To oversee
To put under surveillance
To put under scrutiny
تاثیرات جانبی و دست دوم
Spinoff impacts
با استفاده از
By means of
نه کامل یا جامع (در مورد فهرست)
Non exhastive
از لحظه ای که
From the moment that
خوش آمدید به ادامه بحث غیررسمی
Welcome you all for this resumption of our informal meeting
قدری نگران زمان هستم
I’m a bit cautious about time
I’m mindful of the time
سازماندهی شدن پیرامون (برای معرفی سند)
Structured around
Outlined around
نگه داشتن چیزی برای رسیدگی در آینده
To put that in the fridge
To postpone
To put off some thing to
محورهای اولویت دار
Priority areas
امکان چیزی وجود داشتن، فضای چیزی فراهم بودن
room for
There is much less room for …
اگر این درست باشد
If this is the case
نگهداشتن محتوا یا اصل یک موضوع
To retain the substance
برای روشنتر شدن بیشتر موضوع
For the sake of clarity
غیر از
Apart from
پذیرفتن و کنار آمدن
To go forward
To go along with
نباید بگذاریم از توجه ما دور بماند
We shall not allow that to fall from our radar screen
In what sort of way
پسوند به معنی ویژه
Sector- specific
تا اطلاع ثانوی
Until further notice
از حاضرین در جلسه
From the floor
برای دسترسی و ارجاع راحت تر
For ease of reference
بخت یاری، خوش شانسی
Luckiness, fortuitous
بیش از هر زمان دیگر
More than ever
سوال مطرح کردن
To pose a queastion
متن این خواهد بود
It would read:
ساده تر بودن
To find it easier
عنوان سند
The heading of the document
این مطلب عینا از سند … برداشته شده است
This is a copy and paste from
The public
به نظر منطقی و قابل استدلال است که
It looks reasonable
It make sense
It seems reasonable
It seems compelling
وظیفه سپردن
To entrust tasks
To assign tasks
To charge … with the responsibility
بیشترین میزان توافق
Maximum level of agreement
باید ببینیم چگونه با این موضوع برخورد باید برخورد کنیم
we need to see that how we would proceed with that
افزایش دادن، مثلا حجم فعالیتهای
To scale up
در گروه ما
Within our group
در زمان نگارش این متن
At the time of writing
مسیر آینده را ترسیم کردن
To chart forward course
برگزار کردن (جلسه یا رویداد)
To hold
To convene
Deliberation, discussion
با توجه به زمان بسیار کمی که باقی مانده
Given the very short period available for
همراستا و هماهنگ با
In line with
In accordance with
همانگونه که توسط …. پیشنهاد شده است
As proposed by …
حفظ موضع و اصرار بر آن
To reserve the position To stick to To keep the position To remain with position To stay with the position
اولین جلسه ممکن
Earliest available session
اولویت آنی
Immediate priority
انتشار در وبسایت یا اینترنت
To post
سن ورود به مدرسه و سن خروج از مدرسه
School attending and leaving age
در شرایط فقدان …
In the absence of
در راستای یا همراستا با
In line with
Consistent with
ادامه پیدا کردن
To persist
محیط مساعد
Conducive environment
Favorable environment
مشورت گرفتن از
To consult …
To hold consultation
در شرایط بحران و شکنندگی
In situation of fragility and crisis
حفظ پیوستگی
مثلا حفظ انسجام یا پیوستگی متن
To preserve the consistency of the text
For the sake of preserving the consistency of the text
علاوه بر آنچه که
In addition to what said or mentioned by …..
همانگونه که مورد تاکید قرار گرفته است
As underlined
این موضوع چندین بار مطرح شده است
It is coming up several times
It comes up a lot in the meetings.
ارج نهادن به چیزی
To place …. in a privileged position
در توضیح این موضوع
به عنوان پاسخ، به عنوان توضیح
For the sake of explanation
By way of explanation, clarification, review, response.
اجرایی شدن
اعمال شدن
عملیاتی شدن
لازم الاجرا شدن
To come in to effect To come into force To take effect To become operative To come in to operation
در وهله اول
به ترتیب
In sequence
روشن کردن یک موضوع
To make it clear
برای گفتن اینکه چیزی یا سندی از اطلاعات خاصی تغذیه شده است.
It is informed by
از این حیث، از این نظر
In that respect
عاری از
Free from
آخرین باری که یکدیگر را ملاقات کردیم
Last time we met
تا این تاریخ
To date
ایجاد تعادل کردن
To strike a balance
به نظر مناسبه که
It seems appropriate that
همراه بودن با چیزی،
To be accompanied
To be associated with
طول دادن ( جلسه)
To stretch session
To prolong the session
به زیبایی و فصاحت چیزی را گفتن
To speak eloquently
جلو کشیدن در مقابل عقب کشیدن
مثلا در مورد زمان جلسه یا رویداد
To bring forward
To push back
نه تنها …. نشده است
Far from being ….., still ….
کم برآوردکردن مثلا اهمیت
در کل سند
Throughout the document
تنظیم کردن
To set up
وسعت دادن گسترش دادن
To broaden
نگران بودن، احتیاط کردن
To be cautious
I’m a bit cautious of time
من وقت زیادی نداشتم که با دقت و دقیق بخوانم
I had no time to go in deep
من مطمئن هستم که
I’m quite sure that
بدین منظور
To this end
To that effect
پیشنهاد دادن
To make a proposal, a suggestion.
روال متعارف
Established practice
ترجیح دادن
To prefer
To rarher
حل کردن. مساله
To figure out
تنظیم کردن ( سند)
To draw up
ارزیابی و سبک سنگین کردن
Weigh up
طول کشیدن
To last
متعهدانه و با پایبندی ( مثلا در انعکاس نظرات)
در دست انجام
Under way
به خاطر اجماع
For the sake of consensus
پیش بینی کردن
To foresee
To anticipate
من فکر می کنم اینجا چیزی از قلم افتاده
I think that something here is missing
در بقیه این سند
Through the rest of the document
رویکرد نامنظم، تکه تکه و ناهماهنگ در سیاستگذاری یا اجرای سیاستها
Fragmented and piecemeal approach
In hindsight
به گذشته که نگاه می کنم
To take up the time
Work takes up much of our time
کارهای عقب افتاده
If I recall correctly
To come up with a question or idea
To deliver your promise
Would you be so kind to
Could you do me a favor to
Sorry to keep you waiting so long
Here is where we are
Already developed, said, existed,
پیشتر توسعه یافته، گفته شده ، از پیش موجود
To keep pace with …
To date، so far
Finite infinite
محدود نامحدود
Pronunciation is important
With what interval you would like to pay the amount?
To be off track in something like a program or policy
Unlikely to be successful or correct
Let’s stand aside and see what things go.
Strong view, we dont have a strong view on that.
I never would have thought that
It is always a pleasure for me to
Not simply because … but because ..
Drivers of change
Tech enabled job
It couldn’t have happened without
بدون …. اتفاق نمی افتاد
You might be thinking that
احتمالا فکر کردید
Where did our commitment go?
At the time this report was prepared
در زمانی که این گزارش آماده شد
In view of the restrictions on the length of the report…
If that make sense
What is the word?
Over time
به مرور زمان
You might not think that
شاید فکر نمی کردید
Set the guardrails
To make the regulations
It won’t be like this for long
Let’s say
Let’s no forget that
A quick reminder that
It is thought that
Clumsy, two left feet, butterfinger, all thumbs, (in german) two left hand
We run behind of time, run out of time, run ahead of time.
Having said that
To have this happened,
At your earliest convenience
Beacon of hope
نور امید
Come into currency
To be popular and common, mostly about terminology