Useful Essay Phrases Flashcards
Me interesa mucho este tema porque
I’m very interested in this theme because
quisiera abordar este tema ya que
i would like to address this topic since
que yo sepa, este director/autor
as far as i know this director/author
en este ensayo quisiera enfatizar/subrayar
in this essay i would like to emphasise/underline
tengo especial predilección por esta escena/aspecto/personaje
i have a special connection to this scene/aspect/character
me parece fascinante que (+ subj)
i find it fascinating that
me parece que
it seems to me that
a mi parecer
in my opinion
según tengo entiendo
as i understand it
para ser sincero/honesto a
to be honest
presiento que
i have a feeling that
desde mi punto de vista
from my point of view
este aspecto me intriga
this aspect intrigues me
ma llama la atención (+ inf)
it catches my attention
mi opinión personal es que
my personal opinion is that
en mi calidad de espectador/lector, tendría que afirmar que
as a spectator i would affirm that
no hay que hacer la vista gorda al hecho de que
one should not turn a blind eye to the fact that
no puedo menos que pensar que
i can’t help but think that
se trata indudablemente de
it is undoubtable that
para resumir quisiera añadir
to summarise i would like to add
si hubiese sido el director/autor habría (+ verb past participle)
if i had been the director/author there would be
si fuera el director/autor
if i were the director/authour
como espectadores/lectores no podemos más que pensar que
as viewers/readers we can only think that
como lo he dicho con anterioridad
as i have said before
si tuviera que escribir un final para esta película/obra le daría a cada personaje el poder de (+ inf)
if i had to write an ending to this movie/work i would give character the power to
quiero ir al grano y concluir que
i want to cut to the chase and conclude that