Use of Force - Legislation & Theory Flashcards
What are the SIX elements of the National Decision Making Model?
Code of Ethics
Information– Gather information and intelligence
Assessment– Assess threat and risk and develop a working strategy
Powers and policy– Consider powers and policy
Options– Identify options and contingencies
Action and review– Take action and review what happened
What are the 10 Standards of Professional Behaviour?
- Honesty and Integrity
- Authority, Respect and Courtesy
- Equality and Diversity
- Use of Force
- Orders and Instructions
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Confidentiality
- Fitness for Work
- Conduct
- Challenging and Reporting Improper Conduct
What are the 3 core Questions when considering the use of force?
- Does the use of force have a lawful objective?
- Are there any other means than the use of force capable of achieving the objective?
- Having regard to the nature of the threat, what is the lowest level of force required?
When looking at Information and Intelligence, what 4 questions should we be asking?
- What is happening?
- What do I know? (Fact)
- What do I not know?
- What more info do I need?
What are the 4 graded threat assessments?
What are the SIX profiles offender behaviours in order of escalation?
- Compliance
- Verbal Resistance and Gestures
- Passive Resistance (No Movement)
- Active Resistance (the offender pulls away from the officers attempt to control or pushes the officer away, but no deliberate attempt is made to strike or injure the officer)
- Aggressive Resistance (Offender fights with the officer, by kicking, punching, biting, wrestling etc)
- Serious or Aggravated Resistance (Assault where there exists the possibility of serious injury or death; this includes where the offender is armed with or produces a weapon)
What are the FOURTEEN most important impact factors?
- Sex-Age-Size-Strength
- Skill Level (Boxer, Ninja etc)
- Exhaustion/Injury
- Numbers
- Special Knowledge (Warning Markers)
- Alcohol/Drugs
- Mental Derangement
- Imminent Danger
- Position of disadvantage
- Perception of situation
- Time of Day
- Location
- Emotions
- Weapons
Powers and Policy:
Which 3 laws and 1 Act relate to the use of force?
- Common Law
- s.3 Criminal Law Act 1967
- s.117 PACE 1984
- Human Rights Act 1998
Powers and Policy:
What is ‘Common Law Use of Force’?
Common Law(R v Griffiths 1988)
If you have an honestly held belief that you or another, are in imminent danger, then you mayusesuchforceas is reasonable and necessary to avert that danger. Circumstances may justify pre-emptive strike.
Powers and Policy:
What is s.3 Criminal Law Act 1967?
A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention ofcrime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large.
Powers and Policy:
What is s.117 P.A.C.E. 1984?
Allows Police Officers (ONLY), where nessassary, to use reasonable force to exercise thier powers under PACE.
Powers and Policy:
Which of the Articles of the Human Rights Act 1998 need to considered when using force?
Article 2 (Right to Life)
Article 3 (Prohibition of torture, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment)
Article 8 (Respect for private and family life)
Powers and Policy:
When using force what does the Human Rights Act 1998 say it must be?
What must be considered when think about Tactical options?
The honestly held belief of the ‘likely outcome’ of the situation you’re in at that moment.
What are the SEVEN Tactical Options?
- Officer Presence
- Tactical Comms
- Unarmed Skills
- Incapacitant Spray
- Limb Restraints
- Handcuffs
- Baton