Use of Force Flashcards
The movement, progression, or reduction from the application of one force type to another.
Force transitions
And impending violent act, harm, or resistance that will likely occur if not instantly confronted or addressed.
Imminent threat
Level of force that Has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain and is greater than low level force.
Intermediate force
A commissioned Officer or supervisor who participated in, directed or influenced the application of the use of force.
Involved Officer
Broad categories of force options in escalating stages of intensity that are identified as low-level force, intermediate force, and deadly force.
Levels of control
A level of force or control that is neither likely nor intended to cause injury
Low-level force
The level of force required to compel compliance, which is not intended to and is not known to create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm.
Non-deadly force
An Officer’s discharge of a firearm at a person, with or without physical injury.
Officer involved shooting
A designated officer who is not involved in the use of deadly force and whose Responsibilities are to prevent discussions regarding the incident among subject officers, witnesses, witness officers, and other individuals who arrive at the scene prior to the Force Investigation team.
Monitor Officer
And unintentional discharge of a firearm that does not cause injury or death to a person, or the humane euthanizing of injured or dangerous animals.
Other firearm discharge.
And objective standard of force viewed from the perspective of a reasonable officer, without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, and based on the totality of the circumstances presented at the moment the force was used.
Reasonable force
Any use of force which results in injury or complaint of injury, complaint of continuing pain, or any use of force greater than low level force.
Reportable force
A bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death, causes serious permanent disfigurement or results in the prolonged loss or impairment of the functioning of any body part.
Substantial bodily injury
Any force which results in treatment at a medical facility due to injuries or alleged injuries caused by an officer. Examples include, but are not limited to: skeletal fractures, serious bodily injury, or complaint of injury to a persons head or sternum.
Significant force
What are the factors that determine objectively reasonable force, also known as the eight prongs?
- Severity of crime at issue
- Whether or not the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of officers or others.
- Where do the subject is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.
- The influence of drugs or alcohol or the mental capacity of the subject.
- The time available for an officer to make a decision.
- The availability of officers and resources, including the number of officers present at the time, to de-escalate the situation.
- The proximity or access of weapons to the subject.
- Environmental factors and other exigent circumstances
Officers will only use a level of force that is what?
objectively reasonable to bring an incident or persons under control.
An objective standard of force viewed from the perspective of a reasonable officer, without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, and based on the totality of the circumstances presented at the moment the forced is used.
Objectively reasonable
Whenever an officer applies a use of force option upon a subject that results in either observable signs or complaints of injury or difficulty breathing, the officer will what?
Continuously monitor the subject and immediately summon medical attention.
Medical attention will be summoned for the following use of force applications regardless of visible injury or a complaint of injury
- Baton, any strikes to the head neck or groin
- K9, all bites
- ECD, probes to the head, neck, chest or groin.
- OC spray, direct exposure to the face
- Use of Force with a projectile weapon
- Low lethal shotgun.
- 40 MM
- PIT (precision intervention technique)
- ramming - all
- Handgun/shotgun/rifle
In regards to Use of Force - It is the policy of this department that officers hold the highest regard for the _____ and _____ of all persons and place _____ _____ up the use of force.
Minimal reliance
An officer’s actions to slow down, stabilize, and resolve and incident as safely as possible by reducing danger through the use of verbal persuasion, tactics, resources, and transitioning through force options.
The placement of a subject’s body in a manner that does not restrict breathing or obstruct the airway, i.e., on their side or upright.
Recovery postion
Officers may _____ ______ to protect themselves or others, overcome resistance, to effect a lawful detention, a lawful arrest, or to conduct a lawful search.
Use Force
Officers are legally authorized to use deadly force to effect an arrest when in compliance with what two things?
Legal standards under Tennessee v. Garner (1985)
Officers are legally authorized to use deadly force to effect an arrest when in compliance with NRS and Tennessee v. Garner to?
- Protect themselves of others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or substantial bodily injury.
- Prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the officer has probably cause to believe has committed a violent felony crime and is an imminent threat to human life if escape should occur.
Officers will give a _____, if feasible, before the use of deadly force.
As stated in NRS 171.1455, officers will only use the amount of force necessary to effect a what
In regards to use of force/de-escalation, Supervisors will possess a _______________and __________________________
thorough knowledge of tactics
ensure that officers under their supervision perform to a standard (in accordance with LVMPD policy and training).
Supervisors will acknowledge and respond to incidents in a timely manner when?
officer use of reportable force is probable (see LVMPD 3.300, Supervisors Tactics for Armed Subject Response).
Upon observing substandard officer approaches or flaws in tactical decisions, the supervisor will
promptly act to correct any deficiencies.
At times, de-escalation may mean the timely and appropriate use of a
lower force option to mitigate a later need to use greater force.
Any officer present, regardless of rank, and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will,
when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force.
Any officer present, regardless of rank, and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force. The officer will
promptly report these observations and the efforts made to intervene to a supervisor.
Any officer present, regardless of rank, and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force.
report it to the next level of supervision.
Any officer present, regardless of rank, and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force. If the observing officer is a supervisor, they will
issue a direct order to stop the violation.
In regards to Duty to Intervene - Reporting officer will document what in writing?
- Date, time, and location of the incident
- Identity, if known, and description of the participants 3. Description of the actions taken as a result of the observation
n regards to Duty to Intervene - Reporting officer will document in writing 1. Date, time, and location of the incident 2. Identity, if known, and description of the participants 3. Description of the actions taken as a result of the observation
no later than how many days after the occurrence?
10 Days
The department or any employee will not retaliate against or discipline an employee who
intervenes to stop any unjustified or unreasonable use of force or subsequent reporting.
When requesting medical attention, the officer will provide?
- the nature of the injury,
- the subject’s age and gender
- other circumstances that could be of potential medical risk to the subject (e.g., obesity, suspected drug use, extreme agitation, profuse sweating, labored breathing, complaint of chest pain, or involvement in a foot pursuit)
Officers will or will not restrain subjects who are in custody and under control in a manner that compromises their ability to breathe?
Will Not
After prisoner transport, the arresting officer will notify who? if the subject has a visible injury, complains of injury,
detention personnel and facility medical staff
Officers will modify their ______ in relation to the amount of resistance offered by a subject.
level of control
general categories of behavior or actions exhibited by a subject at the time of a police encounter:
Levels of resistance
What are the different levels of resistance?
- Compliant
- Obstructive
- Assaultive
- Life-Threatening
what are the 3 levels of control?
Low Level Force
- Intermediate Force
- Deadly Force
What separates Low Level force from Intermediate and deadly force?
Subject’s Intent to Harm
In regards to levels of resistance - A subject who is uncooperative, not complying with an officer’s commands, or their physical actions are intended to prevent an officer from placing the subject in custody or under control; the subject’s actions are not directed at harming the officer or others is what?
In regards to levels of resistance - A subject who demonstrates the intent to harm the officer, others or themselves is what?
In regards to levels of resistance - A subject whose actions are likely to result in death or substantial bodily injury to the officer or others is what?
Low Level Force includes what options?
a. Officer presence
b. Verbal communication
c. Empty hand tactics (physical constraint, hand control [escorts], takedowns not likely to cause injury)
d. Handcuffs/Hobbles/DSD specialty restraints (excluding restraint chair as defined in NRS 193.350)
e. Baton (as escort tool)
f. Canine (on leash)
g. Stationary vehicle immobilization technique (pinching)
Intermediate Force includes what options?
a. Empty hand tactics (strikes, kicks)
b. DSD specialty restraint devices (including restraint chair)
c. Baton/Impact tools (jabs, strikes)
d. Oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray
e. Electronic control device (ECD)
f. Low lethality shotgun (fired at a distance of seven yards or greater)
g. 40mm specialty impact weapon (fired at a distance of five yards or greater)
h. Canine (with bites)
i. PIT (speeds 40 mph or below)
Deadly Force includes what options?
a. Baton (striking head, neck, chest, spine, groin, or kidneys) b. Low lethality shotgun (fired at a distance less than seven yards)
c. 40mm specialty impact weapon (fired at a distance less than five yards)
d. PIT (speeds more than 40 mph)
e. Ramming
f. Firearm use
WIll An officer use deadly force against a person based on the threat that the person poses solely to themselves?
The Officer WILL NOT
What are the elements of Deadly Force?
Imminent Jeopardy
What exists when a person has the means or capability to cause substantial bodily injury or death to an officer or others. It may include the subject’s size, age, strength, combative skill, level of aggression, and any weapons in their immediate control?
What exists when a person is in a position to effectively resist an officer’s control or to use force or violence upon the officer or others?
What are examples of Opportunity?
a. Relative distance to the officer or others.
b. Physical barriers between the subject and the officer
based upon the known facts and circumstances, the officer reasonably believes the subject poses an imminent threat to the life of an officer or others, and the officer must act immediately to prevent death or substantial bodily injury
Imminent Jeopardy
lesser alternatives have been reasonably considered and exhausted before the use of deadly force, to include disengagement.
Do Supervisors have an ongoing obligation to inspect officer equipment and review with officers department directives and training materials on the use of force?
If feasible, before the use of any approved weapon, the officer will
communicate with other officers in the area and issue a warning to the subject
Officers will not use a ____, ____, or ____ on a woman who is believed to be pregnant unless the subject displays life-threatening resistance.
Projectile Weapon
Are Chokeholds permitted?
WIll or WIll not officers use an arm bar across the throat or any technique that encircles that neck?
Are officers permitted to use the LVNR?
Will an ECD or projectile weapon be used when the subject is in an elevated position where a fall is likely to result in substantial bodily injury or death
unless the subject displays life-threatening resistance. This is particularly important when utilizing the ECD.
Can Officers use physical force solely to stop a person from swallowing a substance that is in their mouth or to retrieve evidence from a person’s mouth?
The ECD will not be used:
1) On a handcuffed person.
2) When the officer knows a subject has come in contact with flammable liquids or substances.
3) On a fleeing subject (without other known factors). Mere flight from an officer cannot be the sole justification for use of the ECD.
4) On persons with known heart conditions.
Reasonable effort should be made to target the _____________ and avoid intentionally targeting the _____, _____, _____, and _____
Lower center mass
Head, Neck, Groin, and Chest
How many cycles can be unitilized with the ECD before it is deemed ineffective and another use of force option will be considered unless exigent circumstances exist?
Blocking is a permitted tactic. Is it considered to be a Use of Force?
What level of force is Ramming, regardless of speed?
Deadly Force
Prior to initiating a PIT, officers will
use their emergency equipment and will give the operator of the subject vehicle a reasonable opportunity to stop
Prior to initiating a PIT officers will advise who?, of the intent to use PIT if circumstances permit?
If officers are unable to advise dispatch of the intent to use PIT prior to using it they will?
Notify dispatch immediately after.
Can you use PIT on motorcycles?
WHat are some environmental factors to consider when considering PIT?
1) Areas with pedestrians
2) Other vehicle traffic
3) Parked vehicles
4) Telephone/utility poles
5) Bridges/overpasses
6) Areas adjacent to paved roads with a significant elevation change
7) Significant curves in the roadway
What are some things to consider about the subject when considering PIT?
1) Severity of the crime
2) Number of subjects
3) Subjects known to have access to firearms
4) Potential of the subject to use the vehicle as a weapon
5) Potential of creating a crossfire situation
6) Size/weight of the subject’s vehicle compared to the police vehicle
What are the Supervisor responsibilities for PIT?
a. Immediately acknowledge the officer’s notification over the radio.
b. Order discontinuation of the PIT when the necessity for apprehension is outweighed by the dangers of the PIT.
The stationary vehicle immobilization technique (pinching) and ramming require what?
Use of Force report
Any contact that causes damage or a collision between a department vehicle and another vehicle will
be reported as a traffic incident on a Vehicle Incident Report (LVMPD 42).
PIT (successful uses or attempts) requires
a Use of Force Report and a Pursuit Report.
WHat levels of control do the Low lethal shotgun and 40mm fall under?
Intermediate and Deadly force
Low Lethan SG - 7 yards or greater (intermediate). less than 7 (deadly)
$40mm - 5 yards or greater (intermediate) less than 5 (deadly)
When time permits, _____ _____ will be present for the deployment of a projectile weapon.
two officers
Projectile weapons should only be used against persons who are
armed, have access to a weapon, or pose an imminent threat to the safety of the officers or others
Where is the target area on a subject when deploying a Low lethal shotgun or 40mm?
the abdomen and target the large muscle groups of the buttocks, thigh, and the knees
What 2 conditions must be met in order to use a projectile weapon against a person holding a firearm?
1) a minimum of 2 officers are present, one acting as lethal coverage.
2) Officers have considered the use of available cover/concealment.
What are the disapproved Uses of Projectile Weapons?
1) In a civil unrest situation unless authorized by an incident commander or above.
2) Will not be used as a breaching tool.
3) Officers should not fire the low lethality shotgun through barriers
WHen are Officers authorized to fire their weapons?(handgun, shotgun, Rifle)
1) to protect themselves or others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death of substantial bodily harm.
2) to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the officer has probable cause to believe has committed a violent felony crime and is an imminent threat to human life is escape should occur. (NRS 171.1455)
Whenever Feasible, Officers will do what before they fire their weapons?
Identify themselves and stated their intention to shoot.
Officers will not discharge their firearm at a moving vehicle unless:
A person in the vehicle is an imminent threat to Officers or others by means other than the vehicle.
The driver is using the vehicle as a weapon to inflict mass casualties
Officers will or will not discharge a firearm from their moving (department) vehicle unless a person is an imminent deadly threat to officers or others?
Officers may utilize their firearms to Humanely euthanize injured or dangerous animals:
1) Only after attempts have been made to request assistance from the agency responsible for the disposal of animals
2) If the animal’s owner is present and does not wish to transport the animal to veterinary care.
3) When the animal is so badly injured as to require humane relief from further suffering.
An officer may deploy a rifle based on any of the following:
1) There is a potential for deadly force or the subject is armed with a deadly weapon. 2) Distance and the use of cover are considerations due to the suspect’s location.
3) The suspect is barricaded. 4) The deployment has been pre-approved
WHen deploying a rifle officers will:
1) Announce via radio the deployment of the rifle, and whether accompanied by a cover officer (acting as an observer), and receive an acknowledgment from Dispatch.
2) Whenever possible, a rifle will be deployed using a two-officer team, consisting of a single rifle carrier supported by a cover officer.
3) Advise Dispatch of deployment location and update whenever location changes, thus providing situational awareness to on-scene personnel.
WHen an officer deploys their rifle the area supervisor will:
1) Proceed immediately to the incident and assume tactical control.
2) Ensure proper deployment of rifles and address over-deployment and crossfire issues
All rifle deployments are to be reported except:
When deployment has been pre-approved, officers may carry a rifle, slung with muzzle down. No reporting will be necessary in this instance.
When multiple officers have deployed rifles, the supervisor will
designate one deploying officer to complete the Rifle Deployment Report, listing all officers who deployed a rifle
Rifle Deployment Report will detail the following:
1) Details of the incident.
2) Nature of the threat resulting in the decision to deploy a rifle.
3) Number and locations of all rifle-deployed officers in the incident.
THe Supervisor of the officer deploying a rifle will:
1) Conduct a review of the deployment and make appropriate comments in the deployment report, including any supervisory decisions modifying original deployment.
2) Forward the report to the supervising lieutenant for review
Use of Force Reports will be completed By?
end of shift
Use of Force reports will be reviewed through the chain of command within?
30 days
A series of questions to obtain information to determine if there is an immediate threat to public safety.
Public Safety Statement
. Non-deadly force requiring a Use of Force Report will be investigated by ____
The officers chain of command
All reportable uses of force on a subject, regardless of visible injury, will be
Photographed and downloaded into Blue Team.
WHen an Officer uses Non-Deadly Force the Officer will:
Immediately request dispatch notify a supervisor.
Complete a Use of Force report before the end of their shift (any exceptions must be approved by a supervisor.)
WHen an ECD is used what do you do with the probes, wires, and cartridges?
impound them as evidence.
After the ECD is used what do you do with the ECD?
provide it to a supervisor for a data download.
When an officer is involved in a Non-Deadly use of force, a supervisor will
A. Respond, without delay, to an incident in which reportable force is used.
B. Determine the level of force; if deadly force was used or if there is substantial bodily injury, see Section V, Investigative Responsibilities.
C. Conduct an investigation by interviewing the subjects, officers, medical personnel, and witnesses.
D. Ensure photographs are taken and placed into Blue Team, to include the subjects, the scene, officers involved, and collect any evidence.
E. For the review of body worn camera video, see LVMPD 7.136, Body Worn Cameras.
F. Check the surrounding area for any video surveillance, obtain a copy, and ensure the thirdparty video is impounded as evidence and noted in Blue Team.
G. Review all applicable reports to ensure accuracy and completeness.
After an officer is involved in a Non-deadly use of force and the Supervisor is reviewing all applicable reports to ensure accuracy and completeness. the supervisor will
1) Document how a use of force has been determined to be appropriate and in adherence to department policy. If the use of force is determined to not be appropriate, it will be sent through the chain of command to decide if a Statement of Complaint (SOC) is necessary. If other misconduct is identified, the supervisor will document how it was addressed.
2) Document training deficiencies and how they were corrected.
When an ECD has been used the supervisor will?
1) Ensure the data record has been uploaded into Blue Team.
2) Verify the probes, wires, and cartridges are properly impounded, and arrange for replacement cartridges (accidental discharges will not require impounding unless there has been an injury).
when alleged use of force is determined to be unfounded the supervisor will?
Document the investigation in a Citizen Contact (CC) in Blue Team
It is the policy of this department to conduct a ______, _______, and _______ investigation of all uses of deadly
force (or force resulting in death or substantial bodily injury) for the interest of the officer, the department,
and the community alike.
When an officer discharges a firearm, uses deadly force, has a negligent discharge of a firearm during a police operation, uses any force resulting in death or causes substantial bodily injury, or becomes aware of an in-custody death, the officer will:
1) Ensure life safety.
2) Ensure the scene is safe and secure.
3) Notify Dispatch (via radio if on-duty; Dispatch will update the CAD event accordingly):
4) Once the scene is static, an officer should not modify, load, or unload any firearm used prior to the countdown by FIT. In addition, the officer will not modify their attire to include positioning of their equipment and BWC.
When an officer discharges a firearm, uses deadly force, has a negligent discharge of a firearm during a police operation, uses any force resulting in death or causes substantial bodily injury, or becomes aware of an in-custody death, the officer will notify dispatch of what?
a) If needed, request medical assistance and provide information on injuries.
b) Include suspect description and location.
If off duty or plain clothes officers are involved in a deadly force incident they will:
1) Inform Dispatch via radio or 9-1-1 if no radio is available.
2) Make certain they are readily identifiable as officers and take precautions against a potential police-on-police confrontation by displaying identification prominently. If confronted by first-responding officers, obey first-responding officers’ verbal commands.
The first arriving supervisor to a deadly force incident will?
Act as incident commander until relieved.
b. Provide FIT detectives on the names and locations of the subject officers and potential witness officers. If there is concern that an officer is not a witness officer, but a subject officer, the ranking FIT supervisor will make the final determination regarding the status of the officer(s).
c. Remain on scene, and do not leave until released by the FIT supervisor.
While acting as incident commander on a deadly force incident the supervisor will?
1) Ensure medical attention is provided for those in need.
2) Ensure the crime scene is safe and secure, preventing the possibility of contamination or alteration.
3) Update Dispatch and request that notifications be made.
4) Coordinate the search for outstanding suspects.
5) Oversee the identification and isolation of witnesses.
6) Ensure witness officers and subject officers are separated and placed in a secure environment with a monitor officer.
The responsibility of Ensuring the crime scene is safe and secure, preventing the possibility of contamination or alteration includes
the removal of unauthorized persons, including officers from the inner perimeter of the crime scene. A degree of tact and good judgment must be exercised to avoid alienating potential witnesses who may possess information of value.
A monitor officer, after a deadly for incident, will?
a) Not talk to the officer about the facts and circumstances of the incident.
b) Ensure that under no circumstance any representative be allowed to speak to or move the location of any subject or witness officer prior to a FIT supervisor’s approval.
c) Ensure that subject officers and witness officers do not discuss the incident being investigated.
d) Remain with the officer until the firearms countdown is completed or dismissed by a FIT supervisor.
Where do police officers derive their authority?
From the community
Following a rifle deployment, a SGT will conduct a review of the deployment report and make appropriate comments and…..?
Forward the report to the supervising Lieutenant
Who sits on the Use of Force Policy Committee?
An assistant Sheriff will serve as chair
General Counsel
Deputy Chief, Professional Standards Division
Captain, Internal Oversight and Constitutional Policing
Captain, Office of the Sheriff
Patrol Lieutenant, IC, or WC will discuss what topics with the SWAT or tactical commander?
a. The available intelligence on the subject’s background and motivation
b. The nature and severity of the crime (determine threat to the public.
c. The necessity for a large scale tactical response and neighborhood evacuations versus surveillance and other means to de-escalate the situation and prevent a use of deadly force.
Officers will handcuff arrestees behind the back unless what?
Impractical or impossible due to prisoner obesity, handicap, or other reason.
Is the use of instruments (such as flashlights or radio) as a tool for the purpose of striking or jabbing encouraged or discouraged?
Supervisor’s responsibility for PIT:
Immediately acknowledge the officer’s notification over the radio
Order discontinuation of the PIT when the necessity for apprehension is outweighed by the dangers of PIT
When there is any contact or collision during a stationary vehicle immobilization technique (Pinching), who will it be documented by on a vehicle incident report?
Traffic Bureau