use of English part 2 Flashcards
the truth … nobody really knows how language first began
did we all start talking at around the same time … of the manner in which our brains had begun to develop?
One recent theory is that human beings have evolved in … a way that we are programmed for language from the moment of birth
In … words, language came about as a result of an evolutionary change in our brains at some stage.
Language … well be programmed into the brain but, … this, people still need stimulus from others around them.
1) could, may, might
2) despite
From studies, we know that … children are isolated from human contact and have not learnt to construct sentences before they are ten, it is doubtful they will ever do so.
The research shows, if … else, that language is a social activity, not something invented … isolation.
1) nothing, little
2) in
Stress … often called a 21st century illness but it has always been with us if perhaps with different names.
These days we regard stress … a necessary evil of modern living.
Yet stress is not negative and without … we would not enjoy some of the highpoints in life … as the anticipation before a date or the tension leading up to an important match.
1) it
2) such
All these situations produce stress but … you can control it and not the other way around, you will feel stimulated, not worn out.
However, unlike these situations, … are generally positive and easier to deal with, sitting in a train that is running late, … stuck in a traffic jam or working to a tight deadline are much harder to manage and control and can be a significant cause of stress.
1) which
2) being
Stress is now recognised as a medical problem and as a signficant factor … causing coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and a high cholesterol count.
Patients are often unwilling to admit to stress problems since they feel they are a form of social failure and it is important that symptoms … identified in order to avoid unnecessary suffering.
That fragment of pottery, that little piece of bone or … remains of an early human tool are quite often the only evidence we have of our early history.
However, … a consequence of the work of archaeologists and others in this field, we have over the years built up an extremely good understanding of early human development.
This is the case … the fact that there is no written evidence of the period we term pre-history.
… is startling to note is that this period, which predates the invention of writing, accounts for 99% of human existence.
It was …this time that discoveries that shaped the human race were made, early settlements created that … to become our major cities and in general was the time when the very foundations of human civilisation were laid.
1) during, at, from, around
2) were
The evidence of our pre-history can be found everywhere, from remnants of human existence buried deep in the ground … ancient pathways and burial grounds.
The first and easiest place to start your exploration of pre-history is of … your local museum, particularly … you are interested in discovering more about the area where you live.
1) course
2) if
No other national cuisine enjoys quite the degree of popularity that Thai food …
Ten years ago it was a rarity in Europe and the United States and prior … that it was virtually unknown.
Now Thai cooking has become … of the West’s favourite exotic styles of cooking.
As well as the growing popularity of Thai restaurants throughout the world, there has been an increase little by little in … availability of ingredients on supermarket shelves.
One of the things that makes Thai cooking … challenging is the sheer variety of types of dish.
Thai food lies between Chinese and Indian cuisine, with influences from Burma, Cambodia and Malaysia, all of … has had an effect on Thailand at different stages of its history.
Chillies, to give … one example, are originally from Central and South America but were incorporated quickly … the national diet.
1) just
2) into