Use and misuse of tobacco Flashcards
What has been the general trend of smoking in Canada over time?
Since the 1980s there has been a gradual decline in tobacco use from 45% –> 20% in 2004 (age 15-19)
What has been the general trend of smoking in Aboriginals in Canada over time?
The prevalence of smoking has gradually decreased, but remains high with rates as high as 59% which are 3 x higher than non-aboriginal Canadians
There are studies that show prevalence as high as 82%
What are the health implications of smoking?
Myocardial disease Vascular disease Chronic lung disease Cancer T2DM
What are the consequences of smoking in pregnancy?
Perinatal deaths Placental problems prematurity congenital abnormalities - gastroschesis SIDS learning disabilities miscarriages small size Neonatal withdrawal ADHD
What are the risks of postnatal exposure to second hand smoke?
LRTI decreased lung growth AOM SIDS asthma
What are the effects of nicotine?
Positive effect on mood and performance - more efficient processing f information
Small doses: increased alertness and arousal
Large doses: sedation and reduced anxiety
How long does it take for addiction to occur?
It was previously thought that it takes months for addiction to occur, but small use of a short period of time can be addictive
What factors affect risk of addiction?
Age of onset
Maternal smoking in pregnancy
Easy access
Reduced sensitivity to the tastes
Genetic factors: nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, dopamine transporter gene, cytochrome P450 2A6
NB there are no genetic factors relating to nicotine metabolism
Does taxing cigarettes decrease use?
a 10% increase in cost was associated with a 14% decrease in use.
Access to tax-free tobacco on reserves undermines this
What are some factors influencing smoking rates that are unique to aboriginal people?
Tobacco use in ceremonies and medicinal purposes. IN the traditional sense, the most powerful way to communicate with the spirits is to smoke a sacred pipe
Poverty, social determinants of health
Elders maintain that recreational use of tobacco with high nicotine content is disrespectful to traditions
What are some examples of strategies to improve the tobacco scene?
Smoke free public and work places Taxing Age limits - need to be standardised Banning tobacco advertising Keep products out of sight Health warnings
What’s the name of the medication to help with nicotine addiction?
How can you help a patient who is smoking?
ASK about tobacco use ADVISE urge to quit ASSSESS willingness to attempt to quit ASSIST counselling and pharmacological therapy ARRANGE follow up