USCG Captains Exam Flashcards
INLAND ONLY You are navigating in a narrow channel and must remain in the channel for safe operation. Another vessel is crossing the channel ahead of you from your starboard and you are doubtful as to whether your vessel will pass safely if she continues on her present course. Which statement is true?
You must sound the danger signal.
INLAND ONLY Which term is NOT defined in the Inland Navigation Rules?
Vessel constrained by her draft
INLAND ONLY You are proceeding up a channel in Chesapeake Bay and are meeting an outbound vessel. Responsibilities include _________________________.
appropriately answering any whistle signals given by the other vessel
INLAND ONLY When overtaking another power-driven vessel in a narrow channel, a vessel desiring to overtake on the other vessel’s port side, would sound a whistle signal of _______.
two short blasts
INLAND ONLY You are on vessel “A” and vessel “B” desires to overtake you on the starboard side as shown in DIAGRAM 38. After the vessels have exchanged one blast signals you should
hold course and speed
INLAND ONLY Two vessels are meeting on a clear day and will pass less than one-half mile apart. In this situation whistle signals ___________________.
must be exchanged if passing agreements have not been made by radio
INLAND ONLY Under the Inland Navigational Rules, what is the meaning of a one short blast signal used in a meeting situation with another vessel?
“I intend to leave you on my port side.”
INLAND ONLY What is the whistle signal used to indicate a power-driven vessel leaving a dock?
One prolonged blast
INLAND ONLY You are overtaking another vessel and sound a whistle signal indicating that you intend to pass the vessel along its starboard side. If the other vessel answers your signal with five short and rapid blasts, you should _____________________.
not overtake the other vessel until both vessels exchange the same passing signal
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND While underway in fog, you hear a prolonged blast from another vessel. This signal indicates a _________________.
vessel underway, making way
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are underway on vessel “A” and sight vessel “B” which is a vessel underway and fishing. Which statement is true?
Vessel “A” must keep out of the way of vessel “B” because “B” is fishing
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND If a rowboat underway does not show the lights specified for a sailing vessel underway, it shall show a _________________.
white light shown in sufficient time to prevent collision
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND When navigating in restricted visibility, a power-driven vessel shall ___________________.
have her engines ready for immediate maneuver
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What is the minimum sound signaling equipment required aboard a vessel 14-meters in length?
whistle only
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as ___________________.
the signal cannot be mistaken for a signal authorized by the Rules
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel fishing should display which of the following day signals shown in the diagram below
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A 15-meter sailing vessel would be required to show _________________.
sidelights, and sternlight, but they may be in a combined lantern on the mast
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are on a power-driven vessel in fog. The vessel is proceeding at a safe speed when you hear a fog signal ahead of you. In this situation, the Rules require you to navigate with caution until the danger of collision is over and to ___________________.
reduce to bare steerageway
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel aground in fog shall sound, in addition to the proper anchor signal, which of the following?
Three strokes before and after the ringing of the bell
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which statement is true concerning a vessel “constrained by her draft?”
It must be a power-driven vessel.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY At night, a power-driven vessel of less than 7-meters in length where its maximum speed does not exceed seven knots must show when underway ________________.
one all-round white light
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which of the following statements is correct concerning a situation involving a fishing vessel and a vessel not under command?
The fishing vessel must keep clear of the vessel not under command.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which _________________.
separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite direction
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A vessel sounds one short blast. This signal indicates the vessel _________________.
is altering course to starboard
INTERNATIONAL ONLY You are operating a vessel through a narrow channel and your vessel must stay within the channel to be navigated safely. Another vessel is crossing your course from starboard to port, and you are in doubt as to his intentions. You _______________________.
must sound the danger signal
INTERNATIONAL ONLY In addition to her running lights, an underway vessel constrained by her draft shall carry in a vertical line _______________.
three red lights
INLAND ONLY You are navigating in a narrow channel and must remain in the channel for safe operation. Another vessel is crossing the channel ahead of you from your starboard and you doubt whether your vessel will pass safely. Which statement is TRUE?
You must sound the danger signal.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which of the following vessels is NOT regarded as being “restricted in her ability to maneuver”?
A vessel constrained by her draft
INLAND ONLY Yellow lights are NOT used to identify ________.
law enforcement vessels
INLAND ONLY A barge more than 50 meters long would be required to show how many white anchor lights when anchored in a Secretary of Transportation approved “special anchorage area”?
INLAND ONLY While underway at night, you see two yellow lights displayed in a vertical line. This should indicate to you a(n) _______________________.
vessel pushing ahead
INLAND ONLY You are approaching a sharp bend in a river. You have sounded a prolonged blast and it has been answered by a vessel on the other side of the bend. Which statement is TRUE?
Both vessels must exchange passing signals when in sight and passing within one-half mile of each other.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The NAVIGATION RULES define a “vessel not under command” as a vessel which ______________.
through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the rules
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel may combine her sidelights and stern light in one lantern on the fore and aft centerline of the vessel?
A 16-meter sailing vessel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You see a vessel’s green sidelight bearing due east from you. The vessel might be heading _____.
southwest (225°)
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND When underway in a channel, you should keep to the _____.
starboard side of the channel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND During the day, a dredge will indicate the side on which it is safe to pass by displaying _________________.
two diamonds in a vertical line
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which signal, other than a distress signal, can be used by a vessel to attract attention?
Searchlight beam
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND During the day, a vessel picking up a submarine cable shall carry _________________________.
three shapes; the highest and lowest shall be black balls and the middle shall be a black diamond
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel is directed not to impede the passage of a vessel which can only navigate inside a narrow channel?
A vessel of less than 20 meters in length
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND In which situation do the Rules require both vessels to change course?
Two power-driven vessels meeting head-on
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Your tug is underway at night and NOT towing. What light(s) should your vessel show aft to other vessels coming up from astern?
One white light
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should __________.
take avoiding action as soon as possible
INLAND ONLY Vessels “A” and “B” are passing in a narrow channel as shown in DIAGRAM 29. Which of the following is true concerning whistle signals between vessels?
Both vessels should sound two short blasts.
INLAND ONLY: You are overtaking a vessel in a narrow channel and wish to leave her on your starboard side. You may________.
attempt to contact her on the radiotelephone to arrange for the passage
INLAND ONLY Your vessel is meeting another vessel head to head. To comply with the steering and sailing rules, you should _____.
exchange one short blast
You are in the middle of the channel to be navigated safely. Another vessel is crossing your course from starboard to port, and you are in doubt as to her intentions. You_____________
must sound the danger signal
INLAND ONLY You are overtaking another power-driven vessel in a narrow channel, and you wish to overtake on the other vessel’s port side. You will sound a whistle signal of _______.
two short blasts
INLAND ONLY What is the whistle signal used to indicate a power-driven vessel leaving a dock?
One prolonged blast
INLAND ONLY What MAY be used to indicate the presence of a partly submerged object being towed?
The beam of a search light from the towing vessel shown in the direction of the tow
INLAND ONLY A light used to signal passing intentions must be a(n) ______________.
all-round white or yellow light
INLAND ONLY Maneuvering signals shall be sounded on inland waters by _____.
power-driven vessels overtaking and in sight of one another power-driven vessels crossing at a distance within half a mile of each other and in sight of one another
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND While underway in fog, you hear a prolonged blast from another vessel. This signal indicates a _________________.
vessel underway, making way
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a sternlight ___________.
at any time when underway
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel may combine her sidelights and sternlight in one lantern on the fore and aft centerline of the vessel?
A 16-meter sailing vessel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision, she shall NOT, if possible, _____.
turn to port for a vessel on her own port side
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You see a vessel displaying the code flag “LIMA” below which is a red ball. The vessel is _____.
in distress
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ___________________.
she can be observed visually from the other vessel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND When taking action to avoid collision, you should ___________________.
make sure the action is taken in enough time
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in fishing, and at anchor, shall show _____________.
(Rule 26) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule. (Red over white – Red Over White Fishing Boat Lights; Green Over White Trawling Tonight)
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A power-driven vessel, when towing astern, shall show _____.
a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?
A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her engines.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A sailing vessel of over 20 meters in length underway must show a _____.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a _______________.
distress signal
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts, this indicates a _____________________.
vessel being towed
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A 200-meter vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, at anchor, will sound a fog signal of ___________________.
one prolonged followed by two short blasts every 2 minutes
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A partially submerged object towed by a vessel must show during the day _______________.
one diamond shape when the length of the tow is 200 meters or less
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND In DIAGRAM 8, vessel A and vessel B (which is pushing ahead) are meeting head and head as shown. How must the vessels pass?
Both vessels should alter course to starboard and pass port to port.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are crossing a narrow channel in a small motorboat. You sight a tankship off your port bow coming up the channel. Which statement is TRUE?
You cannot impede the safe passage of the tankship.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the Rules when ____________.
necessary to avoid immediate danger
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Each prolonged blast on whistle signals used by a power-driven vessel in fog, whether making way or underway but not making way, is ____________.
four to six seconds
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel 50 meters in length at anchor must sound which fog signal?
5-second ringing of a bell every minute
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What is the minimum sound signaling equipment required aboard a vessel 10 meters in length?
Any means of making an efficient sound signal
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The stern light shall be positioned such that it will show from dead astern to how many degrees on each side of the stern of the vessel?
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in fishing while at anchor shall sound a fog signal of ______________.
one prolonged and two short blasts at two minute intervals
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which statement is TRUE, according to the Rules?
A vessel engaged in fishing while underway shall, so far as possible, keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What determines if a vessel is “restricted in her ability to maneuver”?
The nature of the vessel’s work, limiting maneuverability required by the Rules
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other?
The one to windward
INTERNATIONAL ONLY The International Rules of the Road apply ______________________.
upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. She is showing a black cylinder. What is your responsibility?
Do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Lighting requirements in inland waters are different from those for international waters for _____.
barges being towed by pushing ahead
INTERNATIONAL ONLY You are approaching another vessel and will pass safely starboard to starboard without changing course. You should _____.
hold course and sound no whistle signal
INLAND ONLY You have made your vessel up to a tow and are moving from a pier out into the main channel. If your engines are turning ahead, what whistle signal should you sound?
One prolonged blast
INLAND ONLY A law enforcement boat may display a __________.
flashing blue light
INLAND ONLY Which of the following is used to indicate the presence of a partly submerged object being towed?
All of these:
- A diamond shape on the towed object
- An all-round light at each end of the towed object
- A searchlight from the towing vessel in the direction of the tow
INLAND ONLY The lights illustrated in DIAGRAM 75 are those of a ______________.
vessel towing by pushing ahead
INLAND ONLY While underway, you sight the lights illustrated with the yellow lights flashing. You should (see diagram 81) _____________________.
pass between the two sets of vertical red lights
INLAND ONLY Which is true of a downbound vessel, when meeting an upbound vessel on the Western Rivers?
She has the right of way only if she is a power-driven vessel.
INLAND ONLY A vessel intends to overtake another vessel on the overtaken vessel’s port side. What whistle signal should be sounded in order to state this intention?
2 short blasts
INLAND ONLY Vessels “A” and “B” are passing in a narrow channel as shown in DIAGRAM 29. Which of the following is true concerning whistle signals between vessels?
Both vessels should sound two short blasts.
INLAND ONLY What is the required whistle signal for a vessel leaving a dock or berth?
One prolonged blast.
INLAND ONLY Your vessel is meeting another vessel head to head. To comply with the rules, you should _______________.
exchange one short blast, alter course to the right and pass port to port
INLAND ONLY At night a barge moored in a slip used primarily for mooring purposes shall ___________________.
not be required to be lighted
INLAND ONLY A barge more than 50-meters long would be required to show how many white anchor lights when anchored in a Secretary of Transportation approved “special anchorage area?”
INLAND ONLY You are overtaking another vessel in a narrow channel. You wish to overtake her on her starboard side. You should sound a whistle signal of _____________________.
one short blast
INLAND ONLY On the Western Rivers, a vessel crossing a river must ______________.
keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel ascending or descending the river
INLAND ONLY Which statement is true concerning the light used for maneuvering signals?
It must be synchronized with the whistle.
It may be white or yellow.
It must be an all-round light.
INLAND ONLY You are meeting another vessel in inland waters, and she sounds one short blast on the whistle. This means that _____________________.
she intends to leave you on her port side
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which of the following is used to show the presence of a partly submerged object being towed?
A diamond shape on the towed object
An all-round light at each end of the towed object
A searchlight from the towing vessel in the direction of the tow
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel must proceed at a safe speed _________________.
at all times
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are underway on vessel “A” and sight vessel “B” which is a vessel underway and fishing. Which statement is true?
Vessel “A” must keep out of the way of vessel “B” because “B” is fishing.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision, she shall, if possible ___________________.
not turn to port for a vessel on her own port side
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND When shall the stand-on vessel change course and speed?
When action by the give-way vessel alone cannot prevent collision
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are underway in fog and hear a fog signal of two prolonged blasts on your starboard quarter. You should _____________________.
hold your course and speed
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND When should the fog signal of a vessel being towed be sounded?
After the towing vessel’s fog signal
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What type of vessel or operation is indicated by a vessel displaying two cones with the apexes together?
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You see a vessel displaying the day signal shown in DIAGRAM 6 below. The vessel is _____________.
laying cable (restricted in ability to maneuver)
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The maximum length of a power-driven vessel which may show an all-round white light and sidelights instead of a masthead light and sidelights is ___________________.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND At night, a vessel displaying the lights illustrated in DIAGRAM 46 below is _______________.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY When moving from a berth alongside a quay (wharf), a vessel must sound _________________.
No signal required
INTERNATIONAL ONLY The International Rules of the Road apply _____________.
upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A signal of intent, which must be answered by another vessel, is sounded in international waters by _________________
a vessel overtaking another
Read the question! This is for INTERNATIONAL ONLY – which is different than INLAND and is why this questions is meant to test that knowledge. A vessel overtaking another must sound intention signals indicating which side they plan to over take. International rules do not have intention signals for meeting head to head.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which signal is only sounded by a power-driven vessel?
A signal meaning “I am altering my course to starboard.”
INTERNATIONAL ONLY In which case would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast?
When overtaking in a narrow channel
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Vessel “A” is overtaking vessel “B” on open waters as shown in DIAGRAM 17 below, and will pass without changing course. Vessel “A” _____________________.
need not sound any whistle signals
INLAND ONLY You are overtaking a vessel in a narrow channel and wish to leave her on your starboard side. You may ________________________.
attempt to contact her on the radiotelephone to arrange for the passage
INLAND ONLY Two steam vessels are meeting in the situation shown in DIAGRAM 37 below. One short blast by vessel “A” means ________________________.
“I intend to pass on your port side”
INLAND ONLY You are in charge of a power-driven vessel crossing a river on the Western Rivers. You must keep out of the way of ___________________.
a sail vessel descending the river
a power-driven vessel ascending the river
a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver crossing the river
INLAND ONLY You are approaching a sharp bend in a river. You have sounded a prolonged blast and it has been answered by a vessel on the other side of the bend. In this situation, which statement is true?
Both vessels must exchange passing signals when they sight each other visually.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND At night, a barge being towed astern must display ___________________.
sidelights and a sternlight
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The word “vessel”, in the Rules, includes __________________.
A. sailing ships
B. nondisplacement craft
C. seaplanes
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A sailing vessel which is also propelled by machinery shall show during daylight hours _______________________.
a black cone
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are underway, in fog, when you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal could indicate a vessel ___________________.
not under command
One long and two short indicate many different situations: Vessel not under command, vessel restricted in ability to maneuver, vessel constrained by draft, sailing vessel, vessel engaged in fishing, or vessel engaged in towing or pushing. So we know the first is an option.
A vessel being towed is one long followed by three short blasts and an aground vessel is three strokes of a bell before and after an anchored bell signal.
Therefore it must be A.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A 45-meter vessel is pulling a 210-meter tow. She may exhibit ________________.
three masthead lights forward and one aft
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in fishing during the day would show _______________.
two cones, points together
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in fishing must display a light in the direction of any gear that extends outward more that 150-meters. The color of this light is _________________.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A partially submerged object towed by a vessel must show during the day _______________.
a diamond shape when the length of the tow is 200-meters or less
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND By radar alone, you detect a vessel ahead on a collision course, about 3 miles distant.Your radar plot shows this to be a meeting situation. You should __________.
turn to starboard
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel, which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance, shall exhibit __________.
when making way at night, two all-round red lights, sidelights, and a stern light
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND When should the fog signal of a manned vessel under tow be sounded?
After the towing vessel’s fog signal
INLAND ONLY You are the stand-on vessel in an overtaking situation. The other vessel is showing an alternately flashing red-and-yellow light. What action should you take?
Stand on
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Yellow lights are NOT shown by __________.
towing vessels pushing ahead
They are shown by
air cushion vessels in a non displacement mode
purse seiners
U.S. submarines
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in fishing while at anchor shall sound a fog signal of __________.
one prolonged and two short blasts at two minute intervals
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Your vessel enters fog. You stop your engines, and the vessel is dead in the water. Which fog signal should you sound?
Two prolonged blasts every two minutes
There are only 3 fog signals that are sounded by a vessel that is underway. These are:
- One prolonged blast = underway and making way
- Two prolonged blasts = underway and not making way
- One prolonged and two short blasts = is sounded by handicapped vessels operating in restricted visibility. Remember Capt. Bill’s acronym: “Nobody Can Sail Right Through Fog”
N=Not Under Command
C=Constrained by Draft
S=Sailing vessel
R=Restricted in Ability to Maneuver (even when at anchor)
F=Fishing (even when at anchor)
INLAND ONLY Which statement is TRUE concerning the Inland Navigation Rules?
They list requirements for Traffic Separation Schemes.
INLAND ONLY A power-driven vessel operating in a narrow channel with a following current on the Great Lakes or Western Rivers is meeting an upbound vessel. Which statement is TRUE?
The downbound vessel has the right of way.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A vessel leaving a dock or berth should sound ________
no sound signal
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Vessels A and B are in a crossing situation on the high seas as shown. Vessel A sounds one short blast. What is the proper action for vessel B to take?
Hold course and speed
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which factor is listed in the Rules as one which must be taken into account when determining safe speed?
The maneuverability of the vessel
INLAND ONLY What characteristic must a light have if used to signal passing intentions?
It must be either an all-round white or an all-round yellow light.
INLAND ONLY Your vessel is operating astern propulsion as you back out of a dock. What signal(s) must your vessel sound?
One prolonged blast followed by three short blasts
INLAND ONLY A partially submerged object towed by a vessel must show during the day one __________.
diamond shape regardless of length of the tow
The display of lights shown represent a __________.
a vessel towing by pushing ahead or alongside
Yellow over Yellow, I’m a hip or forward-pushing fellow
INLAND ONLY A sailing vessel is crossing a power-driven vessel of over 20-meters in length in a narrow channel. The power-driven vessel is on the sailing vessel’s port side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?
The power-driven vessel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A towing light is __________.
a yellow light having the same characteristics as the stern light
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as __________.
the sound signals cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized elsewhere in the Rules
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal in fog if she is __________.
at anchor
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND While underway in fog you hear another vessel sounding two prolonged blasts every two minutes. This signal indicates a vessel ________
Your 16 meter vessel is at aground in fog. You are not required to carry a bell since you are under 20-meters in length. What audible signal should you make to warn others of your position?
One short, one prolonged, and one short blast in intervals not to exceed one minute
INLAND ONLY At night, which lights are required on barges moored in a group formation more than two barges wide?
Two unobstructed all-round white lights
INLAND ONLY A vessel backing out of a dock is required to sound a whistle signal consisting of __________
one prolonged and three short blasts
INLAND ONLY A vessel of less than 20 meters in length at anchor at night in a special anchorage area designated by the Secretary __________.
need not show any lights
Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of ____________.
Marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
Weekly Notice to Mariners
corrected editions of charts
Light Lists
Marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
A green buoy has a yellow triangle on it. This is a(n) __________
A) information or regulatory buoy that has lateral significance
B) buoy that is off-station and is marked to warn mariners of its wrong position
C) dual purpose marking used where the ICW and other waterways coincide
D) buoy that was set in error and will be replaced with a red nun buoy
C) dual purpose marking used where the ICW and other waterways coincide
A triangular daymark would be colored __________
red and white
green and white
Red: The triangular shape denotes a nun and a square is the shape for a can. Nuns are red; Cans are green.
A small craft advisory forecasts winds of up to what speed?
16 kts.
24 kts.
33 kts.
48 kts.
33 kts. A Small Craft Advisory is issued by the National Weather Service as a warning when winds have reached dangerous speeds. Sustained wind speeds that govern the issuance of a Small Craft Advisory vary depending on geographical areas, but are generally between 20 and 33 knots. It can also be issued for other hazardous conditions such as sea and lake ice. All boaters should take appropriate precautions during a Small Craft Advisory.
The National Weather Service does not specifically identify what constitutes a “small craft”, although the United States Coast Guard informally assigns the designation to boats with a total length of less than 33 feet (10 m).
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Additional light signals are provided in the Annexes to the Rules for vessels __________.
not under command
engaged in fishing
engaged in towing
under sail
Engaged in fishing
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What is the fog signal for a vessel 75 meters in length, restricted in her ability to maneuver, at anchor?
A) One prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes
B) Five second ringing of a bell at intervals of not more than one minute
C) Four short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes
D) Five second ringing of a bell and five second sounding of a gong at intervals of not more than one minute
One prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes
INLAND ONLY What is the whistle signal used to indicate a power-driven vessel leaving a dock?
One short blast
Three short blasts
One prolonged blast
Three prolonged blasts
One prolonged blast
INLAND ONLY At night, a barge moored in a slip used primarily for mooring purposes shall __________.
A) show a flashing yellow light at each corner
B) show a white light at each corner
C) show a red light at the bow and stern
D) not be required to be lighted
D) not be required to be lighted
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Under what circumstances would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast?
A) When overtaking in restricted visibility
B) When overtaking in a narrow channel
C) When overtaking on open waters
D) When no other vessels are in the immediate area
B) When overtaking in a narrow channel
When a vessel is going to overtake another vessel - IN A NARROW CHANNEL and the vessel to be overtaken has to move to allow you to pass - and you are under the jurisdiction of the International Rules of the Road, you must sound two prolonged blasts followed by either one short (starboard) or two short (port). If the overtaken vessel is in agreement, she shall respond with prolonged short prolonged short. If not, five or more short blasts.
Sounds complicated but read the explanation a couple of times and it should sink-in (no pun intended).
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A towing light is __________.
A) shown at the bow
B) white in color
C) shown in addition to the stern light
D) an all-round light
C) shown in addition to the stern light
Under International Rules, a towing Light is ONLY used when towing another vessel astern and is positioned over the stern light. Memory Aid: “Yellow over White, cable towing in hindsight” A Tug pushing ahead or alongside following INTERNATIONAL RULES only displays a towing light when towing astern.
Inland Rules:
Yellow over White (as above) when towing astern. TWO TOWING LIGHTS by themselves are shown under the Inland Rules (without a sternlight) when towing alongside or pushing another vessel ahead.
(d) “Towing light” means a yellow light having the same characteristics as the “sternlight” defined in paragraph (c) of this Rule.
(c) “Sternlight” means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135° and so fixed as to show the light 67.5° from right aft on each side of the vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which signal may at some time be exhibited by a vessel trawling?
A) Two white lights in a vertical line
B) A white light over a red light in a vertical line
C) Two red lights in a vertical line
D) All of the above
D) All of the above
- ANNEX II - Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels Fishing in Close Proximity
2. Signals for trawlers
(a) Vessels of 20 meters or more in length when engaged in trawling, whether using demersal or pelagic gear, shall exhibit:
(i) when shooting their nets: two white lights in a vertical line;
(ii) when hauling their nets: one white light over one red light in a vertical line;
(iii) when the net has come fast upon an obstruction: two red lights in a vertical line.
INLAND ONLY What lights are required for a barge being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit?
A) Sidelights and a stern light
B) Sidelights and a special flashing light
C) Sidelights, a towing light, and a stern light
D) Sidelights, a special flashing light, and a stern light
B) Sidelights and a special flashing light
The vessel is being pushed ahead so the stern light on the barge is not illuminated. Inland Rules DOES require a forward-facing Special Flashing Light and sidelights on vessels pushed ahead or alongside.
- INLAND - RULE 21 - Definitions
(g) “Special flashing light” (INLAND RULES ONLY) means a yellow light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute, placed as far forward and as nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline of the tow and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180° nor more than 225° and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to abeam and no more than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side of the vessel. Reminder: A Special Flashing Light applies ONLY under the Inland Rule - and the tug must display two towing lights.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit __________.
A) one all-round white light
B) sidelights and a stern light
C) only the outboard sidelight and a stern light
D) a masthead light, sidelights, and a stern light
B) sidelights and a stern light
Under the International Rules, a vessel being pushed ahead displays 2 sidelights. When towed alongside, as in this question, displays sidelights and a stern light.
Under Inland Rules, the above lights would still apply with the addition of a Special Flashing Light. (Remember: a Special Flashing Light is used only under the Inland Rules. It is placed as far forward as practicable on a barge being pushed ahead or alongside.)
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A white masthead light shows through an arc of how many degrees?
INLAND ONLY Vessels engaged in fishing may show the additional signals described in Annex II to the Rules when they are __________.
A) trolling
B) fishing in a traffic separation zone
C) in a narrow channel
D) in close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing
D) in close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing
Rule 26 - Fishing Vessels
(d) The additional signals described in Annex II to these Rules apply to a vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing.
INLAND ONLY When can a vessel sound one prolonged blast?
A) When leaving a dock or a berth
B) When making way in restricted visibility
C) When approaching a bend in the channel with an intervening obstruction
D) All of the above
D) All of the above
One prolonged blast is used under the Inland Rules to indicate:
1. Moving away from a dock or berth (not done under International Rules).
2. When underway and making way in restricted visibility;
3. Approaching a bend in a channel with an intervening obstruction in clear visibility.
INLAND ONLY Your vessel is operating astern propulsion as you back out of a dock. What signal(s) must your vessel sound?
A) One prolonged blast
B) One prolonged blast followed by three short blasts
C) Three short blasts
D) No sound signal is required
B) One prolonged blast followed by three short blasts
Under the Inland Rules ONLY, vessels leaving a dock or a berth are required to sound one prolonged blast. (This Rule does not exist under the International Rules). Three short blasts indicate a vessel operating astern propulsion.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY In a narrow channel, an overtaking vessel which intends to PASS on the other vessel’s port side would sound __________.
A) one prolonged followed by two short blasts
B) one short blast
C) two prolonged followed by two short blasts
D) two short blasts
C) two prolonged followed by two short blasts
-INTERNATIONAL- Sound and Light Signals - RULE 34
(c) When in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway:
(i) a vessel intending to overtake another shall in compliance with Rule 9(e)(i) - of the International Rules - indicate her intention by the following signals on her whistle: two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast to mean “I intend to overtake you on your starboard side” two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to mean “I intend to overtake you on your port side”. (ii) the vessel about to be overtaken when acting in accordance with Rule 9(e)(i) shall indicate her agreement by the following signal on her whistle: one prolonged, one short, one prolonged and one short blast, in that order. If the overtaken vessel is in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt by giving at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle.
A flashing RED light on a navigational aid, flashing a composite group flashing consisting of two flashes followed by one flash is used by ___________
A) a bifurcation buoy indicating the preferred channel is to port when going shoreward
B) a safe water mark with a red and white vertical stripe
C) solid red buoy
D) solid green buoy
A) a bifurcation buoy indicating the preferred channel is to port when going shoreward
This is a junction (aka: bifurcation) buoy. They either have a red top and green bottom or visa-versa. They indicate the preferred channel to take when entering and going shoreward. Always check the chart.
When the top is colored RED, they’ll display a red light indicating the preferred channel is to port. When the top is green, it will display a green light indicating the preferred channel is to starboard.
They are very common and always flash (2+1) either in a green or red light depending on which side the preferred channel is located.
Steady precipitation is typical of __________
A) coming cold weather conditions
B) a warm front weather condition
C) high pressure conditions
D) scattered cumulus clouds
B) a warm front weather condition
Warm fronts are low pressure air massess associated with unsettled rainy weather.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which statement is TRUE in an overtaking situation?
A) An overtaking situation exists when one vessel is approaching another vessel from anywhere abaft the beam.
B) It is the duty of the vessel being overtaken to get out of the way.
C) Any later change of bearing between the two vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel.
D) All of the above
C) Any later change of bearing between the two vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel.
The overtaking vessel must be more than 22.5° abaft of beam.
An overtaking situation cannot become a crossing situation under the Rules.
NLAND ONLY While underway, you sight the lights as shown, with the yellow lights flashing. You should __________.
A) wait until the vessel ahead crosses your bow
B) stop until the red lights turn green
C) proceed leaving all the lights on your starboard side
D) pass between the two sets of vertical red lights
D) pass between the two sets of vertical red lights
ANNEX V (INLAND ONLY) - 88.15 - Lights on dredge pipelines -
Dredge pipelines that are floating or supported on trestles shall display the following lights at night and in periods of restricted visibility.
(a) One row of yellow lights. The lights must be:
(1) Flashing 50 to 70 times per minute,
(2) Visible all around the horizon,
(3) Visible for at least 2 miles on a clear dark night,
(4) Not less than 1 and not more than 3.5 meters above the water,
(5) Approximately equally spaced, and
(6) Not more than 10 meters apart where the pipeline crosses a navigable channel. Where the pipeline does not cross a navigable channel the lights must be sufficient in number to clearly show the pipeline’s length and course.
(b) Two red lights at each end of the pipeline, including the ends in a channel where the pipeline is separated to allow vessels to pass.
INLAND ONLY A power-driven vessel, when leaving a dock or berth, is required to sound __________.
A) four short blasts
B) one long blast
C) one prolonged blast
D) No signal is required.
C) one prolonged blast
Under the INLAND RULES, a vessel leaving a dock sounds one prolonged blast. This rule does not exist under the International set of Rules.
One prolonged blast is also required in BOTH sets of Rules when: 1. Approaching a bend in the channel with an intervening obstruction;
2. When underway and making way in fog.
INLAND ONLY A vessel displaying two towing lights must _______________
A) be towing two vessels simultaneously
B) also be displaying a special flashing light next to the to towing lights
C) be pushing a vessel ahead or towing alongside
D) display the to towing lights above the stern light
C) be pushing a vessel ahead or towing alongside
Towing lights are yellow and have the same placement characteristics as a stern light. They’re placed on the stern of the tug and just like the sternlight have an arc of visibility of 135°.
“Yellow over Yellow = I’m a hip or forward-pushing fellow” INLAND ONLY!
INLAND ONLY At night, you see two yellow lights in a vertical line ahead and no other lights. These lights indicate________
A) a dredge pipeline
B) a vessel towing another ahead
C) a vessel towing another alongside
D) a trawler with its nets snagged on the bottom
B) a vessel towing another ahead
Inland Rules require a tug that is towing by pushing ahead or towing alongside to display two yellow lights aft - called towing lights. Since the question states that you only see two yellow lights in a vertical line, you have to assume that it is a tug boat pushing a barge ahead as, if it were towing it alongside, you’d see two yellow lights in a vertical line, PLUS the sternlight of the barge on either side of the tug. By the way, if the tug is displaying two (yellow) towing lights, the barge being pushed ahead must show sidelight, and a Special Flashing Light (A yellow light placed forward on a barge being pushed ahead (or towed alongside) that flashes between 50-70 times per minute and has an arc of horizontal visibility from dead ahead through not less than 180° nor more than 225°).
A 6x12, two-inch wire rope has __________.
A) 12 strands and a two-inch diameter
B) 12 strands and a two-inch circumference
C) 6 strands and a two-inch diameter
D) 6 strands and a two-inch circumference
C) 6 strands and a two-inch diameter
The “Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act” applies to __________.
A) every towing vessel of 16 feet or over in length while navigating
B) every vessel of 50 GT and upward, carrying one or more persons for hire
C) all aircraft operating on the water
D) every power-driven vessel of 20 meters and upward while navigating
D) every power-driven vessel of 20 meters and upward while navigating
§ 26.03 Radiotelephone required.
(1) Every power-driven vessel of 20 meters or over in length while navigating;
(2) Every vessel of 100 gross tons and upward carrying one or more passengers for hire while navigating;
(3)Every towing vessel of 26 feet or over in length while navigating; and
(4) Every dredge and floating plant engaged in or near a channel or fairway in operations likely to restrict or affect navigation of other vessels except for an unmanned or intermittently manned floating plant under the control of a dredge.
The point where the vertical rise or fall of the tide has stopped is called the __________
A) ebb tide
B) rip tide
C) the stand of the tide
D) the reverse of the tide
C) the stand of the tide
A interval at high or low water when there is no sensible change in the height of the tide. The water level is stationary at high and low water for only an instant, but the change in level near these times is so slow that it is not usually perceptible.
The channel that is reserved to communications regarding navigation is channel __________
Channel 13 is the channel designated by the Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act reserved for communications regarding navigation (Also known as the bridge-to-bridge channel.) This channel is available to all ships. Messages must be about ship navigation, for example, passing or meeting other ships. You must keep your messages short. Your power output must not be more than one watt. This is also the main working channel at most locks and drawbridges. Channel 67 is also used for Bridge-to-bridge communications in the lower Mississippi River.
Channel 16 is for hailing and distress calls and generally the channel to monitor.
22A is a Coast Guard channel used for announcements and certain communications when directed
Channel 70 is reserved exclusively for digital Selective Calling (DSC) transmissions therefore, voice communications is not allowed on this channel.
You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If possible you should __________.
A) call for assistance
B) abandon ship to windward
C) put the vessel’s stern into the wind
D) keep going at half speed
C) put the vessel’s stern into the wind
INLAND ONLY A towing vessel pushing ahead on the Western Rivers above the Huey P. Long bridge must show __________.
A) sidelights only
B) sidelights and towing lights
C) sidelights, towing lights, and two masthead lights
D) sidelights, towing lights, and three masthead lights
B) sidelights and towing lights
On Western Rivers - identified as waters above the Huey P. Long Bridge, in New Orleans - vessels don’t have to display masthead lights. (This is primarily due to low bridges throughout the region).
While pushing ahead, the towing vessel (tug) will display her sidelights and two towing lights in a vertical line. (Notice that she isn’t showing the two vertical white masthead lights required when when towing and not in the Western Rivers.)
The barge being pushed ahead would display a special yellow flashing light that flashes 50-70 times per minute and sidelights (no sternlight so as to not embarrass (blind) the pilot on the towing vessel).
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A 20-meter power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display __________.
A) two towing lights in a vertical line
B) a towing light above the stern light
C) two all-round red lights at the masthead
D) two masthead lights in a vertical line
D) two masthead lights in a vertical line
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A towing light is __________.
A) shown at the bow
B) white in color
C) shown in addition to the stern light
D) an all-round light
C) shown in addition to the stern light
Under International Rules, a towing Light is ONLY used when towing another vessel astern and is positioned over the stern light. Memory Aid: “Yellow over White, cable towing in hindsight” A Tug pushing ahead or alongside following INTERNATIONAL RULES only displays a towing light when towing astern.
Inland Rules:
Yellow over White (as above) when towing astern. TWO TOWING LIGHTS by themselves are shown under the Inland Rules (without a sternlight) when towing alongside or pushing another vessel ahead.
(d) “Towing light” means a yellow light having the same characteristics as the “sternlight” defined in paragraph (c) of this Rule.
(c) “Sternlight” means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135° and so fixed as to show the light 67.5° from right aft on each side of the vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND While underway in fog, you hear a vessel ahead sound two prolonged blasts on the whistle. You should __________.
A) sound only fog signals until the other vessel is sighted
B) not sound any whistle signals until the other vessel is sighted
C) sound two blasts and change course to the left
D) sound whistle signals only if you change course
A) sound only fog signals until the other vessel is sighted
INLAND ONLY Which lights are required for a barge, not part of a composite unit, being pushed ahead?
A) Sidelights and a stern light
B) Sidelights, a special flashing light, and a stern light
C) Sidelights and a special flashing light
D) Sidelights, a towing light, and a stern light
C) Sidelights and a special flashing light
Under the Inland Rules, there is a “Special Flashing light” (see Rule 21 below) requirement for a vessel (barge) being towed alongside or pushed ahead that DOES NOT exist in the International Rules. This Special Flashing light must be placed on the forward-most part of the vessel (barge) being pushed ahead or towed alongside. A description in the Inland Rules for a Special Flashing light is as follows: Rule 21 - Definitions - (g) “Special flashing light” means a yellow light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute, placed as far forward and as nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline of the tow and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180° nor more than 225° and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to abeam and no more than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side.
When plugging holes below the waterline you should __________.
A) eliminate all water entering the hole
B) only plug holes in machinery or other vital spaces
C) reduce the entry of water as much as possible
D) plug the largest holes first
C) reduce the entry of water as much as possible
Who would normally certify that all preparations have been made and all regulations observed prior to loading a cargo of bulk grain?
A) American Bureau of Shipping
B) U.S. Coast Guard
C) National Cargo Bureau
D) Master of the vessel
D) Master of the vessel
One advantage of the “all-purpose nozzle” is that it __________.
A) can fit any size hose
B) converts a stream of water into a fog
C) increases the amount of water reaching the fire
D) can spray two streams of water at the same time
B) converts a stream of water into a fog
A mid-channel/safe water buoy, if lighted, will show a __________
A) fixed red light
B) Morse (A) white light
C)green light
D) flashing red light
B) Morse (A) white light
Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of ____________.
A) Marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
B) Weekly Notice to Mariners
C) corrected editions of charts
D)Light Lists
A) Marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
When the moon is in the first or third quarter phase, what kind of tides will occur?
A) Apogean
B) Perigean
C) Neap
D) Spring
C) Neap
Neap tides occur when the sun, earth, and moon form a right angle and the gravitational pull of the sun counteracts the pull of the moon.
Red lights may appear on __________
A) horizontally banded buoys
B) vertically striped buoys
C) yellow buoys
D) spherical buoys
A) horizontally banded buoys
Vertically striped buoys are known as safe-water (mid-channel) markers also referred to as “head-buoys”. If lighted, they only show a white light and flash a light sequence of (Mo A) which stands for Morse Code for the letter A (short flash followed by a long flash or “dot-dash”).
Yellow buoys if lighted would have a yellow light.
Spherical buoys are also Safe Water Marks or mid channel markers and are also vertically striped.
White lights may be found on __________
A) special purpose buoys
B) preferred-channel buoys
C) information and regulatory buoys
D) numbered buoys
C) information and regulatory buoys
Special purpose buoys are yellow and if lighted would have a yellow light.
Preferred-channel buoys have either red or green lights that flash a composite group flashing of (2+1) and will be the color of the top horizontal band, (They’re also called bufurcation buoys).
Numbers can only be used on solid red or green lateral buoys and id lighhted, have the same color light.
Information and regulatory buoys, if lighted, can only display a white light.
The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is __________
A) unpredictable
B) generally constant
C) generally too weak to be of concern
D) predicted in the Title Current Tables
D) predicted in the Title Current Tables
The current’s velocity is also called “drift”.
When the moon is new or full, what type of tides occur?
A) Neap
B) Spring
C) Diurnal
D) Apogean
B) Spring
Spring tides are what results from the full or new moon that is in line with the earth. The resulting gravitational forces resulting from both of these celestial bodies cause the tides to be higher high and lower low. These are called spring tides.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel which is fishing must show sidelights and a stern light only when __________.
A) anchored
B) underway
C) dead in the water
D) underway and making way
D) underway and making way
RULE 26 - Lights and Shapes
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling, shall exhibit:(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in a vertical line one above the other; (ii) when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 meters horizontally from the vessel, an all-round white light or a cone apex upwards in the direction of the gear; (iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.
INLAND ONLY Which lights are required for a barge, not part of a composite unit, being pushed ahead?
A) Sidelights and a stern light
B) Sidelights, a special flashing light, and a stern light
C) Sidelights and a special flashing light
D) Sidelights, a towing light, and a stern light
C) Sidelights and a special flashing light
Under the Inland Rules, there is a “Special Flashing light” (see Rule 21 below) requirement for a vessel (barge) being towed alongside or pushed ahead that DOES NOT exist in the International Rules. This Special Flashing light must be placed on the forward-most part of the vessel (barge) being pushed ahead or towed alongside. A description in the Inland Rules for a Special Flashing light is as follows: Rule 21 - Definitions - (g) “Special flashing light” means a yellow light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute, placed as far forward and as nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline of the tow and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180° nor more than 225° and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to abeam and no more than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side.
INLAND ONLY Which is a characteristic of a special flashing light?
A) It is required for all vessels being pushed ahead as part of a composite unit.
B) It must show through an arc of not less than 180° nor more than 225°.
C) It must be of the same character and construction as the masthead light.
D) All of the above
B) It must show through an arc of not less than 180° nor more than 225°.
RULE 21 - INLAND - Definitions
(g) “Special flashing light” means a yellow light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute, placed as far forward and as nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline of the tow and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180° nor more than 225°and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to abeam and no more than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side of the vessel.
A racetrack turn would be better than a Williamson turn in recovering a man overboard if __________.
A. the man has been missing for a period of time B. the sea water is very cold and the man is visible C. there is thick fog D. the wind was from astern on the original course
B. the sea water is very cold and the man is visible
The correct answer is:
B. the sea water is very cold and the man is visible
While simpler than a Williamson turn, this method depends heavily on the wake and/or floating datum being visible. Both may be rapidly lost from sight in bad weather especially at night or in poor visibility.
The size of the turning circle will determine at which point the vessel returns to cross its original water track. With a large turning circle there is a small, but potential risk of running over the floating datum or even MOB if reference to either is lost during the turn.
The need to keep a visual reference on the floating datum or wake means that this method needs a relatively small turning circle to be effective. Stop/Slow and Turn
Unlike the previous two methods the first step is to slow down to a near or full stop, then; Turn short around. Motor ahead on the reciprocal course
The maneuverability of most CRV’s means they can be turned in little more than a boat length. As the vessel was slowed down without altering course, the wake will be clearly visible off the stern (lining up the center of the residual wake and the floating datum means there isn’t a need to calculate a reciprocal heading).
Whatever method is used in a MOB situation the helmsman must alert the other crew members prior to any maneuver.
Any maneuver should be preceded by a loud and clear warning from the helmsman. For example; ‘Turning starboard! Followed by a pause of 1-2 seconds before initiating the maneuver.
Which statement about the Williamson turn is FALSE?
A. It requires the highest degree of ship handling skills to accomplish. B. It is the slowest of the methods used in turning the vessel. C. It is the best turn to use when the victim is not in sight due to reduced visibility. D. It returns the vessel to the original track-line on a reciprocal course.
A. It requires the highest degree of ship handling skills to accomplish.
Which is NOT a part of an anchor?
A. Bill B. Devil's claw C. Palm D. Crown
B. Devil’s claw
The devil’s claw is part of the tackle attached to the anchor chain to keep the anchor safely secured onboard.
Which type of fire is the foam (stored-pressure type) fireextinguisher effective on?
A. Classes A & B B. Classes A & C C. Classes B & C D. All of the above
A. Classes A & B
White lights may be found on __________
A. special purpose buoys B. preferred-channel buoys C. information and regulatory buoys D. numbered buoys
C. information and regulatory buoys
Special purpose buoys are yellow and if lighted would have a yellow light.
Preferred-channel buoys have either red or green lights that flash a composite group flashing of (2+1) and will be the color of the top horizontal band, (They’re also called bufurcation buoys).
Numbers can only be used on solid red or green lateral buoys and id lighhted, have the same color light.
Information and regulatory buoys, if lighted, can only display a white light.
Which nautical charts are intended for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs and shoals?
A. Approach charts B. General charts C. Sailing charts D. Coast charts
B. General charts
The scales of nautical charts range from 1:2,500 to about 1:5,000,000. Graphic scales are generally shown on charts with scales of 1:80,000 or larger, and numerical scales are given on smaller scale charts. NOAA charts areclassified according to scale as follows:
Sailing charts, scales 1:600,000 and smaller, arefor use in fixing the mariner’s position approachingthe coast from the open ocean or for sailing between distant coastwise ports. On such charts the shoreline and topography are generalized and only offshore soundings, principal lights, outer buoys and landmarks visible at considerable distances are shown.
General charts, scales 1:150,000 to 1:600,000, are for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs and shoals.
Coast charts, scales 1:50,000 to 1:150,000, are for inshore navigation leading to bays and harbors of considerable width and for navigating large inland waterways.
Harbor charts, scales larger than 1:50,000, are for harbors, anchorage areas and the smaller waterways.
Special charts, at various scales, cover the Intracoastal waterway and miscellaneous small-craftareas.
If you must jump from a vessel, the correct posture includes __________.
A. holding down the life preserver against the chest with one arm crossing the other, covering the mouth and nose with a hand, and feet together B. knees bent and held close to the body with both arms around legs C. body straight and arms held tightly at the sides for feet first entry into the water D. both hands holding the life preserver below the chin with knees bent and legs crossed
A. holding down the life preserver against the chest with one arm crossing the other, covering the mouth and nose with a hand, and feet together
As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic compass __________.
A. first turns to starboard then counterclockwise to port B. also turns to starboard C. turns counterclockwise to port D. remains aligned with compass north
D. remains aligned with compass north
You always turn around the compass. The card doesn’t actually spin - it is you and the vessel spinning around the compass card that remains aligned with magnetic north.
What is TRUE concerning new editions of Light Lists?
A. Supplements to new editions are issued monthly by the U.S. Coast Guard.
B. New editions are published by the National Ocean Survey. C. New editions are corrected through the date shown on the title page. D. None of the above
C. New editions are corrected through the date shown on the title page.
There is a date on every chart corresponding to the date it has been corrected through. You must reference the Local Notice to Mariners and determine any subsequent corrections necessary to the chart through the present day.
The description “Racon” beside an illustration on a chart as shown would mean a ____________.
D. radar transponder beacon
A RACON is a radar transponder commonly used to mark maritime navigational hazards. The word is a portmanteau of RAdar and beaCON. When a racon receives a radar pulse, it responds with a signal on the same frequency which puts an image on the radar display. This takes the form of a short line of dots and dashes forming a Morse code character radiating behind and away from the target.
The United States Coast Guard operates about 80 racons, and other organizations also operate them, for example the owners of oil platforms. By far the majority of RACONs are on buoys rather than lighthouses.
Which of the buoy symbols shown indicates a safe water mark?
A flashing RED light on a navigational aid, flashing a composite group flashing consisting of two flashes followed by one flash is used by ___________
A. a bifurcation buoy indicating the preferred channel is to port when going shoreward B. a safe water mark with a red and white vertical stripe C. solid red buoy D. solid green buoy
A. a bifurcation buoy indicating the preferred channel is to port when going shoreward
This is a junction (aka: bifurcation) buoy. They either have a red top and green bottom or visa-versa. They indicate the preferred channel to take when entering and going shoreward. Always check the chart.
When the top is colored RED, they’ll display a red light indicating the preferred channel is to port. When the top is green, it will display a green light indicating the preferred channel is to starboard.
They are very common and always flash (2+1) either in a green or red light depending on which side the preferred channel is located.
The vessel’s Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacon (EPIRB) must be tested __________.
A. weekly B. monthly C. every 2 months D. every 3 months
B. monthly
Which topmark shown identifies an isolated danger?
The correct answer is:
B. B
Two black spheres placed atop of a red and black buoys marks a wreck.
The color magenta placed on the small open circle of a buoy symbol on the chart indicates that the buoy__________
A. displays a light at night B. is placed in the exact position shown C. has been prone to vessel collisions D. could be at least 300' or more away from its charted position
A. displays a light at night
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another?
A. The vessel which has the other on her own starboard side B. The vessel which has the other on her own port side C. The vessel which hears the other vessel's fog signal first D. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel
D. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel
In fog there is no inherent right of way.
Fog signals convey to others that can’t see you the category of your vessel and whether you are making way or not making way (drifting) or not. A bell indicates a vessel at anchor of aground.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A sailing vessel is proceeding along a narrow channel and can safely navigate ONLY inside the channel. The sailing vessel approaches a vessel engaged in fishing. Which statement is TRUE?
A. The fishing vessel is directed not to impede the passage of the sailing vessel. B. The sailing vessel must keep out of the way of the fishing vessel. C. Each vessel should move to the edge of the channel on her port side. D. Each vessel should be displaying signals for a vessel constrained by her draft.
A. The fishing vessel is directed not to impede the passage of the sailing vessel.
Rule 9(c) explains this departure from the normal (Rule 18) pecking order of rights of way specifically because it is fishing in a narrow channel.
In BOTH the International & Inland Rules, Rule 9 (c) states: “A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of ANY OTHER VESSEL navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.” Paragraph (c) gives rights to any vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway, not just to those that can safely operate within the narrow channel or fairway. Vessels engaged in fishing - defined in Rule 3(d) -must stay out of the way although they are permitted to fish in the channel or fairway if it is not otherwise being used
INLAND ONLY Which is a characteristic of a special flashing light?
A. It is required for all vessels being pushed ahead as part of a composite unit. B. It must show through an arc of not less than 180° nor more than 225°. C. It must be of the same character and construction as the masthead light. D. All of the above
B. It must show through an arc of not less than 180° nor more than 225°.
- RULE 21 - INLAND - Definitions
(g) “Special flashing light” means a yellow light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute, placed as far forward and as nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline of the tow and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180° nor more than 225°and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to abeam and no more than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side of the vessel.
INLAND ONLY Which is CORRECT regarding a special flashing light?
A. It must be yellow in color B. It must be placed as far forward as possible C. It must not show through an arc of more than 225° D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Let’s take the answer choices one by one:
A. It must be yellow in color - Special Flashing Lights are used only under Inland Rules and must be yellow in color.
B. It must be placed as far forward as possible - on the vessel (barge) that you are either pushing ahead or towing alongside.
C. The Inland Rules state that it can show through and arc of 180° but not more that 225°.
D. That is why all the above are CORRECT!
THIS IS AN INLAND RULE ONLY - Special Flashing Lights are placed at the very front of a barge being pushed ahead or alongside. Incidentally, the tug boat must simultaneously display two towing lights aft when pushing ahead or towing alongside.
Capt. Bill’s mnemonic: “Yellow over Yellow = “I’m an Inland special hip or forward-pushing fellow”
An emergency check-off list is required on vessels carrying six or fewer passengers for hire. The list must contain information on all of the following EXCEPT __________. (Uninspected Vessel Regulations)
A) precautions for rough weather
B) actions required in the event of accident
C) procedures for man overboard emergencies
D) emergency procedures for fire at sea
B) actions required in the event of accident
What is vessel depth ________
both draft and freeboard
both draft and freeboard
The draft of a vessel PLUS its freeboard (the vertical distance from the water to the deck) together is considered the vessel’s depth and is listed on an application sea service form.
Who would normally certify that all preparations have been made and all regulations observed prior to loading a cargo of bulk grain?
A) American Bureau of Shipping
B) U.S. Coast Guard
C) National Cargo Bureau
D) Master of the vessel
D) Master of the vessel
Which weakens a line the LEAST?
A) Clove hitch
B) Long splice
C) Short splice
D) Square knot
C) Short splice
That is because the strands are not tapered to maintain as close as possible the diameter of the line. A short splice is the strongest but does increase the diameter of the line where spliced together.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The vessel showing the dayshape is a __________.
A. vessel engaged in mine clearance operations B. fishing vessel with gear extending more than 150 meters horizontally C. trawler shooting nets in the direction indicated D. tug with a tow exceeding 200 meters unable to deviate from course
D. tug with a tow exceeding 200 meters unable to deviate from course
A diamond is placed on the back of the tug and a second one is placed on the last vessel being towed. Additionally, since the length of the tow is also restricting her ability to maneuver, the tug also displays the RAM shape in a vertical line consisting of a ball-diamond-ball.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shows special identity lights __________.
A. instead of the masthead lights B. which mean that other vessels should not approach within 1000 meters C. that are 225° green lights D. All of the above
B. which mean that other vessels should not approach within 1000 meters
- RULE- 27 - Lights and Shapes
(f) A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall, in addition to the lights prescribed for a power-driven vessel in Rule 23 or to the lights or shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30 as appropriate, exhibit three all-round green lights or three balls. One of these lights or shapes shall be exhibited near the foremast head and one at each end of the fore yard. These lights or shapes indicate that it is dangerous for another vessel to approach within 1000 meters of the mineclearance vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel engaged in mineclearing shows special identity lights __________.
A. in addition to the lights required for a power-driven vessel B. which mean that other vessels should not approach within 1000 meters of the mineclearing vessel C. which are green and show all-round D. All of the above
D. All of the above
See EXHIBIT which shows lights and dayshape used.
INLAND ONLY A towing vessel pushing ahead on the Western Rivers above the Huey P. Long bridge must show __________.
A. sidelights only B. sidelights and towing lights C. sidelights, towing lights, and two masthead lights D. sidelights, towing lights, and three masthead lights
B. sidelights and towing lights
On Western Rivers - identified as waters above the Huey P. Long Bridge, in New Orleans - vessels don’t have to display masthead lights. (This is primarily due to low bridges throughout the region).
While pushing ahead, the towing vessel (tug) will display her sidelights and two towing lights in a vertical line. (Notice that she isn’t showing the two vertical white masthead lights required when when towing and not in the Western Rivers.)
The barge being pushed ahead would display a special yellow flashing light that flashes 50-70 times per minute and sidelights (no sternlight so as to not embarrass (blind) the pilot on the towing vessel).
INLAND ONLY A towing vessel 30 meters in length is pushing a barge ahead. How many white masthead lights is the towing vessel REQUIRED to show at night?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
The correct answer is:
B. Two
Since the tug is under 50 meters, it is required to show one masthead light for a power-driven vessel. When engaged in any type of towing, the Rules require it to show a second masthead light on the same mast in a vertical line.
Since it is pushing a barge ahead and complying with the Inland Rules, the tug also displays 2 yellow towing lights aft and the barge also shows a Special Flashing light that flashes 50 to 70 times per minute.
“Yellow over Yellow = Hip or Forward-Pushing Fellow”
The most common method of securing a line to a cleat is a __________.
A. half hitch, then round turns
B. round turn, then figure eights C. figure eight, then round turns D. figure eight, then half hitches
B. round turn, then figure eights
Complete one round turn then figure eight.
One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in a man overboard situation is that it __________.
A. is the fastest method
B. is easy for a single-screw vessel to perform C. requires the least ship handling skills to perform D. can be used in reduced visibility
A. is the fastest method
As long as the man is visible!
A short splice in a line __________
A. decreases the size of the line B. should be used if the line is going through a block C. should only be used in wire rope D. doubles the size of the line
D. doubles the size of the line
A foam-type portable fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in __________.
A. solid materials such as wood or bales of fiber B. flammable liquids C. a piece of electrical equipment D. combustible metallic solids
B. flammable liquids
Flammable liquids are the most common types of fires aboard vessels and are B fires.
The magnetic compass error which changes with the geographical location of your vessel is called ____________.
A. deviation B. variation C. compensation D. differentiation
B. variation
The red line shows where your compass points (magnetic north) while the blue line points to the geographic north pole.
The angle created from your position to between the north pole and the magnetic north pole is called Variation. The error is always listed in the number of degrees that the magnetic north lies away - either to the east or to the west of true north. In the image shown, if you are the vessel on the east coast as shown, then the variation is westerly because the magnetic north lies to the west of true north from your position. If you are on the west coast as shown, the variational error is the number of degrees and is listed as east because the magnetic north now lies to the east of true north based on you being on the west coast.
When a dual-purpose marking on the Itracoastal Waterway, the mariner following the aid should be guided by the __________
A. shape of the aid B. color of the buoy C. number of the aid D. All of the above
A. shape of the aid
Permission to enter the riverward chamber of twin locks is given by the lockmaster and consists of which sound signal?
A. One short blast
B. Two short blasts C. One long Blast D. Two long blasts
D. Two long blasts
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What is the minimum sound signaling equipment required aboard a vessel 24 meters in length?
A. A bell only B. A whistle only C. A whistle and a bell D. Any means of making an efficient sound signal
C. A whistle and a bell
Under BOTH International and Inland Rules, a vessel of 20 meters or longer (65’.6”) must carry a whistle and a bell. Under 20 meters = NO BELL necessary. Lots to remember, eh?
So what do YOU sound if your vessel is under 20 meters while at anchor in fog? The answer is the optional signal - which can ALSO BE USED even if you have a bell, after sounding a bell - consisting of one short, one prolonged and another short blast on the whistle. It’s an optional signal sounded by vessels at anchor to warn of their position. It can also be sounded in addition to sounding the bell.
INLAND ONLY What is true of a special flashing light?
A. It may show through an arc of not less than 180°. B. It flashes at the rate of 120 flashes per minute. C. It is optional below the Baton Rouge Highway Bridge. D. All of the above
A. It may show through an arc of not less than 180°.
A Special Flashing Light shows a light through an arc of 180° and not more that 225°
Special Flashing Lights do not exist under International Rules.
Special Flashing Lights are placed as far forward as possible on vessels (barges) being towed alongside or pushed ahead.
A Special Flashing Light (shown on the front of the barge) is yellow in color and flashes between 50 and 70 times per minute (or about once every second). Reminder: A Special Flashing Lights is used under the Inland Rules on the front of the barge. The tug must also display two towing lights. You can’t have a special flashing light unless the tug is also displaying two towing lights aft of his tug and visa-versa.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel would exhibit sidelights when underway and not making way?
A. A vessel not under command B. A vessel pushing ahead C. A vessel engaged in dredging D. A vessel trawling
B. A vessel pushing ahead
Vessels Restricted in Ability to Maneuver along with vessels Not Under Command, and Fishing/Trawling vessels display sidelights only when making way. A towing vessel and a power-driven vessel keep the lights on when not making way.
A safe fuel system must __________.
A. prevent engine overheating
B. have proper air/gasoline fuel mixture ratio C. be liquid- and vapor-tight D. supply sufficient air to the intake manifold
C. be liquid- and vapor-tight
When backing down with sternway, the pivot point of a vessel is __________.
A. about one-quarter of the vessel’s length from the stern
B. at the bow C. about one-third of the vessel's length from the bow D. aft of the propellers
A. about one-quarter of the vessel’s length from the stern
River currents tend to __________.
A. pick up speed where the channel widens
B. run slower in the center of the channel C. hug the inside of a bend D. cause the greatest depth of water to be along the outside of a bend
D. cause the greatest depth of water to be along the outside of a bend
Conventional anchors are least likely to hold in a bottom consisting of __________.
A. soft clay
B. hard mud C. very soft mud D. sand
D. sand
The explosive range of a fuel lies between the lower explosive limit and the __________
A. flash point B. ignition temperature C. upper explosive limit D. fire point
C. upper explosive limit
Operators of Uninspected Passenger Vessels are required to keep their Coast Guard License aboard __________.
A. only when operating more than one mile from shore B. only when operating at night C. only when carrying passengers for hire D. at all times
C. only when carrying passengers for hire
Magnetic information on a chart may be _______________.
A. found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)
B. indicated by isogonic lines C. found in a note on the chart D. All of the above
D. All of the above
It may also be found in the Coast pilot. Incidentally, Isogonic lines are lines connecting points of equal magnetic variation on a chart.
A preferred-channel buoy may be ___________.
A. lettered B. spherical C. showing a white light D. All of the above
A. lettered
Let’s break these down:
Preferred-channel buoys are your junction buoys. They can only be lettered as only SOLID RED OR SOLID GREEN channel markers may be numbered.
A spherical buoy is a safe water (mid-channel marker) with vertical red and white stripes (see EXHIBIT) and looks like a beach ball
With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS receivers should provide, at a minimum ____________.
A. an indication within 5 seconds if the specified HDOP has been exceeded B. a warning of loss of position C. a differential GPS status indication of the receipt of DGPS signals D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Dilution of precision (DOP) is a GPS term used to describe the geometric strength of satellite configuration on GPS accuracy. When visible satellites are close together in the sky, the geometry is said to be weak and the DOP value is high; when far apart, the geometry is strong and the DOP value is low.
Thus a low DOP value represents a better GPS positional accuracy due to the wider angular separation between the satellites used to calculate a GPS unit’s position.
HDOP is the Horizontal Dilution of Precision and is an indicator of the quality of the GPS that you are receiving. The higher the HDOP, the greater the risk that the GPS readings are not accurate. The program will ignore any GPS readings that have an HDOP greater than the maximum that you enter.
An airplane wants a vessel to change course and proceed towards a vessel in distress. The actions of the aircraft to convey this message will NOT include __________.
A. circling the vessel at least once B. heading in the direction of the distress location C. flashing the navigation lights on and off D. crossing ahead and rocking the wings
C. flashing the navigation lights on and off
What information is found in the chart title?
A. Date of the first edition
B. Date of the edition and, if applicable, the revision C. Information on the sounding datum D. Information on which IALA buoyage system applies
C. Information on the sounding datum
Sounding datum means the reference level used on the chart. For example: “Sounding in feet at mean lower-low water”
The lifesaving signal indicated by a horizontal motion of a white light or white flare means __________.
A. Landing here highly dangerous
B. Negative C. Avast hauling D. All of the above
D. All of the above
A. Landing here highly dangerous
B. Negative
C. Avast hauling
An airplane wants a vessel to change course and proceed towards a vessel in distress. The actions of the aircraft to convey this message WILL include
A. circling the vessel at least once
B. heading in the direction of the distress location
C. crossing ahead and rocking the wings
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
A. circling the vessel at least once
B. heading in the direction of the distress location
C. crossing ahead and rocking the wings
Restricted areas at locks and dams are indicated by ____________.
A. flashing red lights upstream and fixed red lights downstream B. yellow unlighted buoys C. signs and/or flashing red lights D. red daymarks upstream and green daymarks downstream
C. signs and/or flashing red lights
Information relative to locks, dams and bridges is found in the Coast Pilot.
The difference between magnetic heading and compass heading is called ___________.
A. Variation B. Deviation C. Compass error D. Drift
B. Deviation
When using the TVMDC formula from True to acquire Compass, The difference between the Magnetic and Compass is due to your vessel’s Deviation.
INLAND ONLY On the Western Rivers, a vessel crossing a river must_____
a) only keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel descending the river
b) keep out of the way of any vessel descending the river
c) keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel ascending or descending the river
d) keep out of the way of any vessel ascending or descending the river
c) keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel ascending or descending the river
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The maximum length of a power-driven vessel which may show
an all-round white light and sidelights instead of a masthead light and sidelights is ___________________.
A. 7-meters
B. 10-meters
C. 11-meters
D. 20-meters
C. 11-meters
Rule 23
(d) A power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may, in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit an all-round white light and sidelights.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which signal is only sounded by a power-driven vessel?
A. A signal meaning “I am altering my course to starboard.”
B. A signal meaning “I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.”
C. A signal meaning that the vessel sounding it is in doubt as to the other vessel’s actions.
D. A signal sounded when approaching a bend.
A. A signal meaning “I am altering my course to starboard.”
Remember “International action”
INLAND ONLY You have made your vessel up to a tow and are moving from a pier out into the main
channel. If your engines are turning ahead, what whistle signal should you sound?
A. One prolonged and two short blasts
B. Three long blasts
C. One prolonged blast
D. Five or more short rapid blasts
C. One prolonged blast
INLAND ONLY You are underway on vessel “A” and desire to overtake vessel “B” as shown in
DIAGRAM 17. After you sound two short blasts on your whistle, vessel “B” sounds five short rapid blasts on the whistle. You should
A. pass with caution on the port side of vessel “B”.
B. not attempt to pass vessel B until that vessel sounds and you answer a passing signal.
C. answer the five short blast signal then pass on the port side.
D. keep sounding passing signals until the same signal is received from vessel “B”.
D. keep sounding passing signals until the same signal is received from vessel “B”.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A sailing vessel which is also propelled by machinery shall show
during daylight hours _______________________.
A. a black diamond
B. a black cone
C. a black ball
D. a basket
B. a black cone
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A 45-meter vessel is pulling a 210-meter tow. She may exhibit
A. a masthead light forward, and two masthead lights in a vertical line aft
B. three masthead lights forward and one aft
C. two masthead lights forward and no after-masthead light
D. None of the above
B. three masthead lights forward and one aft
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND At night, a vessel displaying the lights illustrated in DIAGRAM 46
is _______________.
A. sailing
B. fishing and making way
C. a pilot boat making way
D. fishing and anchored
A. sailing
INTERNATIONAL ONLY When two vessels are in sight of one another, all of the following signals may
be given EXCEPT _____________________.
A. a light signal of at least five short and rapid flashes
B. four short whistle blasts
C. one prolonged, one short, one prolonged and one short whistle blasts
D. two short whistle blasts
B. four short whistle blasts
INTERNATIONAL ONLY When vessels are in sight of one another, two short blasts from one of the
vessels means ____________.
A. “I am altering my course to starboard”
B. “I am altering my course to port”
C. “I intend to change course to starboard”
D. “I intend to change course to port”
B. “I am altering my course to port”
INTERNATIONAL ONLY When two vessels are in sight of one another, all of the following signals are
appropriate EXCEPT _____________________.
A. a light signal of at least five short and rapid flashes
B. four short blasts on the whistle
C. one prolonged, one short, one prolonged and one short blast on the whistle, in that order
D. two short blasts on the whistle
B. four short blasts on the whistle
INLAND ONLY A towing vessel pushing ahead on the Western Rivers above the Huey P. Long bridge must show
a) sidelights only
b) sidelights and towing lights
c) sidelights, towing lights, and two masthead lights
d) sidelights, towing lights, and three masthead lights
b) sidelights and towing lights
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which statement is TRUE concerning the light used with whistle signals?
a) Use of such a light is required.
b) Its purpose is to supplement short blasts of the whistle.
c) The light shall have the same characteristics as a masthead light.
d) All of the above
b) Its purpose is to supplement short blasts of the whistle.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel may exhibit lights other than those prescribed by the Rules as long as
the additional lights _____.
a) do not interfere with the keeping of a proper look-out
b) do not impair the visibility or distinctive character of the prescribed lights
c) cannot be mistaken for the lights specified elsewhere in the Rules
d) All of the above
d) All of the above
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The masthead light may be located at other than the fore and aft centerline on
a vessel ______________.
a) less than 50 meters in length
b) less than 20 meters in length
c) of special construction
d) engaged in trolling
c) of special construction
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change
course. When making way, the towing vessel will show ONLY _____.
a) the masthead lights for a towing vessel
b) the lights for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
c) sidelights,stern light, and towing light
d) All of the above.
d) All of the above.
INLAND ONLY On the Western Rivers, a vessel crossing a river must ______________.
A. only keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel descending the river
B. keep out of the way of any vessel descending the river
C. keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel ascending or descending the river
D. keep out of the way of any vessel ascending or descending the river
C. keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel ascending or descending the river
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The maximum length of a power-driven vessel which may show
an all-round white light and sidelights instead of a masthead light and sidelights is ___________________.
A. 7-meters
B. 10-meters
C. 11-meters
D. 20-meters
C. 11-meters
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which signal is only sounded by a power-driven vessel?
A. A signal meaning “I am altering my course to starboard.”
B. A signal meaning “I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.”
C. A signal meaning that the vessel sounding it is in doubt as to the other vessel’s actions.
D. A signal sounded when approaching a bend.
A. A signal meaning “I am altering my course to starboard.”
INTERNATIONAL ONLY While underway and in sight of another vessel you put your engines on astern propulsion.
Which statement concerning whistle signals is TRUE?
a) You must sound three short blasts on the whistle.
b) You must sound one blast if backing to starboard.
c) You must sound whistle signals only if the vessels are meeting.
d) You need not sound any whistle signals.
a) You must sound three short blasts on the whistle.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What is required of a vessel navigating near an area of restricted visibility?
a) A power-driven vessel shall have her engines ready for immediate maneuver.
b) She must sound appropriate sound signals.
c) If she detects another vessel by radar, she shall determine if risk of collision exists.
d) All of the above
c) If she detects another vessel by radar, she shall determine if risk of collision exists.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which statement is TRUE concerning the danger signal?
a) Only the stand-on vessel can sound the danger signal.
b) Radio transmissions may be used in place of the danger signal.
c) A vessel in doubt as to the other vessel’s intentions must sound the danger signal.
d) The danger signal consists of 5 or more prolonged blasts of the whistle.
c) A vessel in doubt as to the other vessel’s intentions must sound the danger signal.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which is a light signal authorized by the Secretary of the Navy as an additional
navigational light for a ship of war?
a) Flashing amber beacon for submarines
b) Green masthead and yardarm lights indicating mine clearance operations
c) Red-white-red lights in a vertical line for a carrier, launching aircraft
d) Yellow flares indicating torpedo firing exercises
a) Flashing amber beacon for submarines
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Vessel A a power-driven vessel is meeting vessel B a vessel towing by pushing ahead as shown. Both vessels will safely pass each other 1/4 mile apart. What whistle signal is required under this scenario?
A. Both vessels should exchange one short blasts B. The vessels should exchange two short blasts C. Vessel B should sound the danger signal D. No whistle signal is sounded
D. No whistle signal is sounded
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A 60-meter vessel which is trawling is required to show how many white masthead lights at night?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
A. 1
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The display of lights shown could represent a __________.
A. submarine on the surface B. vessel restricted in ability to maneuver stern view C. vessel aground over 50 meters D. vessel not under command over 50 meters
C. vessel aground over 50 meters
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which of the following vessels WOULD NOT display a masthead light?
A. A sailing vessel motorsailing
B. A trawler making way
C. A vessel Not Under Command making way
D. A 12-meter power-driven vessel making way
C. A vessel Not Under Command making way
No Shine From The Post