USA Flashcards
Who is Medicare for?
Who is Medicaid for?
Medicare is for people over 65
Medicaid is for people on a low income
What system of government does the USA have?
How many tiers does a federal system of government have?
2 tiers
Who makes laws for all 50 states
The Federal Government
What percentage of politicians in congress are white?
How much will the student debt relief plan cost over the next 10 years?
$469 billion
What are ways to participate in politics in the USA?
Voting for federal representatives
Standing as a senator
Joining an interest group
Why are some groups more likely to participate in politics?
Race and role models
Why are some groups less likely to participate in politics?
Registration process
Voter apathy
Why are women under represented in the USA?
Negative media coverage
Traditional view of the role of women
Why are ethnic minorities under represented in the USA?
Lack of role models
Language barrier
How does the USA politically influence other countries?
Involvement in the United Nations (UN)
One of the most dominant counties in NATO
How does the USA economically influence other countries?
The amount of jobs created by the economy
Many countries rely on the USA for trade
How does the USA’s military influence other countries
Fully explain
Point - The USA can impact other countries through its large and well equipped military force.
Explain - This means that the USA has the military power to take on any other country and enforce
its will or act as a peacekeeper, righting wrongs in different parts of the world.
Example - For example the USA bombed and destroyed chemical weapons facilities in Syria in
response to chemical weapons attacks on the people of Syria
Point – The USA has had military influence by supporting Ukraine in the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
Explain – This means that the USA has supplied equipment such as air defence systems, missiles
and artillery shells.
Example – For example since January 2021, the US has committed more than $13.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine
What are the reasons for inequality in education in the USA?
Differences in education funding
The cost of higher education
What are the reasons for income inequality in the USA?
Racism and discrimination
What are the reasons for health inequality in the USA?
Unemployment/low paying jobs
Do not qualify for government assistance
What measures are taken to reduce inequality in education in the USA?
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)
Biden Administration Student Debt Relief Plan
What measures are used to tackle inequality in health in the USA?
Affordable care act (ACA)
Medicare and Medicaid
What is used to tackle inequality in income in the USA?
The American Rescue Plan Act 2021
How effective are the measures used to tackle inequality In the USA?
Biden Administration Student Debt Relief Plan
Effective – The Student Debt Relief Plan has given support to 1 in 10 people with a student loan,
therefore reducing the cost of their student loan overall.
Not effective – It has been estimated that the Student Debt Relief Plan will cost $469 billion over
the next 10 years and many argue that the money is best spent in other areas.
Affordable Care Act
Effective – The Affordable Care Act has been effective because it has increased the number of people with health insurance.
Effective – In January 2023, a further 16.3 million Americans signed up for health insurance due to
continued advertising and enrolment assistance.
Not effective – However healthcare in the USA is still the most expensive in the world and is still
difficult for many Americans to afford due to financial difficulties.
Not effective – Future administrations since the introduction of the ACA have continued to try to repeal the act which puts the future of the act in jeopardy.
The American Rescue Plan 2021
Effective – The American Rescue Plan Act 2021 was effective because it focused on low and middle class earners who had been most negatively affected by the pandemic.
Effective – The plan focussed on many different aspects of poverty and overall was estimated to
boost the income of the poorest one-fifth of Americans by nearly $3,590.
Not effective – The plan cost $1.9 trillion dollars overall and many argued the money was not
spent wisely or in the correct area
Fully explain The American Rescue Plan Act 2021
Point – One measure used to tackle inequality in income is the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021.
Explain – The act was introduced to help the economy of the USA to recover after the COVID-19
Example – This act provided $50 billion to small businesses and another $25 billion to small and
mid-sized restaurants who had been negatively affected by the pandemic
Fully explain Medicare and Medicaid
Point – One measure used to tackle inequality in health is Medicare and Medicaid.
Explain – This provides a government subsidy towards health insurance payments for those who
are on a low income (Medicaid) or all citizens who are over the age of 65 (medicare).
Expand – This ensured that those who would need the most health care or be least able to afford
it would be provided health care assistance by the government
Fully explain the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Point – One measure used to tackle inequality in health is the
Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Explain – The ACA gave people in the USA more health security by reducing the cost of medical
insurance and improving the quality of healthcare.
Expand – For example by providing more services such as maternity care and treatment for drug
addiction which were not included before.
Fully explain the Biden Administration Student Debt Relief Plan
Point – One method to reduce inequality in education is the Biden Administration Student Debt
Relief Plan.
Explain – This includes reducing the cost of college by ensuring that colleges have an obligation to
keep their prices reasonable.
Expand – The plan also has made college debt repayments cheaper for those on lower incomes to
ensure that they can afford to pay back their loans and has cancelled the debts of those on lower
incomes who are currently repaying their loans
Fully explain the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)
Point – One method to reduce inequality in education is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Explain – This included $100 billion for reforms to improve education through initiatives such as
providing courses to improve teacher effectiveness to make sure that all schools have highly
qualified teachers.
Expand – The act also provided support interventions for low achieving schools for example
through additional classes or additional technologies such as computers.
How many students in urban districts graduate high school compared to suburban communities?
58% of students in urban districts graduate high school in comparison to 75% of students in suburban communities.
How does differences in education funding cause inequality in the USA?
Point – One reason for inequality in the USA is the differences in educational funding.
Explain – Poorly funded schools which are more typically found in urban areas, can find it difficult
to fund even the basics such as teachers resulting in some classes going untaugh
Example – For example 58% of students in urban districts graduate high school in comparison to
75% of students in suburban communities
Explain how the cost of higher education causes inequality in the USA?
Point – One reason for inequality in the USA is high cost of further education.
Explain – College is in the USA is very expensive, an average of $132,000, and therefore many
people cannot afford it, particularly if they are from families on lower incomes.
Example – As a result 15% of Americans live below the poverty line with 12 million in low paid
employment and 1 in 5 children living in poverty.
Fully explain How racism and discrimination cause inequality in the USA?
Point – One reason for income inequality in the USA is racism and discrimination.
Explain – Black people are often paid less than white workers even when they do the same job.
Example – For example in 2019, the average black worker earned 24.4% less per hour than the
average white worker
Explain how unemployment causes inequality in the USA?
Point – One reason for income inequality in the USA is unemployment.
Explain – Unemployment can lead to people living in poverty and struggling to meet their basic
Example – For example the unemployment rate in the USA in August 2024 was 4.3%.
Explain how unemployment/low paying jobs cause inequality in the USA
Point – One reason for health inequality in the USA is that health insurance is expensive and
people who have no job or low paying jobs may not be able to afford it.
Explain – If they cannot afford health insurance they will not be able to receive medical treatment.
Example - In 2010 49.9 million people had no private health insurance, 16.3% of the total
Fully explain the 3 branches of the federal government
Point – The Federal Government is separated into three distinct areas in order to create a
separation of powers.
Explain – The legislative branch is Congress which is made up of the Senate and the House of
Representatives and is the part of the government that makes laws.
Explain – The Executive branch is run by the President and Vice-President and puts laws in to
Fully explain system of Checks and Balances
Point – The separation of powers ensures that no one branch can become too powerful because
all the power is distributed equally to the three branches.
Explain – Each branch must agree with another on an issue before a decision can be formally
Example – This is called a system of Checks and Balances because no single branch can impose
its will. This can make it difficult to achieve an outcome or to reach decisions and can at times lead
to a government shutdown
Fully explain the right to bear arms
Point – One right that citizens in the USA have is the right to bear arms.
Explain – This means that any law-abiding citizen over the age of 18 is allowed to buy a rifle or a
shotgun from a licensed dealer in any state.
Responsibility – The responsibility with this right is to handle the gun safely, to lock it away when it
isn’t being used and to make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands. It should also not be used
to harm anyone by accident or intentionally.
Fully explain freedom of speech
Point – One right that citizens in the USA have is the right to freedom of speech.
Explain – This means that citizens have the right to criticise the work of the Federal and State
Responsibility – The responsibility is to do so fairly and not to lie and be offensive or break the law
while doing so
Fully explain the right to vote
Point – One right that citizens in the USA have is the right to vote in State and Federal elections.
Explain – This means that citizens can decide who they wish to make decisions for them in areas
of government.
Responsibility – However, the responsibility is to register and use their vote.
Fully explain voting for federal representatives
Point – One way to participate in politics in the USA is by voting for Federal Representatives who
sit in Congress in Washington DC.
Explain – This includes the President, Senators, and Congress men/women who are members of
the House of Representatives.
Expand – For example over 140 million US citizens voted in the 2020 presidential election.
Fully explain standing as a senator
Point – One way to participate in politics in the USA is to stand as a senator.
Explain – If you are over 30 you can stand as a Senator as long as you have been a citizen of the
USA for 9 years and live in the state you want to represent.
Example – For example, Ted Cruz has been a senator for Texas since 2012. He is a member of the Republican Party
Fully explain protesting
Point – One way to participate in politics in the USA is to participate in a protest.
Explain – Protests are an important form of political participation because you are making your
opinions known and hope that your actions will influence or initiate change in a particular area of
Example – For example, in 2016 protestors took to the streets to protest against the election of
President Trump
Fully explain joining an interest group
Point – One way to participate in politics in the USA is to join an interest group.
Explain – As part of an interest group, citizens put pressure on the American government to try to
initiate change. They do this by taking part in marches and demonstrations and through petitions, media campaigns and through lobbying.
Example – For example the National Rifle Association is one of the top three most influential interest groups in America. It has over 5 million members who defend an Americans right to keep
and bear arms
Explain how race and role models make some groups more likely to participate in politics
Point – White people are more likely to participate in politics in the U.S.A because they have many role models and a careers in politics seems achievable to them.
Explain – White people, and men in particular, have a lot of white role models to look up to as the
majority of past politicians in the U.S.A have been white men.
Expand – For example 75% of the politicians currently in Congress are white.
Explain how education make some groups more likely to participate in politics
Point – More educated people are more likely to participate in politics in the U.S.A because they
are more likely to be politically literate.
Explain – This means that due to their higher level of education they are more likely to be able to
understand the complex issues that are being debated.
Example – For example 94% of the politicians in Congress currently hold a college degree.
Fully explain how wealth make some groups more likely to participate in politics
Point – People who are wealthier are more likely to participate in politics in the U.S.A because
they can afford to run a campaign.
Explain – This means that they can afford to create and distribute campaign materials such as
leaflets or tv adverts. They can also afford to hire campaign managers or to take time off work to
Example – For example Congressman Vern Buchanan has an estimated net worth of $74 million.
Fully explain how the registration process makes some groups less likely to participate in politics
Point – One reason why some people are less likely to participate in politics in the USA is that the
registration process is long and complicated.
Explain – Some Americans may not have the educational ability to fill in the forms or may not be
bothered to do so due to the time it takes. In addition young people are not automatically placed
on the voting register once they turn 18.
Example - Voter turnout for 18-29 year olds is 20% lower than the turnout of 30 year olds.
Fully explain how voter apathy makes some groups less likely to participate in politics
Point – One reason why some people are less likely to participate in politics in the USA is that
there are very few political role models for ethnic minorities which can cause political apathy.
Explain – This means that people may not bother to vote as they don’t feel there is anyone who
represents them and many see no point in voting as they do not believe the result will impact on
their lives.
Example - Participation is higher in areas where African American candidates have a higher
chance of winning. In the 2012 election, Obama won New Mexico where 60% of the population
was African American.
Fully explain how education makes some groups less likely to participate in politics
Point – One reason why some people are less likely to participate in politics in the USA is due to a
lack of education.
Explain - The less educated a person is, the less likely they are to understand and therefore
engage in political issues.
Example – Ethnic minorities typically have lower levels of education than white Americans and
therefore may not engage in politics.
Fully explain how a lack of role models means an under representation of ethnic minorities in politics in the USA
Point – One reason that ethnic minorities are under-represented in politics is due to a lack of role
Explain – This is because levels of representation of ethnic minorities are poor especially at
Federal Government level.
Example – For example there has only ever been one non-white president in the history of the USA
Fully explain how a language barrier means an under representation of ethnic minorities
Point – One reason that ethnic minorities are under-represented in politics is due to the language
Explain – For many ethnic minorities, in particular Hispanics, English might not be their first
language and they may only have a basic grasp of English.
Expand – As the language that politics is conducted in is English this means that many people
cannot understand the complex political language or get their views across during debates.
Fully explain how negative media coverage means an under representation of women in politics in the USA
Point – One reason women are under-represented in politics is because negative media coverage
of female politicians puts some women off putting themselves forward.
Explain – For past candidates such as Sarah Palin and Hilary Clinton their treatment by the media
was viewed as sexist with too much focus on their appearance which would put other women off
running due to the fear of being scrutinised.
Example – For example Hilary Clinton was criticised for wearing trouser suits and “shouting”
during debates in a way that Donald Trump was not.
Explain how the traditional view of a woman means the under representation of women in politics
Point – One reason why women are under-represented in politics is because the traditional view of
women as a mother and home maker is still very strong in the U.S.A.
Explain – This means women don’t see politics as a career that they can go into due to the toll it
would take on their ability to be a mother and homemaker.
Expand – Women feel that they have to choose either one or the other and may be judged by
voters for putting their career in front of being a mother.
Fully explain how the USA’s involvement in the UN has a political influence on other countries
Point - The USA has a political influence on other countries through its involvement in the United Nations (UN).
Explain – The U.S is the biggest single contributor to the UN peacekeeping operations budget
contributing 27% of the overall budget.
Example – Therefore the USA has a large say on where humanitarian aid is provided, for example
providing aid to the people of Syria during the civil war.
Fully explain how the USA’s involvement in NATO has a political influence on other countries
Point – The USA has a political influence on other countries as it is one of the most dominant
countries in NATO.
Explain – This means that the USA contributes far more troops, resources and finances than any
other single member of the alliance and as a result it is the country most able to set the NATO
Example - For example, President Trump withdrew 12,000 US NATO troops from Germany after
they failed to meet the defence spending targets that has been agreed to
Explain how the USA’s economy impacts other countries
Point - The USA can impact on other countries through the amount of jobs created by the US
Explain – Many US companies employ citizens all over the world as they have a global reach and
therefore have to set up offices and stores in other countries.
Example – For example Amazon employs over 70,000 people in the UK
Explain how other countries relying on the USA for trade has a political influence on other countries
Point - The U.S.A can impact on other countries as many countries in the world rely on the USA
for trade.
Explain – This means that the USA is the second largest trading nation in the world and the
world’s largest manufacturer.
Example – For example the U.S.A is the 3rd largest producer of oil and the largest natural gas
producer in the world both of which create significant revenue as they are traded around the world.
Explain how the USA’s military has an influence on other countries
Point - The USA can impact other countries through its large and well equipped military force.
Explain - This means that the USA has the military power to take on any other country and enforce
its will or act as a peacekeeper, righting wrongs in different parts of the world.
Example - For example the USA bombed and destroyed chemical weapons facilities in Syria in
response to chemical weapons attacks on the people of Syria.
Point – The USA has had military influence by supporting Ukraine in the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
Explain – This means that the USA has supplied equipment such as air defence systems, missiles
and artillery shells.
Example – For example since January 2021, the US has committed more than $13.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine.