US Presidents And Vice Presidents In Order Flashcards
1st President and Vice President
The first president of the United States was George Washington who served two terms. His Vice President was John Adams.
2nd President and Vice President
This president of the United States was John Adams who served one term. His Vice President was Thomas Jefferson.
3rd President and Vice President
The third president of the United States was Thomas Jefferson who served two terms. His Vice Presidents were in order:
1. Aaron Burr
2. George Clinton
4th President and Vice President
The fourth president of the United States was James Madison who served two terms. His Vice President were in order:
1. George Clinton
2. Elbridge Gerry
5th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was James Monroe who served two terms. His Vice President was Daniel D. Tompkins.
6th President and Vice President
The sixth president of the United States was John Quincy Adams who served one term. His Vice President was John C Calhoun.
7th President and Vice President
The seventh president of the United States was Andrew Jackson who served two terms. His Vice Presidents were in order:
1. John C. Calhoun
2. Martin Van Buren
8th President and Vice President
The eighth president of the United States was Martin Van Buren who served one term. His Vice President was Richard M. Johnson.
9th President and Vice President
The ninth president of the United States was William Henry Harrison who served for 32 into his term before death. His vice president was John Tyler.
10th President and Vice President
The tenth president of the United States was John Tyler who finished out William Henry Harrison’s term.
No Vice President
11th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was James Knox Polk who served one term. His Vice President was George M Dallas.
12th President and Vice President
The twelfth president of the United States was Zachary Taylor who served until his death. His vice president was Millard Fillmore.
13th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Millard Fillmore who finished out Zachary Taylor’s term after his death.
No Vice President
14th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Franklin Pierce who served one term. His Vice President was William R King.
15th President and Vice President
The Fifteenth president of the United States was James Buchanan who served one term. His Vice President was John C Breckinridge.
16th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Abraham Lincoln who served two term. His Vice President were in order:
1. Hannibal Hamlin
2. Andrew Johnson
his second term wasn’t completed due to his assassination
17th President and Vice President
The seventeenth president of the United States was Andrew Johnson who finished out Lincoln’s second term.
No Vice President
18th President and Vice President
The eighteenth president of the United States was Ulysses S Grant who served two terms. His Vice Presidents were in order:
1. Schuyler Colfax
2. Henry Wilson
19th President and Vice President
The nineteenth president of the United States was Rutherford B Hayes who served one term. His Vice President was William A Wheeler.
20th President and Vice President
The twentieth president of the United States James A Garfield who served until death. His vice president was Chester Arthur.
21st President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Chester Arthur who finished out James Garfield term.
22nd President and Vice President
The 22nd president of the United States was Grover Cleveland who served one term. His Vice President was Thomas Hendricks
23rd President and Vice President
The 23rd president of the United States was Benjamin Harrison who served one term. His Vice President was Levi P Morton.
24th President and Vice President
The 24th president of the United States was Grover Cleveland who served one more term. His Vice President was Adlai E Stevenson.
25th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was William McKinley who served two terms. His Vice Presidents were in order:
1. Garret A Hobart
2. Theodore Roosevelt
his second term wasn’t completed due to his assassination
26th President and Vice President
The 26th president of the United States was Theodore Roosevelt who finished out McKinley’s term after assassination then becomes president in his own right. His vice president was Charles W Fairbanks.
27th President and Vice President
The 27th president of the United States was William Howard Taft who served one term. His Vice President was James S Sherman.
28th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Woodrow Wilson who served two terms. His Vice President was Thomas R. Marshall.
29th President and Vice President
The 29th president of the United States was Warren G Harding who served tone term until his death. His vice president was Calvin Coolidge.
30th President and Vice President
The 30th president of the United States was Calvin Coolidge who finished out Warren G Harding’s term after his death and then he goes on to become president in his own right. His vice president was Charles G Dawes.
31st President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Herbert Hoover who served one term. His Vice President was Charles Curtis.
32nd President and Vice President
The 32nd president of the United States was Franklin D Roosevelt who served THREE terms. His Vice Presidents were in order:
1. John Nance Garner
2. Henry A Wallace
3. Harry S Truman
33rd President and Vice President
The 33rd president of the United States was Harry S Truman who served two terms. His Vice President was Alben W Barkley
34th President and Vice President
The 34th president of the United States was Dwight D Eisenhower who served two terms. His Vice President was Richard Nixon.
35th President and Vice President
The 35th president of the United States was John F Kennedy who served until his assassination. His Vice President was Lyndon B Johnson.
36th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Lyndon B Johnson who finished out John F Kennedy’s term after his death and then goes on to become a president in his own right. His vice president was Herbert Horatio Humphrey.
37th President and Vice President
The 37th president of the United States was Richard Nixon who served two terms until his death. His Vice Presidents were in order:
1. Spiro T Agnew
2. Gerald R Ford
38th President and Vice President
The 38th president of the United States was Gerald R Ford who finished out the rest of Richard Nixon’s term. His vice president was Nelson Rockefeller.
39th President and Vice President
The 39th president of the United States was James Carter Jr. (Jimmy Carter) who served one term. His vice president was Walter Mondale.
40th President and Vice President
This president of the United States was Ronald Reagan who served two terms. His Vice President was George H W Bush.
41st President and Vice President
This president of the United States was George H W Bush who served one term. His Vice President was J. Danforth Quayle
42nd President and Vice President
The 42nd president of the United States was William J Clinton (Bill Clinton) who served one term. His Vice President was Albert Gore Jr.
43rd President and Vice President
The 43rd president of the United States was George W Bush who served two terms. His Vice President was Richard Cheney.
44th President and Vice President
The 44th president of the United States was Barack Obama who served two terms. His Vice President was Joe Biden.
45th President and Vice President
The 45th president of the United States was Donald Trump who served one term. His Vice President was Mike Pence.
46th President and Vice President
The 46th president of the United States was Joe Biden who served one term. His Vice President was Kamala Harris.