US Presidents Flashcards
Know my history
1 Suit Carport Fib
George Washington 1789-1797
Suit Fib Dancing figure 8 w/ whisky bottle telling fibs
- Nelson
- Federalist
- Name of president
- Dancer, Interior Des, Uniforms
- Whisky Rebellion
2 Sun Carport Office Puck
- John Adams 1797-1801 Sun Puck
Sun on 4 Apples on top submarine xyc
- Federalist
- XYC affair
- Alien Sedition Act
- Convention 1800 Treaty Mortefontain
- Father of navy
- Died July 4 1826 as did Thomas Jefferson
3 Sumo Carport Storage Suite
- Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809
TJ in sumo suit wearing slippers dancing fig 8s with Sally Hemmings and 2 bear cubs
- Dem/Rep - against strong Fed Govt
- Man of people slippers
- 1802 Sally Hemmings affaire - no response
- 1803 La Purchase 15M
- Louis & Clark - 2 cubs in White House
- Embargo Act 1807 Dumb
4 Star Deck Couch Soup
- James Madison 1809-1817
JM pointing at stars eating soup with Father Constitution with Washington burning
- DR
- 5th Sec State
- Father Constitution
- Dolly Madison First LadyWar 1812
- 1814 Burn Washington
- Treaty Gent Britain end war 1812 Dec 24 1814
5 Sail Deck Table Tack
- James Monroe 1817-1825
- 1820 Missouri Compromise
- Monrovia
- 1818 Florida Jackson
- 1819 Spain ceded Fl
- 1823 Monroe Doctrine
6 Sash Deck Chair 1 Nail
- JQ Adams 1825-1829 J Calhoun
- DR First Pop Vote IQ highest 165
- Won by House vote deal, Congress obstructed
- Drafted Monroe Doc, Neg Treaty Ghent
- Annexed FL
- Trans New Testamnent Greek
- First lady born outside US Trump
- Confirmed Supreme CT but declined
- Foreign Policy superb favorite Washington
7 Sack Deck Chair 2 Knob
- Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 J Calhoun/M Van Buren
- Dem Tn Jackass Voice Common Man
- Jeff: Uncouth Dangerous Drain Swamp
- Battle Petticoats
- Kitchen Cabinet
- SC Nullification Crisis
- Trail of Tears
- Survived the first assassination attempt
- Panic
8 Safe Deck Swing Mic
- Martin Van Buren 1837 - 1841 Richard Johnson
Mic Rat
- Founder Dem Party along with Jackson
- Lost to Whig W H Harrison panic 1837
- Denied Texas Continued Indian Removal
- Trusted Jackson Advisor Petticoat Affair
9 Slab Credenza Rat
WH Harrison 31 days John Tyler
- First to die in office
- Constitutional Cris succession
- Last to be born British
- GF 23rd Benj Harrison
- Tippecanoe & Tyler too
- Led to 25th amendment
10 Toy Laundry Closet Rat john Tyler plays with toy rats
John Tyler 1841-1845 Vacent
Rat Rail
- States Rights Strict Constructionist
- Treaty China
- Annex Texa 12/29/45 28th state
- Florida 27th state
- Princeton Disaster
- Expelled both parties vetos
- Ashburton Treaty Canadian Border
11 TOT Kitchen Counter Rail James Polk plays with tots on rail
James Polk 1845-49 George Dallas
Rail Rope
- Young Hickory
- Most effective pre-civil war
- Mx American War 46-48 Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo
- Cal Tx Az NM Nev Az Modern US Border
- Oregan 49th Parrallel
- Not happy with Pres Z Taylor
12 Tuna Dining Credenza Rope
Zachary Taylor 49-50 Millard Filmore
Rope Lace
- 16 months
- Distinguished Mx Am war
- Daughter Sarah married Jeff Davis
- First non politician to be President
13 Team Stove Lace
Millard Filmore 50-53 Vacant
Lace - Lime
- Suceeded Taylor
- Ranked one of worst presidents
- Compromise 1850
- Last Whig
14 Tire Bench Lime
Franklin Pierce 53-57
Lime Lock
- One of worst failed to deal with Slavery
15 Tool Dining Table Lock
James Buchanan 57-61 John Blankinridge
Lock Jet
- Worst president
- Worst decision failed to deal with secession slavery
16 Tissue Leather Couch Jet
A Lincoln 61-65 Andrew Johnson
Jet Jail
- 13th Amendment Abolished Slavery
- Dred Scott Slaves not citizens
- Ft Sumpter First shot by confeds
- Emancepation Proclamation 1862
- 1861 First Fed Income tax
6 Ranked top 3 with F Rossevelt G Wash
- Walt Whitman: When Lylics last in dooryard bloo
17 Tack Renae Chair Jail
Andrew Johnson 65-69 Dem
Jail Jar
- Impeached Senate 1 vote
- Opposed 14th amendment
- One of worst
- Vetoed Civil Rights bill Overroad
18 Taffy Walt Chair Jeep
Ulysses Grant 69-77
Jeep Cake
19 Top Bath Ceiling Lt Cake
Rutherford B Hayes 77-81
Cake Fight
- Compromise 1877
20 Noose Bath Sink Fight
James Garfield 81 Fight
21 Net Bath Comode Fight
Chester A Arthur 81-85
Fight File
22 Nanny Bath Shower File
Grover Cleveland 85-89
File Fib
- Only pres to serve 2 non-consecutive terms
23 Neem Renae Ceiling Light Fib
Benjamin Harrison 89-93 Fib Poem
- Grandson WH Harrison..only
Six new states were admitted to the Union
North Dakota – November 2, 1889
South Dakota – November 2, 1889
Montana – November 8, 1889
Washington – November 11, 1889
Idaho – July 3, 1890
Wyoming – July 10, 1890
24 Nero Print Stand Poem
Grover Cleveland 93-97
Poem Puck
1, Utah 45th state
25 Nail Rt Side Desk Puck
William McKinley 97-01 Rep
Puck Suit
1, Assassinated 6 months into 2nd term
26 Nacho Ft Side Desk Suite
Theodore Roosevelt 01-09 Rep
Suite Soup
- Historians credit Roosevelt for changing the nation’s political system by permanently placing the presidency at center stage and making character as important as the issues
- Conservatives reject his vision of the welfare state and emphasis on the superiority of government over private action. Historians typically rank Roosevelt among the top five presidents.[285][286]
27 Nike Wall Mirror Soup
William Howard Taft 09-13
Soup Team
- 10th Chief Justice..Only to hold 2
28 Knife Book Case 1 Team
Woodrow Wilson 13-21 Dem
Knife Team Net
- Income Tax Rev Act 1913
- Fed Researve
- Fed Trade Comm
- April 1917 Delared War
- Birth of a Nation Raciest
29 Knob Book Case 2 Net
Warren G Harding 21-23 Rep
- Among worst
- First sitting senator
30 Moose Renae Closet Name
Calvin Coolidge23-29 Rep
- Succeeded Harding after stroke
31 Mat Secret Closet Knob
Herbert Hoover 29-33 Rep
1, Great depression
32 Man 1st Tower Cloths Mom
Franklin Roosevelt 33-45 Dem
- Rated one of 3 greatest GW Abe
33 MoM Renae Bed Rail
Harry Truman 45 - 53 Dem
34 Mare 2nd Clothes Lime
Dwight Eisenhower 53-61 Rep
Lime Jet
35 Mole Walt Ceil Lt Jet
John F Kennedy 61-63 Dem
Jet Jam
36 Match Walt Desk Jam
LBJ 63-69 Dem
37 Mic Walt Sink Jeep
Richard Nixon
38 Mafia Sink Car
Gerald Ford
39 Map Comode Cake
Jimmy Carter
40 Rose Walt Bed Fight
Ronald Reagan
41 Rat Walt Closet Fib
George Bush
42 Rain 1st Step Poem
Bill Clinton
43 Ram 2nd step Suite
GW Bush
44 Rare Fl Bed Soup
45 Rail 2nd Bed Tack
Donald Trump