Us History Test Flashcards
What does the word diplomatic mean?
The ark of negotiating
What does diplomat mean and synonym?
Diplomats means representation of a country.
Synonym: ambassador, foreign minister
What does Periodization mean?
When something begins and ends
What is geography?
Geography is the study of what people do with their environment.
What is location?
Where it is in the world
What are two types of location?
1) relative location- finding a place in relation to its surrounding. Ex: landmark and physical characteristics
2) exact location- using grid to find a place. Ex: latitude and longitude
What is region?
An area of land that has the same physical and human characteristics
What does theory mean?
An idea that is accepted as truth until proven wrong
What is place?
What makes it unique
What is a natural resource?
Anything that humans take from the earth, in it and on it to meet and satisfy their need
What is human environment interaction?
The way humans adapt to and change their surrounding for their benefit
What is movement?
Where did it go or the exchange of people, foods and ideas
What is cultural diffusion?
Exchange of ideas and products between cultures
What does Interdependency mean?
When you rely on a country for the resources you don’t have
What’s another word for interdependency?
What is agricultural revolution?
When humans transition away from hunting to gathering to grow food.( agriculture )
What are nomad people?
People who are constantly on the move.
How did the first people arrive in the americas?
They crossed a bridge called beringia that connects Russia and Alaska
What does agriculture mean?
The domestication of animals and the cultivation of crops.
What is city state?
Political entity that controls the surrounding land
What is nation state?
Country with the same ethnic
What is empire?
Extended territory under one control. Ex: country
What is the cultivation of crops?
Control where and what you grow
What does infrastructure mean?
Everything within a society that allows it to function. ( road, bridges and highway)
What are the various farming method developed by native Americans?
1) terrace farming
2) three sister farming
3) slash and burn
What is the 3 sister farming method?
Squash, bean and corn
What does Matriarchal mean?
A society controlled by women
What does patriarchal mean?
Society controlled by men
What does patrilineal mean?
Roots traced from the father
What does matrilineal mean?
Roots traced from the mother
What is a basin?
A low lying area on the earths surface, it is often below seas level
What is primary source?
A source where the person what is talking is part of the experience.
What is secondary source?
A source that is dependent on a primary source. ( you weren’t there )
How is geography and history connected?
Geography and history is connects because both geographer and historians want to understand how the natural environment affect people and events.
How does cultural diffusion take place?
War, trade and migrate
What is out of Africa theory?
Movement of humans out is Africa to populate the earth.
What is a polar map?
A map that starts from the view of the northern or southern pole.
What is the dark ages?
A time period where a country stubble a economically
What is the Renaissance?
A time period where a country prosperous economically
What does inflation mean?
When the value of something goes down
What does barter mean?
To exchange goods for goods
Loyalty and devotion of ones country
What is imperialism?
The process of taking a weaker country for its resources, location, land space or geopolitical reasons.
What is Renaissance?
Renaissance means rebirth. It’s the era of innovation and artistic expression
What is the age of exploration?
A period in European history marking an era in which extensive overseas exploration emerged as a powerful factor in European culture
What are other words for age of exploration?
- age of discovery
- first global age
- Columbus exchange
- the first encounter
What is a political system?
A political system is a structure that is put in place to support the ideology how to govern a territory
What is a monopoly?
A monopoly is when a person or a company had sole ownership over a good or service. Ex: Mali had monopoly over the trade route
Why did the Roman Empire split?
They Roman Empire split because the empire was big
What are other word for Renaissance?
- Scientific revolution
- age of discovery
Where did the Renaissance start?
Why did Italy survive the dark age?
Italy survived the dark age because they were the center of major trade route.
What is another word for imperialism?
What methods were used by the Europeans to create USA?
1- war
2- invasion
3- agreement
4- marrying
What does colonist mean?
People sent from the mother country
Why does the mother country take over the weaker country?
They take over so they can get the natural resource and power
What are the motive for European exploration?
Europeans seek new trade route to the east because they wanted spices and other luxurious goods. - the three G’s • god • glory • gold They wanted to spread Christianity. They wanted the glory. They wanted gold to get wealthy.
What is the Columbus exchange?
The exchange of good between the americas and Europe. It is called the cold is exchange because Columbus led the way and his contact had long term consequences between the western and eastern hemisphere.
What is the treaty of Tordesillas?
The treaty of tordesillas = 1494
The line of demarcation divided the non European world into two zone.
- Portugal gets east of the line and Spain west of the line.
- Pope Alexander VI drew the imaginary line.
What is another word for imperialism?
Why were the Spanish victorious against the native people?
- superior military technology
Horses, cannons and guns - division among the native people
- disease such as small pox
What is racism?
Racism is the belief that one race is superior than the other.
What is monarchy?
A government ruled by kings or queen
What is reformation?
A movement that questioned the authority of the Roman Catholic Churches
What is the age of enlightenment?
Improving human society through political change
- movement ways from divine right
What is nationalism?
Government has sole control over a good or service
What Is command economy?
Government control every business and service