U.S History S1 review Flashcards
Who was George Washington?
George Washington started the 7 years war, selected as the leader of the U.S. army during revolution, and became the 1st president of the U.S. Also founding father
Who was Alexander Hamilton?
Founding father and U.S. secretary of treasury during Washington’s presidency. Made the National Bank and national debt.
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
Founding father who was selected to write the Declaration of Independence because his english was so good
Who was Benjamin Franklin?
Helped draft the Declaration of Independence
Who was Andrew Jackson?
7th U.S. president, very controversial president, able to pay off national debt, changed votes to only all white men
Who were the quakers?
religious group created in 1640’s Pennsylvania that believed God spoke through the Holy Spirit. they were anti-war (pacifists)
very popular religious group throughout the 1600’s Massachusetts. believed every human is inherently evil and nature/the forest is evil. believed only a few people had salvation. believed witches were of the devil and accused many of witchcraft.
religious idea that God does exist, but doesn’t interact with His creation
Great Awakening
religious revival throughout North America
Middle Passage
part of Atlantic slave trade which tons of African slaves were sold over to the “New World” to be part of the triangular slave trade
Triangular trade
European manufactured goodies were traded for African slaves. then sent to Americas for materials like sugar and cotton
first and permanent english settlement in the Americas in 1607
John Smith
Took control of Jamestown and imposed work and order on the community
John Rolfe
Developed Jamestown’s first marketable crop and married the daughter of the local Indian chief
Salem, Massachusetts
Known for salem witch trials
New Amsterdam, New Netherlands
Dutch settlement. New Amsterdam was the capital of the colony of New Netherlands
XYZ affair
French agents named “X, Y, and Z” had bribe between American diplomats, lead to Quasi-war
Marbury v. Madison
Supreme Court case about last midnight office
Monroe Doctrine
Warned the European powers not to mess with the West