U.S. History Manifest Destiny Flash Cards
What 3 things did the Missouri Compromise Do?
- Made Missouri a Slave State, Maine a Free
- Ended the disagreements on slavery at the time
- Made the 36-30 line.
What was Manifest Destiny?
Our god-given right to expand out west.
Why did people decide to move out west?
Fame, Riches, New Climates, resources
What rules did Texas have to follow when they moved into Mexican territory?
Had to Convert to Christianity
Could not own slaves
Had to follow mexican constitution
What did Clay and Polk believe about Manifest Destiny?
Clay- Annexation=War
Polk-Believed in Manifest Destiny
Who won the 1844 election? What happened?
Polk won the election, caused the Mexican-American War
How did the Mexican American war start?
The annexation of Texas
Why was America victorious?
Better Military, better gear, and wealthier nation.
What was the treaty of Guadalupe?
Territory from Mexico became parts of New Mexico, Arizona, and California
What was the Gadsden Purchase?
The purchase of the rest of the territory from Mexico
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
Attempted to ban slavery in the newly acquired states, never passed.
What was the significance of finding gold in California?
Started mass-migration and the gold rush.
What problems came in mining towns?
Disease, no time to create laws, products were hard to come by, lots of poverty.
How were Mexicans treated in California?
What hazards came with the oregon trail?
Disease, low resources, overcrowding, climate, and uncharted territory
What was the significance of the Donner Party?
Became a cautionary tale and scared people away from traveling out west, had to eat eachother.
Why did the Mormon party move out west? Who was the leader?
Religious Freedom, lead by Brigham Young