US History Chapter 1 Test Flashcards
The North
Inuit, Hunt, fished and gathered food
The Northwest Coast
Waterways and the primary source of food for the Native Americans
The Chumash, Yunok, Native American- gathered food from land
The Plateau
Built villages on high riverbanks
The Great Basin
People worked together in small groups to hunt and gather food including roots/ pine nuts/ rabbits/ and insects
The Southwest
The Hopis and Zunis farmed this dry region
The Plains
Mandans, Wichita, Pawnee, and other groups farmed corn, beans, squash and hunted buffalo
The Northeast
Native Americans in this region fished,chanted, and farmed, Iroquis groups formed an alliance “The Iroquois League”
What are the three shared customs and beliefs?
Social Structure
Preserving Culture
What do Native Americans do with land?
Native Americans did not trade, buy, or sell land
Movement of people for the purpose of settling in a new place
Determined the social structure
Groups of families who are all descended from a common ancestor
Oral history
Traditions passed from generation to generation by word of mouth
Middle Ages
Or the “Medevial period”
Political and economic system, a powerful noble, or lord divided his large landholdings among lesser lords
Series of military campaigns by European Christians from 1096-1291 to win Jerusalem from the Turks
Middle class
A social class between the wealthy and the poor, made up of merchants, traders, and artisans who made goods and sold the, to the manors
Those who rule over a state or territory
Manga Carta
“Great Charter”
A French word meaning “rebirth”
Revolt against the Catholic Church that began in 1517
A major near the equator with tropical grasslands and scattered trees
Kinship groups that trace their origin to a common ancestor
In short supply
Colombian Exchange
The transatlantic trade of crops technology and culture between culture between the Americas and Europe, Africa, Asia that began in 1492 with Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 treaty in which Portugal and Spain divided the non- Christian world
Large farm on which crops are raised mainly for sale
Cash crops
Crops that are grown for sale
The growth of cities (3 things)
It created a new Middle Class a social class between the rich and poor It revived a money economy It contributed to the eventual breakdown of the feudal system
What is the purpose of the Magna Carta?
Was signed 1215 becoming the foundation for American ideals of liberty and justice, granting them various legal rights
The Rise of Universites
Nobles and wealthy men began enrolling in the universities in the 1100’s
Johann Gutenberg does what in 1455?
Prints the Bible text using moveable type
What is Dante known for and as?
He is known as an Italian writer and the first writer in “common language”
Prince Henry of Portugal
Known as a Prince Henry the navigator and established a Mariners’ school in Portugal
Vasco de Gama
Sailed from the first sea route from Europe to Asia
Under feudalism who farmed the land?
The holy war to take Jerusalem from the Turks, which started in 1096 was known as what?
The Crusades
The people of any new Christian lands would be ripe for conversation to what?
Which types of groups wanted a direct trade route that by passed the easier route?
Wealthy merchants and royalty
Columbus’s journeys launched a new era called what?
Transatlantic trade
Trade from Europe
Corn Potato Sweet potato Squash Peanuts Avocados Tomatoes
Trade from Europe—–>America
Disease Wheat Sugar Pig Goat Horses Rice Grapes Olives Cattle Sheep