US Healh Care System, Reform, National Health Insurance Flashcards
What is primary, secondary and tertiary care
P: common health problems, preventative cre
S: more specialized care, hospital based
T: Rae and complex care
What is the regionalized model
The traditional British National health service
1. GP
2. Hospital-based clinics
3. Sub specialists
*located at few tertiary care medical centers
What is the disperse model
Traditional untied states health care organization
1. Much less structure
2. Patients can choose to self refer to specialist
3. Primary care + generalists = 33%
What are the concepts of primary care
- First contact
- Longitudinality
- Comprehensiveness
- Coordination
What are the goals of primary care
- Better patient experiences
- Better outcomes
- Lower costs
What is patient-centered medical home
Has four basic concepts
1. Primary care
2. Patient-centered care
3. New-model practice
4. Payment reform
What is patient centered medical home needed?
- Impending collapse of primary care medicine
*too fe PCP
*Lower pa for PCP
*Gaps in quality
What is national health insurance
The guarantee of health insurance for all the nations residents
What is the affordable care act?
- Increase the quality and affordability of health insurance
- Lower the number of uninsured by expanding public and private insurance coverage
- Reduce the costs of health care for individuals and government
What is the pluralistic reform model (ACA)
- Individual mandate
- Employer mandate
- Medicaid eligibility expansion
- Insurance market regulation
What would happen if the pluralistic reform model was implemented
- 32 million uninsured Americans would receive insurance coverage
*1/2 through Medicaid expansion
*1/2 through individual mandate
*would not benefit the undocumented immigrants
Is the individual mandate still around? (ACA)
1. It would require all US citizens to have insurance coverag
2. If a person could not purchase insurance there would be a tax penalty
3. Indented to reduce uncompensated care and expand insurance plan risk pools to reduce coverage price
What is the employer mandate (ACA)
1.large employers must offer an affordable health plan providing minimum value to >95% of full time employees or face a fine
*affordable cost less than 9.5% of employee only income
What is the Medicaid eligibility expansion (ACA)
- Went into effect 1/1/2014
- Eliminated categorical eligibility (made it more income based)
- Meet the national Medicaid minimum 138% FPL
What is insurance marketplace regulation (ACA)
- Private plans required to cover young adults up to age 26 on parents plan
- Eliminates cap on total insurance benefit payouts
How is ACA funded
- New taxes
- Cost savings in Medicare and Medicaid programs
What are some of the problems with ACA
High deductible for some
Unaffordable out-of-pocket limit
What are some of the advantages of universal health care
- Equality
- Cost savings
- Employers relieved of burden of supplying health insurance
- Health insurance delinked from job
What are some of the disadvantages of universal health care
- Bureaucracy
- Too much power over peoples health choices
- Tax burden