U.S. Government Final Exam Review (Spring 2024) Flashcards
What theory of government does John Locke’s philosophy support?
Supports the social contract theory of government.
Define the federal government
A system in which power is divided between a central government and individual states.
What are the characteristics of a state?
Population, territory, sovereignty, and government
How does majority rule work in a democracy?
Decisions are made by a vote, and the option with the most votes wins.
What are the purposes of government listed in the Preamble?
Form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.
Describe the concept of limited government
Government powers are restricted by the Constitution.
What is the most important document for U.S. Government?
The U.S. Constitution.
What are the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
No power to tax, no executive branch, no national court system.
What is social contract theory?
Individuals agree to form a government for mutual protection.
What is the divine right theory?
Leaders derive their authority from a higher power.
What is the evolutionary theory?
Government develops naturally.
What is the force theory?
Government arises from the force.
Why did the Framers put an amendment process into the Constitution?
Allows for changes and updates
How many active Amendments are in the U.S. Constitution?
What Amendment is no longer valid?
18th Amendment (Prohibition).
How can Congress informally amend the U.S. Constitution?
Through the interpretation of laws and the use of implied powers.
Which Article to the U.S. Constitution deals with the legislative branch?
Article I.
Who sets and who approves the salary for members of Congress?
Set by Congress, approved by Congress.
How many senators per state?
Why does Congress have the power to run investigations?
Oversight function.
Who gets to impeach the president?
House of Representatives.
How long do Senators serve?
6 years.
When Congress is working they are said to be in ______________?
Who is the commander-in-chief?
The President
What day is Election Day?
The first Tuesday in November
What does the Amendment XXV deal with?
Deals with presidential succession and disability.
What are the official qualifications for the office of President?
Natural-born citizen, 35 years old, resident for 14 years.
How many terms can a president serve? What is the most years they can serve?
2 terms, maximum of 10 years.
If the president and vice president die, who takes over?
Speaker of the House.
What is the Electoral College?
Body of electors choosing the president.
How many electoral votes does each state get and how are electors chosen?
Based on the number of senators and representatives, electors chosen by the state.
What are the 7 roles the President fulfills?
Chief Executive, Chief Legislator, Chief Diplomat, Commander-in-Chief, Chief of State, Chief of Party, Chief Guardian of the Economy.
Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited by this Amendment.
Eighth Amendment.
What are the freedoms listed in Amendment I?
Speech, religion, press, assembly, petition.
What is the Bill of Rights?
First ten amendments to the Constitution.
What did the Brown v. Board of Education decision do?
Ended racial segregation in public schools.
What is the significance of Miranda v. Arizona?
Established Miranda rights.
What is precedent?
A legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule.
What precedent came from the Tinker v. Des Moines case?
Students’ free speech rights.
What was decided in the U.S. v. American Library Association case?
Struck down parts of the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
How long do Supreme Court justices serve?
What powers does the Supreme Court have?
Judicial review, interpreting laws, settling disputes.
What was decided in the Roe v. Wade case?
Legalized abortion.
What power did the Supreme Court exercise in the Marbury v. Madison case?
Judicial review.
What is the process by which Supreme Court justices get appointed to the Court?
Presidential nomination, Senate confirmation.
What is judicial review?
Court’s power to review and potentially invalidate government actions.
What is a writ of certiorari?
An order to a lower court to send up the record in a given case.
Who is the leader of the Democratic Party?
Joe Biden or Jaime Harrison
Are Democrats more likely to be pro-life or pro-choice?
Generally pro-choice.
Are Republicans more likely to support higher or lower taxes?
Generally lower taxes.
What political party are liberals more likely to identify with?
Democratic Party
What political party controls the H of R and Senate?
In what type of elections do more voters participate?
Presidential elections.
Why was the Amendment XV (right to vote) ineffective when ratified in 1870?
Not enforced, especially in the South
The most important predictor to whether you vote is___________?
What is political socialization?
Process of acquiring political beliefs and values.
What are good reasons for a citizen not to vote in an election?
Lack of interest, belief that their vote doesn’t matter.
What is ballot fatigue?
Voters are less likely to complete the ballot as they go down.
How can voter participation be improved?
Voting accessibility, education, civic engagement.
The five freedoms of the 1st Amendment
Speech, religion, press, assembly, petition.
3 basic rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
Secretaries of the President’s Cabinet
Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs
Current Governor of Florida and Capital City
Ron De Santis
Identify all the Amendments about voting
Amendments XV, XIX, XXIII, XXIV, XXVI.