Us constitution and federalism Flashcards
Enumerated powers
Powers delegated to the federal government under the constitution. For example congress can coin money and declare war.
Implied powers
Powers that are not explicitly stated in the constitution but are implied by the enumerated powers. For example the “necessary and proper” clause means that the powers of the federal government can be stretched.
Judicial review
An implied power of the supreme court where they can find acts of congress, actions of the executive and acts or actions of state governments unconstitutional. e.g. Marbury v Madison 1803 was the first judicial review of a federal law.
Congress Enumerated powers
Exclusive powers to legislate for the country, Tax and duty collection, Establishing currency, Declaration of war, Maintenance of army, Amendment of the constitution, Establishing courts.
Congress implied powers
Collect taxes to provide for the defence of the US, Interstate commerce clause, Power to draft citizens into the armed forces may be implied by the power to raise an army and navy.
President enumerated powers
Head of the executive branch, Nominate cabinet members and judges, Grants pardons, Commander and chief, Proposes legislation, veto’s legislation.
President implied powers
Commander and chief of the air force, this at the time was not included as there was not air force.
Judiciary enumerated powers
To rule on cases arising under the constitution
Judiciary implied powers
Judicial review, to declare acts of congress unconstitutional
Reserved powers
Constitution also includes reserved powers that are reserved to the states alone or to the people. These are included in the tenth amendment. Re iterates that the fed government is limited and if powers are not delegated specifically they fall to the states or individuals.
Concurrent powers
Those shared by the federal and state governments, building roads, taxes and maintaining courts. Supremacy clause, enshrines the dominance of national law meaning federal laws are the supreme laws of the land.
What are six checks that congress has on the president?
-Can amend, block or reject legislation recommended by the president.
-Can override the presidents veto with a supermajority in both houses
-Can reject a budget submitted by the president
-Can declare war which checks the presidents role as commander and chief
-Can investigate the executive branch
-Can impeach the president
What are two checks the senate alone has on the power of the president?
-Can ratify treaties with a supermajority.
-Can approve the appointment of judges nominated by the president.
What checks does the supreme court have on the president?
-Can declare executive actions unconstitutional.
Example of congress blocking, amending or rejecting presidential legislation.
2017- Trump argued he would repeal Obamacare but was blocked by congress.