urology and nephrology vocabulary Flashcards
anti- = against
bi/o = life
-tic = pertaining to
medication used to treat bacterial infections
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) prostat/o = prostate -ic = pertaining to hyper- = excessive -plasia = formation of cells
noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland; condition places pressure on the urethra and narrows it, resulting in frequency, urgency, and nocturia; commonly seen in males over the age of 50
blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
blood test to determine kidney function by measuring the level of nitrogenous waste (or urea) in the blood
calculus (plural calculi)
term for “stone formed within organ”; most solidfy from mineral salts; commonly found in the kidney, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, or urethra
bacterial sexually transmitted disease; causes inflammation of the urethra of males or the cervix of females, with purulent discharge
surgical removal of the prepuce/foreskin from the glans penis; commonly performed on newborn male at the request of parents; primary reason is for ease of hygiene; also a ritual practiced in some religions
clean catch specimen
procedure for obtaining a urine sample after cleaning off the urethral meatus and catching urine in midstream (halfway through the urination process) to minimize contamination from the skin
digital rectal exam (DRE)
rect/o = rectum
-al = pertaining to
direct examination for the presence of an enlarged prostate gland performed by palpating (feeling) the prostate gland with a finger (digital) through the wall of the rectum
increased formation and secretion of urine
prostatic cancer
prostat/o = prostate
-ic = pertaining to
common and slow-growing cancer of the prostate gland occurring in males over age 50; prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is used to assist in early detection
renal failure
ren/o = kidney
-al = pertaining to
inability of the kidneys to filter wastes from the blood and/or produce urine; treatment of severe renal failure is dialysis or renal transplant
renal transplant
ren/o = kidney
-al = pertaining to
replacement of a diseased kidney by a donor kidney
retrograde pyelogram (RP) pyel/o = renal pelvis -gram = a record
x-ray of the urinary bladder, ureters, and renal pelvis following insertion of dye through the urethra
semen analysis
evaluation of semen for fertility; sperm in semen are analyzed for number, swimming strength, and shape; procedure is also used to determine whether a vasectomy has been successful
sexually transmitted disease (STD)
contagious disease acquired through sexual contact; also referred to as sexually transmitted infection (STI); formerly referred to as venereal disease (VD)
inability to produce children; in males, usually due to a problem with sperm production, such as aspermia or oligospermia; also called infertility
bacterial, chronic sexually transmitted disease; begins as a localized ulcer at the point of infection; easily treated early with antibiotics; if left untreated, infection eventually spreads through lymph nodes to the nervous system, causing death many years later
testicular cancer
testicul/o = testis
-ar = pertaining to
cancer of one or both testicles; more commonly seen in young men or boys
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
trans- = across
urethr/o = urethra
-al = pertaining to
surgical removal of prostate gland tissue by inserting a device called a resectoscope though the urethra and removing prostate tissue; may also be referred to simply as transurethral resection (TUR)
-iasis = abnormal condition
protozoan sexually transmitted disease; causes inflammation of the genitourinary tract in both men and women
undescended testicle
congenital anomaly involving failure of one or both of the testes to descend into the scrotal sac before birth; surgical procedure called orchiopexy may be required to bring the testes down into the scrotum permanently; also call cryptorchidism
feeling the need to urinate immediately
urinalysis (U/A, UA)
urin/o = urine
laboratory test that consists of physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine
urinary catheterization (cath) urin/o = urine -ary = pertaining to
insertion of a flexible tube (catheter) into the urinary bladder through the urethra; used to withdraw urine or to insert dye
urinary incontinence
urin/o = urine
-ary = pertaining to
involuntary urination; also called enuresis
urinary tract infection (UTI)
urin/o = urine
-ary = pertaining to
infection of any region of the urinary tract; characterized by fever, low back or abdominal pain, and burning pain during urination
urine culture and sensitivity (C&S)
diagnostic lab procedure that identifies bacterial infection of the urinary system and determines the best antibiotic to treat it; involves growing bacteria in a culture medium and testing different antibiotics on it
varic/o = dilated vein
-cele = protrusion
development of varicose veins in the scrotal veins
voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) cyst/o = bladder urethr/o = urethra -graphy = process of recording
x-ray made while a patient voids dye that has been placed in the urinary bladder through the urethra
-tic = pertaining to
medication used to increase the production and secretion of urine and thereby decrease the amount of water in the body; treatment for kidney failure, edema, heart failure, and hypertension
epi- = above
congenital malformation of the penis with the urethra opening on the upper side of the penis.
erectile dysfunction (ED)
inability to achiever erection of the penis for coitus; also called impotence
extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) extra- = outside of corpor/o = body -eal = pertaining to litho/o = stone -tripsy = surgical crushing
treatment procedure for urinary system stones; utilizes ultrasound waves to break up stone; process is noninvasive, meaning it does not require surgery
condition of feeling the urge to urinate more often than normal but without increase in total daily volume of urine; can indicate inflammation of the bladder or urethra or benign prostatic hyperplasia
genital herpes
genit/o = genitals
-al = pertaining to
highly infectious viral sexually transmitted disease; causes blisterlike lesions on the penis of males or cervix and vagina of females
-rrhea = discharge
bacterial sexually transmitted disease; infects mucous membranes and can spread throughout the entire genitourinary system; often does not cause many symptoms until widespread
hemodialysis (HD)
hem/o = blood
treatment for renal failure using artificial kidney machine to filter waste from the blood
state of difficulty initiating flow of urine; often a symptom of blockage along the urethra, such as caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia
hydr/o = water
-cele = protrusion
accumulation of fluid within the scrotum
hypo- = below
congenital malformation of the penis with the urethra opening on the underside of the penis
intravenous pyelogram (IVP) intra- = within ven/o = vein -ous = pertaining to pyel/o = renal pelvis -gram = a record
x-ray of the kidney following injection of dye into a vein to visualize the renal pelvis as the kidney filters dye out of the bloodstream and puts it into the urine
peritoneal dialysis
-al - pertaining to
artificial means to remove waste substances from the body by placing a warm, chemically balanced solution into the peritoneal cavity; treatment for renal failure
narrowing of the prepuce over the glans penis; can cause difficulty with urination and infection; treatment is circumcision
polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
poly- = many
cyst/o = sac
-ic = pertaining to
inherited kidney disease characterized by the presence of multiple cysts throughout kidney tissue; it eventually destroys the kidneys and results in kidney failure
prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
blood test to screen for prostate cancer