urology Flashcards
what is varicocele?
dilation of testicular vein and pampiniform plexus
- predominantly occurs on Left side
- typically asymptomatic (sometimes dull ache)
PE findings for varicocele?
“bag of worms” - often found on ultrasound
is varicocele associated with male-factor infertility?
yes but not all men with varicoceles are infertile (impaired spermatogenesis from elevated temperatures)
varicocele grades
subliclinical (only detected by US, veins > 3 mm)
grade I - small, palpable with valsalva only
grade II- easily palpable at rest without valsalva
grade III- grosly palpable
how is varicocele treated?
subclinical is not treated
treated with syptoms or with infertility or impaired testicular growth. surgical-inbuinal, subinguinal microscopic, laparoscopic varicocelectomy
*abnormal semen analysis/infertility can be reversed with varicocelectomy
collections of fluid in the epididymis (epididymal cysts). PE is smooth, painless, transilluminate
spermatocele - tx rarely needed
twisting of the testis around the cord causing ischemia
testicular torsion
what is a risk of testicular torsion?
bell-clapper deformity - congenital malformation where tunical vaginalis attaches high/improperly on cord **surgical emergency
what is the presentation of testicular torsion?
sudden/acute testicular/scrotal pain, swelling
PE: **absent cremasteric reflex, anormal testicular lie
treatment of testicular torsion
surgery - manual detorsion “open the book” - physician stands at patient’s feet and manually rotates affected testicle away from midline
ischemia/pain 24 hours - 10% salvage
inflammation of the epididymis/testicle, very common in age 20-35
epididymitis/orchitis - can be bacterial (mostly), viral, fungal, idiopathic
Sexually active males 35 yrs think E. Coli
presentation of epididymitis/orchitis
pain and swelling over several days, also fever, scrotal erythema, testicular pain, dysuria. can mimic testicular torsion
risk factors for epididymitis/orchitis
sexual activity, bladder outlet obstruction, urologic surgery
tx for epididymitis/orchitis
males 35 yrs old:
Levofloxacin 500 mg PO daily for 10 days OR Ofloxacin 300 mg PO BID for 10 days
Also, analgesics, scrotal elevation, ice PRN
fluid collection between layers of tunic vaginalis
Communicating: Patent processus vaginalis allows fluid to pass from peritoneum to scrotum
Non-Communicating: No connection
difference between communicating and non-communicating hydrocele
Lymphatic or venous obstruction from trauma or infection
Develop slowly
Most common hydrocele in adults
Present at birth or first year of life
Most will resolve by age 2
how do you diagnose hydrocele?
scrotal mass that transilluminates. treat with surgical excision and observation
risk factors for ED
shared with CV disease: Smoking Obesity Hypercholesterolemia Metabolic Syndrome Physical inactivity
ED is a risk factor for CV disease**
prostate cancer treatments
hypogonadism (low testosterone)
Peyronie’s Disease
neurologic conditions (MS, strokes)
prescription drugs that are a risk factor for ED
antihypertensives (diuretics, HCTZ, metoprolol)
antidepressants/antianxiety (sertraline, fluoxetine, lorazepam) - SSRIs are prescribed for premature ejaculation
antiandrogens, etc, (lueprolide, bicalutimide)
first line treatment for ED
Inhibit PDE5 –> smooth muscle relaxation –> incr blood flow –>veno-occlusive mechanism
-Tadalafil (cialis) has longest half life and also helps BPH
lower urinary tract symptomes (LUTS) of BPH
frequency nocturia hesitancy, weak/slow stream post-void dribbling incomplete bladder emptying
Static component- direct bladder outlet obstruction from enlarged tissue
Dynamic phase- increased smooth muscle tone and resistance within the enlarged gland
digital rectal exam (DRE) for BPH
typically smooth enlargement, rubbery (Pca can be firm, hard, irregular)
Treatment of BPH
Surveillance (if mild symptoms, if symptoms are moderate/severe but patient has little or no bother, no complications) - monitor annually
Medical therapy- alpha blockers, alpha reductase inhibitors (decrease PSA by 50%)**have been shown to decrease risk of prostate cancer, combo therapies, phosphodiesterase inhibitors(cialis, MOA not well known)
Minimally invasive therapies
- transurethral needle ablation of prostate- TUNA and transurethral microwave thermotherapy-TUMT
- done outpatient without general anesthesia - Urolift system - trans-prostatic urethral implant that lifts and compresses prostate tissue
Surgical therapies
- transurethral resection of prostate
- laser vaporization of prostate ( *gold standard)/photoselective vaporization of prostate –>shorter hospital stay, no risk of TUR syndrome, decreased bleeding
- simple prostatectomy - more “invasive”, typically done in patients with larger prostates (>100-120 cc) or with large bladder stones
most common urologic diagnosis in males
prostatitis - inflammation or infection of prostate that presents as several syndromes with varying clinical features
acute bacterial prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis pathogens
80% E coli
10-15% psuedomonas, klebsiella, proteus
5-10% enterococcus
category I - acute bacterial prostatitis presentation and treatment
presents with dysuria, frequency, perineal pain, back pain, fever/chills
DRE- enlarged, boggy, tender prostate
labs: elevated WBC, UA - pyuria, bacteria
tx: antibiotics (IV cipro for in patient,, PO levofloxacin for outpatient), antipyretics, IVF, suprapubic catheter drainage
category II - chronic bacterial prostatitis presentation and treatment
Presentation-acute episodes of dysuria, perineal pain, frequency with culture-documented UTI (same organism each time)
asymptomatic in between
- can be ruled out if no culture-documented UTI present
tx: TMP-SMX and fluoroquinolones (penetrate prostate) x 4-6 weks
Category III: Chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) presentation and tx
Chronic/recurring episodes perineal, pelvic, testicular, penile pain, sometimes assoc with voiding dysfunction in absence of infection
Causes-a primary event leading to immunologic stimulation followed by inflammatory response with persistent stimulation and neuropathic damage
No infectious pathogens
Empiric ABX, sitz baths, NSAIDs, alpha blockers, etc
Poorly understood and challenging synrome=Many frustrated patients
Category IV
Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis presentation and tx
Can be found incidentally on prostate biopsy
No treatment indicated
risk factors for prostate cancer
increasing age (more than 80% are diagnosed in men older than 65 years of age)
family history (first degree relatives - two to three X greater risk)
race (AA 1.6 more likely to get and also higher mortality)
dietary factors (high animal fat)
exposures (agent orange)
T or F: prior vasectomy and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) increase risk of prostate cancer
prostate cancer development
develops in epithelium (possibly from basal cell later)
requires androgens (testosterone)
increased cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis
more than 95% or primary prostate cancers are what?
who should be screened for prostate cancer?
- *do not screen younger than 40
- individualized screening fro men between 40-54 years
- men 55-69 shared decision making
clinical manifestations of prostate cancer
can be asymptomatic and picked up by PSA >4
obstructive voiding symptoms (hesitancy, intermittent urinary stream, decreased force of stream) - typically indistinguishable from BPH
***hematuria and hematospermia
edema of lower extremities or discomfort in pelvic and perineal areas
most common mets for prostate cancer
bone - can result in pathologic fractures of the long bones or spinal cord compression
what should prompt a biopsy for Prostate cancer?
a palpable nodule on digital rectal exam
what is the PSA threshold for prostate cancer?
4 ng/mL- 70-80% or tumors are detected
**age adjusted values 40-49: 0-2.5 50-59: 0-3.5 60-69: 0-4.5 70-79: 0-6.5
what is a genomic prostate score (GPS)?
assesses prostate biopsy tissue, assigns a score based on 17 genes to predict the likelihood of high grade or advanced stage disease (T3)
prostate biopsy
only a snap shot. advanced imaging with 3T MIR dedicated to the prostate can help determine extent of disease. can also help to guide treatment choice
where does prostate cancer develop?
in the peripheral zone of the prostate (so biopsies directed towards here)
what is a gleason score?
sum of the two most common histologic patterns seen on each tissue specimen - very predictive of metastases and outcome
prostate cancer treatments
- watchful waiting
- active surveillance
- hormone therapy - androgen deprivation with lutenizing hormone releasing hormone
- surgery (robotic is most preferred)
- radiation
- cryotherapy
what is PCA 3?
simple urine test. for men with life expectancy of greater than or equal to 10 years and 1 or more negative biopsies, and PSA of 3 or more
most common subtypes of renal cell carcinoma
clear cell (75-85%)-proximal tubule origin, abnormalities in chromosome 3p
paillary (15%) - 85% of these are dx as stage I tumors, also proximal tubule in origin
epidemiology of renal cell carcinoma
male predominance, highest incidence between age 60-80
classic triad and presentation of renal cell carcinoma presentaiton
flank pain, hematuria, palpable abdominal mass
hematuria present in 40% of patients- often with clots (non-glomerular)
how do you diagnose renal cell carcinoma?
ultrasound : solid vs. cystic lesions
contrast CT: test of choice to evaluate tumor size, location, lymph node involvement
75-86% of RCC is what type?
clear cell
differences in RCC staging
TNM staging system
Stage I-III: localized disease
I: tumor 7 cm- 5 yr survival 88%
III: tumor in major veins or adrenal gland, tumor within gerota’s fascia, or 1 regional lymph node involvement yr survival 59%
Stage IV: advanced, metastatic disease
poor prognostic indications for RCC
poor performance status, anemia, hypercalcemia, and elevated LDH
localized RCC treatment
radical nephrectomy is gold standard (open or laparoscopic depending on size and experience) - no role for adjuvant therapy except under investigational protocol
cytoreductive nephrectomy in patients with good performance status
advanced RCC treatment
primary treatments are systemic therapy with molecularly targeted therapy or immunotherapy
what are immunotherapy treatments for advanced RC?
IL-2, sorafenib, sunitinib, and temsirolimus
does chemo work with RCC?
only minimally responsive (overall response 6%)
epidemiology of bladder CA
older persons (median age is 65)
3 times more common in men (women have worse prognosis)
more prevelant in white persons
best known behavioral risk factor for bladder cancer
cigarette smoking
parasitic infection that is a risk factor for bladder cancer
schistosoma haematobium (schistosomiasis) - not common in US but is endemic in africa and middle east
most common and classic presentation of bladder cancer
Frank hematuria. **painless gross hematuria (consider all patients with gross hematuria to have bladder cancer until proven otherwise)
noninvasive test for the diagnosis of bladder cancer
voided urine cytology - used to identify high-grade tumors and monitor patients for persistent or recurrent disease following treatment
mainstay for diagnosis and surveillance of bladder cancer
cystoscopy - provides info about tumor size, location, appearance, and size (direct visualization of the bladder)
if a lesion is detected on cystoscopy, what is the next step for bladder cancer?
transurethral resection of bladder tumor - under general anesthesia
*if a patient has a positive voided cytology, move straight to the TUR
all patients with bladder cancer need what?
to evaluate the upper urinary tract -renal ultrasonography, CT with and without IV contrast (urography), MRI
treatment for bladder cancer
non-muscle invasive tumors: transurethral resection, followed by close observation or intravesical chemotherapy or immunotherapy
*high rate of disease recurrence and progression in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
muscle invasive disease: radical cystectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy
indications for urine culture
children, pregnant women
patients with structural abnormalities of the urinary tract
recurrent UTI
diagnostic criteria for UTI
historically 100,000 colonies/mL of single organism.. lower colony count of 1,000 colonies is accepted now
Urine for GC/chlamydia
should be first voided urine, needs to be processed as quickly as possible
what is the diagnostic procedure to visualize into the bladder?
cystoscopy- assess for stone, tumor, cystitis, diverticula
indications for diagnostic imaging/evaluation
fever after 3 days of antibiotics
proteus in urine if ph > 8 (think struvite stones)
hematuria, suspected obstruction, diabetes, stone disease
TMP/SMX treatment
Inhibits bacterial synthesis, therefore growth; useful except with P aeruginosa
Dosing: 160 mg TMP/800mg SMX po q 12 hours
UTI 3- 7 days
Uncomplicated pyelonephritis 10-14 days
May use with/without SMX