Urology Flashcards
whats obstructive uropathy
blockage–> build up of urine and back pressure into kidneys- impairs renal function
internal urethral spincheter
external urethral sphincter
whats their innervcation
internal= ans- smooth muscle
external- voluntary- skeletal muscle
whats vesicoureteral reflux
urine refluxing from bladder into ureters
presenrtation of upper urinary tract obstruction
loin to groin pain/ flank
no/decreased urinary output
non specific systemic symptoms = vomiting
impaired renal function- raised creatitnine
tenderness in renal angle
presentaiton lower urinary tract obstruction
investigations for urinary obstruction diff / inability pass urine - poor flow, diff initiating, terminal dribbling
urinary retention- increased full bladder
impaired renal fucntion - raised creatitine
tenderness in renal angle
investigations of obstructive uropathy
us of bladder,kidneys, ureters
casues upper urinary tract obstruction
kindey stones
bladder cancer obsturcting ureteral opening
tumours pressing on ureters
ureteral strictures
retroperitoneal fibrosis
ureterocele = ballooning of distal portion of ureter- usulaly congential
casues lower urinary tract obstruction
benign prostatic hyperplasia
prostate cancer
bladder cancer blocking urethral opening
urethral strcitures
neurogenic bladder
whats neruogenic bladder and causes and result in
abnormal functioning of nerves innervating bladder and urethra
will result in over/under activity of detrusor muslce and spihincter urethra
casues of this are:
MS, diabtetes, stroke, parkinsons, spia bifida, spinal cord/brain injury
results in:
obstructive uropathy, urge incontinence, increase in bladder pressure
magangement of obstructive uropathy
need remove/ bypass obstruction
can do nephrostomy for upper tract
suprapubic/ urethral catheter for lower obstruction
complciations of obstructive uropathy
urinary retnetion and bladder distenntion
overflow incontinenc eof urine
whats hydronephrosis and what can casue it and how treat
swlling of renal pelivs and calcyes
due to obstruction which casues bakc pressure
ca be due to idiopathic hydronephrosis = narrowing at pelviureteric junction = treat with pyeloplasty to correct narrowing
treatment other casues : treat cause and may need percuatneous nephrostomy/ anterograder uteric stent
presentation hydronephrosis
vague renal angle pain
mass in kidney area
may be seen on US/CT scan / iv urogram (xray with contrast)
indications for urinary catheter
urinary retnetion due to lower urinary tract obstruction
neurogenic bladde- eg. intermittent use in ms
surgery- before/after
outout monitoring
bladder irrigation
deleiver medication- chemo drugs
patient with enlarge proastate has acute urinary retnetion. insert a catheter. what meds start and the se
tamsulosin - alpha blocker
then twoc
se tamsulosin:
postrual hypotention –> dizzy on stnading and falls
how to sample urine from catfher
directly from catheter or from sample port using aseptic technique
not from bag
treat catheter associated uti
if symmtpoms antibioitcs 7 days
chage catheter soon as can
whats BPH
usually men over 50
hyperplasia of epithelial and stromal cells of prostate
presentation of bengin prostate hyperplasia
weak flow
intermittency- flow start/stop and varies rate
terminal dribbling
incomplete emptyig- chronic retention
investigations for bph
digital rectal exam
urine dipstick
abdo exam- palpate bladder?
urinary frequency volume chart - 3 days assess input and output
benign/cancer prostate on digital rectal exam
benign- smooth, round, regular, slightly soft, feel midline sulcus, symmetri cal
cancerous - firm/hard, asymetircla, craggt, irregulr, loss central sulcus
causes of rasied PSA
high rate of fasle posititves- 75%
false negatives 15%
rasied wih
prostate cnacer
vigorous exercise- esp cycling
ejaculation/prostate stimulation-anal sex
prsotate biopsy
urinary catheter insertion
no ejactualtion/ vigorous exercise = 48 hrs before
after biopsy prostate/catheter inseertion- wait 6 weeks for psa test
management of bengin prostatic hyperplasia
non if mild/manageble
alpha blockers- Tamsulosin - rapid improvement symtpoms
se= postural ht
5-alpha reductase inhibitors - Finasteride - inhibits the 5 alpha reductase that converts tesoterone to DHT (stronger androgen) so helps shirnk prostate - 6 months for impromement of symtpoms se= erectile dysfunction
can use both meds together
transurethral resection of the prostate
transurethral electrovcaporisation of the prostate
holmium laser enucleation of the prostate
open prostatectomy - abdo/perineal incision
complicaitons of surgery if bph
urinary incontience
erectile dysducntion
retrograde ejacualtion
urethral stricutres
may not reolse symtokms
male 60 patient comes in getting dixxy when stand up
what need chack
is he on tamsulosin = se is postrual hypotension as relaxes smooth muscle
check supine and standing bp
side effect of finasteride
sexual dysfucntion - reduced androgens
- loss libido
ejaculaiton issues
classes of prostatitis
acute bacterial prostatitis
chronic prostaitits (symtoms at least 3 months) = two categories for this :
chronic prostiatits/ chronic pelivc pain syndrome (cause may be due to intially infection then inflammation not resolve)
chronic bacterial prostatitis
presentation of prostatitis
LUTS - dysuria, frequency, retention, hestitancy
pelivc pain- can be sctorum, perineum, testicular, penis, rectum, lower back, groin, suprapubic pain
sexual dysfunction- ed, haematospemia, pain on ejaculation
pain on bowel movement
tneder/enlarged prostate- could be normla though
acute bacterial prostotos have more rapid onset symtpoms and aslo sytemic symtooms - fever, mylagia, sepsis, nasuea, fatigue
investigations for prostitis
urine dipstick- psotive in acute, may be postive with chronic bacterial but may not show unless got acute uti. use urine microscopy, culture, sneeitivity- psotive in chronic and acute bacterial prostaittis
digial rectal exam
abdo exam- bladder, genital exam
chlamydia, conhorrea NAAT testing if suspet sti
psa for chronic to rule out prsitate cancer
management acute bacterial prosatitis
hosp admission if systemically unwell - bloods. iv antibiotcs
oral antibiotcs 4-6 weeks first line: ciprofloxacin/ofloxacin (if not use these then trimethorprim)
anaglesia- nsaids/ paracetamol
laxatives to help pain on bowel movement
management of chronic prostatits
alpha blockers if signs of LUTS - tamsulosin -4-6 weeks= gives rapid improvmenet
anaglesia- paracetamol/nsaids
psycholgicxal- cbt/ anti depressants
abx if had less than 6 moths of symtpomd or if had hisotry of an infection = trimethoprim/doxycycline 4-6 weeks
laxatives if pain on bowel movement- lactulose/ docusate
where prostate cacer metasise to
lymph nodes
featyrs of prostate cancer - where it growa, tyoe
almost always androgen dependant
most are adenocarcinomas and grow in peripheral zone
balance betqeen wanting to find cacner early but not pick up cancers that wouldnt be concerning - die before have prostate cancer symtpoms
risk factors prostate cancer
increased age
fam hist
black african/carribean
anabolic steroids
presentation of prostate cancedr
can be asymtpomatic
may have luts same as BPH-
hestiacnt, frequency, weak flow, terminal dribbling, nocturia
Erectile dysfunction
sighs of progressed cacer/metases- weight loss, bone pain, cauda equina
prostate cancer
pr exam- irregular, craggy, nodular, hard/firm, asymemetrocial, loss central sulcus = any these 2ww
firs tline after thayt is Multiparametric MRI of the prostate - do if susepcted localsied cancer
this gives likert scale 1 is v low suspicion 5 is definite cancer
then based on likert scale 3 or more/clinical suspicion do prosate biopsy
isotope bone scan - bony metasteses
prostat ebiopsy score used
gleason grading system -
1 closes to normal histology
use two number for the two most common cells
6 low risk
7 mid risk
8 or above high risk
risk biopsy
pain- perineal, rectal, lower abdo
bleeding- in stool, urine, semen
urinary retention short term due to prosate swelling
mangement of prostate cancer
watch an wait
external beam radiotherapy
brachytherapy- insert radioactive metal seeds in prostate
hormone therpay
surgery- prostectomy
complications of external beam radioatherpy and how treat that complcation
can casue proctitis
= pain, altered bowel habit, rectal bleeding, discharge from rectum
treat with predinisolone suppository
complciation of brachytherapy
the radioactive can cause inflammation of other organs nearby- proctitis, cysittis
can casue ed and incontiencne. can in crease risk of bladder and rectal cancer
complication of prostatectomy
urinary inconeitnce
hormone therpay treatment for prostate cancer
and se
aim reducde androgen
GnRH agonist - goserelin/ leuprorelin
androgen receptor blockers- bicalutamide
bilateral orchidectomy - rare to do but removing testicles
hot flushes
sexual dysfucntion
what age can a man request a psa
over 50
wheres sperm stored and mature
causes of epididymo-orchirtis
e coli
chlamydia trachomatis
neisseria gonorrhea
pt has parotid gland swelling and orchtitis
what casue
if got parotid gland swelling and orchitits then suspect mumps
mumps tends to spare the epidiymius
mumps can also casue pacnreatitis
presetation of epididymoorchitits
relatively acute onset- mins to hrs
usulally unilateral
testicalu pain
tenderness on palpation - esp over epididmyis
dragging/ heavy sensation
swelling of testicle+/epididymis
urethral discharge - chlamydia/gonorrhea
systenic symptoms- n and v, fever, sepsus
what differential diagnosis for epididymoorchitis
testicular torsion- if unsure treat as this until proven diff
investigfations for epididymoorchitits
need to distinguish if sexually transmitted organism or if enteric organsim (e.coli)
urine microscopy, sensitivity and culutre
gonorrhea and chlamyida naat testing on first pass urine if suspect sti casue
charcoal swab of purulent urethral discharge for gonorrhea culture and sensitivities
saliva swab for pcr if mumps suspected
serum antibodies for mumps if suspected- IgM= acute infection, IgG= previous infection/vaccinated
ultrasound to asses torsion/tumour
when would you suspect sti the casue of epididymoorchitits
under 35
high number of sexual partnes in last 12 months
urethral discharge
management of epididymo orchitits
if v unwell/ sepsis- hosp for iv antibiotics
if risk of sti refer to GUM
if low risk sti casue then give ofloxacin 14 days - frist line
or levofloxacin 10 days
or if quinolones contraindicated give co amoxiclav
can give doxycycline
when are quinolones used - good for
broad spectrum abx
v good for gram negative
used for uti, pyeloneprhittis, epididymo orchitits, prostitis
se of quinolones
tendon damage/ rupture- esp achilles tendon
lower thresholf ofr seizures- be careful in epipleptic patients
qt interval prolongation
fungal infection
complications that epididymo orchitits can casue
chronic pain
chronic epididymitits
testicular atrophy
scrotal abscess
whats testicular torsion
urological emergency
spermatic cord twists with the roation of the testicle- cuts of blood supply to testicle
male comes in with abdominal pain
what need to examine
testicles o exclude testicular torsion
causes of testicular torsion
often triggered by acittivty eg. playing sports
bell clapper deformity - testicle and tunica vaginalis not fixated together like normally should-> testicle hangs more horizontally and can rotate within the tunica vaginalis and twist the spermatic cord
presentation of testicular torsion
acute onset unilateral testicular pain
may have abdo pain and vomiting
!sometimes abdo pain is only symptom in boys!
swollen frim testicle
elevated/retracted testicle
absent cremasteric reflex
abnormla testicular lie- more horizontal instead of more vertical
rotation- epididymis not at usual posterior position
investigation for testicualr torsion
dont really
if examination and history suspect go straight to treatment as any delay can increase ishcemia and increase chance of necrosisi
can do scrotal us and see whirlpool sign = spiral appearance to spermatic cord and bv
management of testicualr torsion
urgent treatment
nil by mouth- ready fir surgery
surgical exploration of scrotum
orchiopexy= correct postitioning of testicle and fixathion in place
orchidectomy- remove testicle if surgery is delayed/necrosis
when taking hisotry of testicualr pain what need ask
when did the pain start - testicualr torsion normally during activity
had it before - can have reoccurence where have intermittend testicualr torsion
causes of scrotal/testicular lump
testicular cancer
epididymal cyst
inguinal hernia
tesiticular torsion
whats a hydrocele
collection of fluid in the tunica vaginalis
presentation of hydrocele
usually painless
soft scrotal swelling
transilluminated and see testicle floating
testicel palpable
soft, fluctuant and may be large
irreducible and no bowel sounds- differentiate from inguinal hernia