Urological procedures Flashcards
Take a moment to be amazed:
Each individual kidney consists of at least 1 million and up to 2 million nephrons.
If the nephrons in both kidneys are taken out and placed end to end horizontally, they will cover a distance of 16 kilometers (approx. 9 miles).
Urinalysis purpose and methods
Purpose: Routine screen Assess systemic disorders Metabolic Endocrine Evaluate renal or urinary tract disease Prenatal evaluation
Physical appearance
Dipstick evaluation
Microscopic evaluation
Obtaining a Voided Sample
Male-Expose the glans and urethral meatus, cleanse with a sterilizing agent and dry with sterile cloth. Collect mid-stream urine in a sterile container.
Female-Separate labia to expose urethral meatus. Cleanse the meatus front to back with sterilizing agent. Keep the labia spread and collect mid-stream urine in a sterile container
Situations where a voided sample is not adequate
Extremes in age
Morbid obesity
If the patient cannot void
urine can be obtained by catheterization.
Urethral, Suprapubic, Nephrostomy
Pediatrics usually obtained with a bag frequently called a “Puck” Pediatric Urine Collection Kit
Urinalysis Physical appearance
Pink-usually blood
Orange-frequently medications
Blue/green-drugs or ingested dyes, Pseudomonas
Brown/black-myoglobin, bilirubin, rhubarb, medication
Cloudy-excess protein or cellular material, infection
Dipstick evaluation
Specific gravity- State of hydration
Ketones- Diabetes or starvation
pH- Kidney disease or urinary tract infection
Protein- Kidney disease
Glucose- Diabetes (Threshold is > 180 mg/dL)
Blood- Kidney disease, clotting disorders, stones, cancer
Bilirubin- Liver damage
Leukocyte esterase- Urinary tract infection
Nitrites- Urinary tract infection
- If leukocytes and nitrates are positive there is a 74% predictive value for UTI, and 97% predictive value if both are negative
urinalysis- microscopic evaluation
White blood cells - Infection
Red blood cells - Kidney disease, decreased coagulation, cancer
Epithelial cells - Usually contamination but may indicate cancer
Casts - Kidney disease
Crystals - Kidney stones
Bacteria or yeast - Infection
microscopic eval: test results
Rare/trace - under 2 Occasional/1+ 3-5 Frequent/2+ 5-9 Many/3+ Large amt TNTC/4+ Packed field
Blood in the urine
RBC’s: Glomerulonephritis Cancer Clotting disorders Exercise Stones
RBC casts are indicative of glomerulonephritis, with leakage of RBC’s from glomeruli, or severe tubular damage.
WBC casts are most typical for acute pyelonephritis
Crystal formation can be caused:
by an augmentation of concentration beyond the super saturation capacity. This is typically caused by dehydration.
by a decreased supersaturation capacity. This situation could be caused by a decrease in inhibitors of concentration, a neutralization of these inhibitors, by some electrolytes, or a by pH change.
by the presence of crystals with a promoter effect on the crystallization of another species. Crystallization of calcium oxalate promoted by amorphous urates is a good example of this phenomenon.
most common crystals and their causes
Calcium Oxalate are most common. The presence of these crystals is without any clinical meaning.
Uric Acid crystals are mainly due to a poor dilution volume at an acidic pH
Almost always caused by infection in the urinary tract. E. Coli is the most common organism.
24 hour urine collection
Total protein
Calcium, sodium, potassium
Creatinine (Cr)and creatinine clearance (CrCl)
Clearance = Urine Cr (x) Total volume/Plasma Cr (x) Time