Urine production Flashcards
Steps of urine formation
- Water and solutes move out of the glomerular capillary into the capsular space via filtration (driving force = hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures)
- Larger molecules such as plasma proteins cannot easily leave the blood
- Filtration is dependent only on size of molecules (i.e. not chemically specific)
- Movt of water + solute from tubular fluid back into blood
- Unlike filtration, reabsorption is usually highly selective involving either diffusion or carrier proteins (pumps)
- = kidneys can modify the content of this fluid and start making it more like urine
- Water reabsoprtion occurs via osmosis (“follows” salts)
- The removal (transport) of additional solute from the blood into the tubular fluid
- A back-up for filtration
- Many drugs are eliminated from the body via secretion
Final urine content of a substance = calculation
- The glomerular filtrate gets modified in the nephron tubule by the processes of reabsorption and secretion
- Therefore the amount of any given solute eliminated in the urine can be determined by the following equation:
amount filtered - amount reabsorbed + amount secreted = amount of solute excreted
Step 1 of urine production: glomerular filtration
- Glomerular filtration is the same process of filtration of blood that occurs in all capillaries
- It is just filtering…
- Solution
- Filter (endothelium of the glomerular capillary)
- Filtrate
- The solution moves by bulk flow (driving force is a pressure gradient)
- The kidney works more like a Reverse Osmosis (RO) filter, where the solution is divided into 2 components
- Solution
- Filter
- Filtrate
- Bypass (this is the waste in a RO filter, but it’s the blood in the body)
Structure of the renal corpuscle
- Glomerular filtration occurs in the renal corpuscle
- Renal corpuscle comprises the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule
- Bowman’s capsule consists of 2 layers of epithelia
- Parietal (outer) layer
- Visceral (inner) layer
- B/w these 2 layers is the capsular space, where the filtrate collects
- The visceral layer consists of specialised epithelial cells called podocytes (podos = foot) = type of epithelial cell
- The podocytes form filtration slits = for material to be filtering out of the glomerular capillary + into the capuslar space it has to pass through these filtration slits
glomerular capillary is leakier than normal = basal lamina
- The endothelium of the glemorular capillary is fenestrated
Latin: fenestra “window” - The fenestrations or hole are large enough to allow most content in the blood to pass through
- With the exception of red + white blood cells, platelets
- What about protein? The size of a ‘typical’ protein is <=10 nm in diameter
- The podocytes are wrapped around the capillary, with the filtration slits reducing the pore size to ~40nm
- The main barrier to protein diffusion is the negatively charged basal lamina, which electrically repels the negatively charged proteins
- BASAL LAMINA: is an acellular secretion from the podocytes that sits on the capillary = is negatively charged = because most proteins are also negatively charged, they are electrically repelled from the basal lamina, preventing proteins from diffusing out of the blood
Filtration Membrane
- For material to filter out of the blood and enter into Bowman’s capsule it crosses first through the fenestration → then has to cross the filtration membrane which comprises also the basal lamina → then the podocytes (the visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule)
Why is capillary hydrostatic pressure higher than normal in the glomerular capillary
- Whole point of the glomerular capillary is to drive filtration to get friltrate, then to get filtrate into the nephron = way that works is by having a higher BP in the glomerular capillary (get due to the afferent arteriole being so big = bigger radius = more blood into capillary = higher BP)
- Glomerular cap pressure is higher because of low resistance afferent arteriole
- Filtration driving pressure:
= Pg - (Pcf + piG) - note: the other factor for filtration is the permeability constant (k), which is high in a fenestrated glomerular capillary
What is the normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?
- GFR is the rate at which fluid passes from the blood into the nephrons and its maintenance is crucial for normal kidney functioning
- Recall: (1) renal blood flow is ~20% of cardiac output, and (2) ~20% of the blood plasma passing through the kidney is filtered into the golmerulus
1. Renal blood flow is 20% of cardiac output - CO = ~5000-5500 ml/min
- 20% x 5000 ml = 1000 ml blood/min
2. Blood plasma = 55% whole blood (45% cells) - 55% x 1000 ml/min = 550 ml plasma/min
Therefore 20% x 550 = ~110ml blood plasma is filtered by glomeruli each minute - The usual number in the text books is 125 ml/min Or 180 L/day
- Normal urine output is ~1-2 L/day
- Min urine output ~ 420 ml/day to excrete waste
- The rest of the fluid (178-179L/day or 99%) is reabsorbed back into the blood stream from the renal tubules
Regulation of GFR
- Maintaining GFR is crucial for correct renal function
- If GFR is too low → accumulation of wastes in the blood (e.g. urea, acids etc) = kidney damage due to a loss of nephrons
- If GFR is too high → dehydration and electrolyte depletion = some drugs or very very high BP
- GFR is controlled by the filtration pressure, which is normally ~10 mmHg
What happens to GFR if arterial pressure changes?
- GFR can be maintained remarkably constant in the face of changing arterial pressure by controlling glomerular capillary pressure.
- Autoregulation of GFR: maintains a nearly constant GFR when mean arterial blood pressure is between 80 and 180 mmHg
How is autoregulation of GFR achieved?
- Autoregulation of GFR is achieved by maintaining constant glomerular capillary pressure
- Autoregulation of GFR depends on the ability of the afferent (& to a less extent efferent) arterioles to adjust their radius (& resistance)
- Constriction of the afferent arteriole decreases glomerular pressure (decreasing GFR)
- Constriction of the efferent arterioles increases glomerular pressure (increasing GFR)
High MAP –> high glomerular cap pressure –> high GFR –> constriction of afferent arteriole and dilation of efferent arteriole –> reduces glomerular pressure
- response to low MAP is the reverse = dilation of the afferent and constriction of the efferent arteriole
Mechanisms that achieve auto-regulation: Myogenic Mechanism
- Intrinsic property of vascular smooth muscle in arterioles
- Stretching the vascular smooth muscle in an arteriole causes the arteriole to contract (the arteriole stretches when pressure increases)
- Stretching the smooth muscle increases its permeability to Ca2+
Mechanisms that achieve auto-regulation: Tubuloglomerular feedback
- When [Na+] in distal tubule is low the macula densa cells release prostaglandins. This dilates the afferent arteriole.
- This occurs with low MAP, low GFR
- Increased MAP →↑GFR → ↑tubular flow rate → ↑[Na+] in distal tubule
→ reduced prostaglandin release → constriction of afferent arteriole
→ reduces glomerular pressure & reduces GFR
Mechanisms that achieve auto-regulation: Role of renin-angiotensin system in regulation of GFR
- Prostoglandins released from macula densa also activate prostaglandin-sensistive juxtaglomerular cells to release renin → angiontensin II
- AngII preferentially produces constriction of the efferent arterioles (it constricts efferent arterioles more than other arterioles)
- And produces more dilation of efferent arteriole when AngII levels are low
- High MAP + high GFR leads to increase NaCI in the distal tubular fluid and decreased prostaglandin release from macula densa
- Reduces renin secretion + reduces AngII production → dilation efferent arteriole
- In addition, the reduced prostoglandin directly causes constriction of afferent arteriole
→ glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure reduces
→ GFR reduces
The Juxtaglomerular apparatus - related to tubuloglomerular feedback
- In each nephron the beginning of the distal tubule passes b/w the afferent + efferent arterioles
- This region contains a specialised area known as the juxtaglomerular apparatus.
- It comprises:
(i) A group of Na+-sensitive epithelial cells in the tubule that detect the amount of Na+ in the tubular fluid.
- known as the macula densa (“dense spot”)
(ii) Specialized smooth muscle cells in the afferent arteriole called juxtaglomerular cells (granular cells) that produce + secrete the enzyme renin.
- crucial in production of the hormone angiotensin II