Urine Analysis Flashcards
If a urine analysis shows a positive result for pH of urine what does this indicate? And what is the normal range of pH?
A normal range of pH is generally 4.5 - 8.
- An alkaline reading of pH could be; Urinary tract infection leading to bladder stones or a stale urine specimen.
- Increased acidity could mean the osmotic pressure in the renal tubular is affected.
What is polyuria?
excessive urinating.
What is a normal range of specific gravity? and what do high/ low reading of this indicate?
- 002 to 1.035 is normal range for specific gravity.
- High levels 1.035 > indicates dilute urine.
- Low levels < 1.002 indicates concentrated urine.
High levels of glucose in urine Indicate?
- Diabetes.
- High sugar intake.
What can cause false urine analysis readings?
- If sample taken from stale urine.
- Certain medications can modify results.
High levels of Bilirubin in urine indicates?
High levels of Bilirubin can indicate gall stones or biliary disease.
What do ketones in urine indicate?
High ketone readings may occur as a result of;
starvation, excessive dieting or diabetes mellitus.
If blood present in urine, at what range would this be investigated at? And what may this indicate?
Blood in urine would only be investigated if levels were >25 per ml.
High readings of blood in urine may indicate trauma, infection or bladder stones.
Why are urine samples for protein done in morning? what do readings of protein indicate?
Taking readings first thing in the morning ensures there is sufficient concentration.
High readings of this may mean, high protein diet or renal disease.
As there is always urobilinogen present in urine what do high levels indicate?
High levels of urobilnogen can present due to liver abnormalities or even urinary tract infection.
Leukocytes (white blood cells) found in urinalysis test indicate?
This indicates that there is infection in the urine and should be investigated further.
What is osmoregulation?
Water balance
What is homeostasis?
Disposal of waste from the body.
What is the functions on the renal / kidneys ?
Filters nitrates from bodies waste.
Regulates blood and volume pressure.
What is Glomeruli?
It filters waste and removes excess fluid from blood.
Where does nitrogenous waste get absorbed?
Into the blood stream.
What is micturition? and what does this do?
It is the emptying of the bladder.
Micturition is the signals our bladder sends up the spine to the brain to help us remain continent.