Urinary Tract Obstruction & LUTS Flashcards
Where can Renal obstruction occur
Uni or bilateral
May occur anywhere from the renal calyces to the urethral meatus can be a partial or a complete obstruction
What are the clinical features of acute upper tract obstruction
Loin to groin pain
There may be superimposed infection +/- loin tenderness
Enlarged kidney
What are the features of chronic upper tract obstruction
Flank pain
Renal failure
Superimposed infection
Polyuria may occur due to impaired urinary concentration
Features of acute lower tract obstruction
Acute urinary retention - suprapubic pain, +/- acute confusion (elderly)
Usually acute on chronic
Clinically - distended, palpable bladder, dull to percussion
Chronic lower tract obstruction
LUTS symptoms
What are LUTS symptoms
Storage and voiding symptoms
Voiding - hesitancy, poor flow, post micturition dribbling, straining and the feeling of incomplete emptying
Storage - urgency, nocturia, frequency inc, incontinence
What score is used to address the severity fo the symptoms
International prostate symptoms score
8 question written screening tool to diagnose, Tracy the symptoms of and suggest the Mx of BPH
Symptoms to ask for in a bladder history
Bladder Hx - Frequency Urgency Nocturia Incontinence Hesitancy Urinary flow Post micturition dribble Incomplete voiding Dysuria Haematuria Suprapubic pain or discomfort Fluid intake - coffee tea - diuretics PMH - surg, DHx FHx
Examination of LUTS
Abdo - palpable bladder
Pain - acute
Painless - chronic
Ballottable kidneys
Examine external genitalia
Examine the back - neurological signs - spinal dysraphism, surgery - these causes of the urinary problems
Saddle sensation
DRE- examine the rectum and visible abnormalities, fecal impaction, feel the prostrate - size surfaces
Nodular on either side alter the request a PSA and TRUS biopsy
Investigation of LUTS
Serum creatinine estimation
Urine dip - blood, sugar, infection, protein, MC&S
Frequency volume chart
Urine flow test
Estimation of post micturition residual volume
Serum PSA
US of urinary tract
What can cause urinary tract obstruction
Luminal:stones, blood clot, sloughed papilla, tumour:renal, ureteric, bladder
Mural: congenital or acquired stricture, neuromuscular dysfunction
Extra mural : abdominal or pelvic mass/tumour, retroperitoneal fibrosis, or iatrogenic - post surgery
What bladder obstruction may be clinically silent
Unilateral as one kidney can take over the tasks - so can have normal outflow and U&Es
Tests to do in bladder obstruction
U&E Creatinine FBC PSA Urine dip MC&S US - hydronephrosis, hydroureter Bladder scan after weeing to see how much urine isn’t being voided CT scan KUB
Tx upper obstruction
Or ureteric stent
Tx lower tract obstruction
Insert urethral or suprapubic catheter
To relieve acute retention
In chronic obstruction only catheterise patient if there is pain, infection or renal impairment
Intermittent self-catheterisation may be required
Clot retention 3 way bladder wash out catheter
Problem of ureteric stenting
Common Stent related pain Trigonal irritation Haematuria Fever Infection Tissue inflammation Encrustations Biofilm formation Rare Obstruction Kinking Ureteric rupture Stent misplacement Stent migration Tissue hyperplasia Forgotten stents